Items where subject is "English"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (73464)
- Language and Literature (1228)
- English (247)
- Language and Literature (1228)
Birch, Dinah and Llewellyn, Mark, eds. (2010) Conflict and difference in nineteenth-century literature. Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., Basingstoke. ISBN 9780230221550
Graulund, Rune, ed. (2010) Desperately Seeking Authenticity : an Interdisciplinary Approach. University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen. ISBN 978-87993761-0-0
Niland, Richard, ed. (2012) Joseph Conrad: contemporary reviews : Volume III: A personal record to the arrow of gold. Cambridge Edition of the Works of Joseph Conrad, 3 . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9781107022058
Fudge, Erica, ed. (2006) Killing animals. University of Illinois Press, Urbana and Chicago. ISBN 9780252072901
; Miller, Gavin, ed. (2004) Postmodernism, nationalism and the question of tradition. In: Miller, Gavin, (ed.) Scotland in Theory. Rodopi, pp. 83-95. ISBN 9042010282
Heilmann, Ann and Llewellyn, Mark, eds. (2007) The collected short stories of George Moore : volume 3: The untilled field. Pickering & Chatto Publishers, London. ISBN 9781851968411
Heilmann, Ann and Llewellyn, Mark, eds. (2007) The collected short stories of George Moore : volume 5: In single strictness and other stories. Pickering & Chatto Publishers, London. ISBN 9781851968411
Andrews, Kerri (2013) Chapter XI The Eighteenth Century (1700-1780) : Poetry. Year's Work in English Studies, 2013. pp. 26-32. ISSN 0084-4144 (In Press)
Banegas, Darío Luis (2017) Teaching linguistics to low-level English language users in a teacher education programme : an action research study. Language Learning Journal. ISSN 1753-2167
Bell, Eleanor (2001) Accommodating the unhomely in recent scottish fiction. Journal of English Teaching, 119. pp. 34-40. ISSN 1395-881X
Bell, Eleanor (2012) Bella caledonia : woman, nation, text. [Review]
Bell, Eleanor (2011) Beyond the Last Dragon : a Life of Edwin Morgan. [Review]
Bell, Eleanor (2011) The Edinburgh companion to contemporary Scottish poetry. [Review]
Bell, Eleanor (2001) Logos into chaos: Postmodern apocalypse in Alasdair Gray's Lanark. Manuscript, 4 (2). pp. 14-25. ISSN 1360-3140
Bell, Eleanor; Di Domenico, Catherine, ed. (2001) Postmodernity, ethics and nationhood in the contemporary Scottish novel. In: Boundaries and Identities: Nation, Politics and Culture in Scotland. University of Abertay Press, pp. 127-137. ISBN 1899796088
Bell, Eleanor (2004) Questioning Scotland. Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.. ISBN 1403913315
Bell, Eleanor (2004) Scotland in Theory. Rodopi. ISBN 9042010282
Bell, Eleanor; Norquay, Glenda, ed. (2012) Writing nation? : experimentation and the 1960's. In: The Edinburgh companion to scottish women's writing. Edinburgh Companions to Scottish Literature . Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 122-129. ISBN 9780748644322
Bell, Eleanor; Mackay, Peter and Longley, Edna and Brearton, Fran, eds. (2011) The ugly burds without wings : reactions to tradition since the 1960s. In: Modern Irish and Scottish Poetry. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 238-250. ISBN 9780521196024
Blair, Kirstie; Brown, Stewart J. and Nockles, Peter B. and Pereiro, James, eds. (2017) The influence of the Oxford Movement on poetry and fiction. In: The Oxford Handbook of the Oxford Movement. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 410-427. ISBN 9780199580187
Cole, Lucinda and Landry, Donna and Boeher, Bruce and Nash, Richard and Fudge, Erica and Markley, Robert and Wolfe, Cary (2011) Speciesism, identity politics and ecocriticism : a conversation with humanists and posthumanists. Eighteenth Century, 52 (1 Spec). pp. 87-106. ISSN 0193-5380
Colin, Beatrice (2013) The Pyrate's Boy. Kelpies . Floris Books, Edinburgh. ISBN 9781782500285
Colin, Beatrice (2010) The songwriter. John Murray, London. ISBN 9780719523823
Colin, Beatrice (2011) The suffragettes party : three shorts. Amazon Media EU.
Colin, Beatrice and Pinto, Sara (2010) My Invisible Sister. Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781599904887
Duncan, Sallyanne and Newton, Jackie (2010) How do you feel? Preparing novice reporters for the death knock. Journalism Practice, 4 (4). pp. 439-453. ISSN 1751-2786
Edwards, Sarah; Edwards, Sarah and Charley, Jonathan, eds. (2011) Anonymous encounters : the structuring of space in postmodern narratives of the city. In: Writing the modern city. Routledge, pp. 167-177. ISBN 9780415591515
Edwards, Sarah (2012) Architecture and Modern Literature (review). [Review]
Edwards, Sarah; Kaloski-Naylor, Ann, ed. (2003) The Edwardian lady : a 1970s icon? In: The Feminist Seventies. Raw Nerve, pp. 141-156. ISBN 0953658554
Edwards, Sarah (2008) Flâneuse or fallen woman? Edwardian femininity and metropolitan space in heritage film. Journal of Gender Studies, 17 (2). pp. 117-129. ISSN 0958-9236
Edwards, Sarah; Edwards, Sarah and Charley, Jonathan, eds. (2011) Remembering and forgetting : private and public lives in the imagined nation. In: Writing the modern city. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 21-31. ISBN 0415591511
Edwards, Sarah (2003) That honeysuckle rose will soon encircle the globe: A reception history of the country diary of an Edwardian lady. Critical Matrix, 14. pp. 105-130. ISSN 1066-288X
Edwards, Sarah; Jolly, Margaretta, ed. (2001) Women's diaries and journals. In: Encyclopedia of Life Writing. Fitzroy Dearborn, London. ISBN 157958232X
Edwards, Sarah; Kohlke, Marie-Luise and Gutleben, Christian, eds. (2011) The rise and fall of the Forsytes : from Neo-Victorian to Neo-Edwardian marriage. In: Neo-Victorian Families. Neo-Victorian Series . Rodopi, Amsterdam, pp. 197-220. ISBN 978-90-420-3437-2
Elphinstone, Margaret; Crosbie, Allan, ed. (2001) Landing. In: Such strange joy. Iynx Pub, p. 15. ISBN 0954058313
Elphinstone, Margaret; (2001) The cold well. In: Plamek 5 and 6: Scootish writers in Bulgaria. British Council, pp. 25-30.
Elphinstone, Margaret (2001) The happiest pigs in the world. Chapman, 99. pp. 80-84. ISSN 0308-2695
Elphinstone, Margaret (2001) The sea road. Canongate. ISBN 1841951765
Fabb, N.A.J. and Halle, M. (2006) Metrical Complexity in Christina Rossetti's Verse. College Literature, 33 (2). pp. 91-114. ISSN 0093-3139
Fabb, Nigel; Hogan, Patrick Colm, ed. (2011) Art, languages of. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences. Cambridge University Press, New York, pp. 106-108. ISBN 9780521866897
Fabb, Nigel; Dresher, B. Elan and Friedberg, Nila, eds. (2006) Generated metrical form and implied metrical form. In: Formal Approaches to Poetry. Phonology and Phonetics . Mouton De Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 77-91. ISBN 978-3-11-018522-5
Fabb, Nigel (2002) Language and literary structure : the linguistic analysis of form in verse and narrative. Cambridge University Press, UK. ISBN 9780521792943
Fabb, Nigel; Brown, Keith, ed. (2006) Linguistics: Approaches. In: Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier, pp. 240-245. ISBN 0-08-044299-4
Fabb, Nigel; Hogan, Patrick, ed. (2011) Poetic form, universals of. In: The Cambridge encyclopedia of the language sciences. Cambridge University Press, New York, pp. 624-627. ISBN 9780521866897
Fabb, Nigel (2009) Symmetric and asymmetric relations, and the aesthetics of form in poetic language. European English Messenger, 18 (1). pp. 50-59.
Fabb, Nigel (1992) The licensing of Fon verbs. Journal of West African Languages, 21. pp. 1-9.
Fabb, Nigel and Furniss, Thomas and Durant, Alan and Montgomery, Martin and Mills, Sara (2007) Ways of Reading : Advanced Reading Skills for Students of English Literature. Routledge, London. ISBN 978-0-415-34634-4
Fabb, Nigel and Halle, Morris; Hogan, Patrick Colm, ed. (2011) Meter. In: The cambridge encyclopedia of the language sciences. Cambridge University Press, New York, pp. 495-497. ISBN 9780521866897
Fabb, Nigel and Halle, Morris (2006) Telling the numbers : a unified account of syllabo-tonic English and syllabic Polish and French verse. Research in Language, 4. pp. 5-30. ISSN 1731-7533
Fabb, Nigel and Versace, Stefano; Austin, Peter and Bond, Oliver and Nathan, David and Marten, Lutz, eds. (2011) A database as a method of raising typological questions about poetic form. In: Proceedings of conference on language documentation & linguistic theory 3. School of Oriental and African Studies, GBR, pp. 289-296. ISBN 9780728603981
Findlay, Elspeth (2004) Review of Claire Tomalin's "Biography of Pepys, the Unequalled Self". [Review]
Findlay, Elspeth; Leese, Peter, ed. (2004) The Scots in seventeenth century Poland: a study in itegration. In: Between two cultures: Poland and Britain. British Council.
Findlay, Elspeth (2001) Soon we'll all be authors. Intermedia, 29 (2). pp. 30-32. ISSN 0309-118X
Fudge, Erica (2002) Animal. Reaktion Books, London. ISBN 978 1 86189 134 1
Fudge, Erica (2011) Attempting animal histories. [Review]
Fudge, Erica (2011) Beastly natures : animals, humans and the study of history. [Review]
Fudge, Erica; (2013) Foreword. In: Centering animals in latin american history. Duke University Press, Durham, North Carolina, ix. ISBN 9780822353973
Fudge, Erica (2000) Perceiving animals: humans and beasts in early modern english culture. MacMillan/St Martin's Press, Basingstoke/New York. ISBN 978-0-312-22572-8
Fudge, Erica (2008) Pets : art of living. Acumen Press, Stocksfield, Stocksfield. ISBN 9781844651566
Fudge, Erica; Fudge, Erica, ed. (2004) Saying nothing concerning the same: on dominion, purity and meat in early modern england. In: Renaissance beasts: of animals, humans and other wonderful creatures. University of Illinois Press, Urbana and Chicago, pp. 70-86. ISBN 0252028805
Fudge, Erica (2013) The animal face of early modern England. Theory, Culture and Society, n/a (n/a). n/a. ISSN 0263-2764
Fudge, Erica (2007) The british animal studies network. [Review]
Fudge, Erica and Palmer, Clare; Fudge, Erica and Palmer, Clare, eds. (2011) Introduction - veterinary science. In: Veterinary science. Living Books About Life . Open Humanities Press. ISBN 9781607852735
Fudge, Erica and Palmer, Clare (2011) Veterinary science : humans, animals and health. Open Humanities Press, online.
Fudge, Erica and Thomas, Richard (2012) Visiting your troops of cattle. History Today, 62 (12). pp. 37-41. ISSN 0018-2753
Furniss, Thomas; Greene, Roland and Cushman, Stephen and Cavanagh, Clare and Ramazani, Jahan and Rouzer, Paul, eds. (2012) Connotation and denotation. In: The princeton encyclopedia of poetry and poetics. Princeton University Press, New Jersey, pp. 298-299. ISBN 9780691133348
Furniss, Thomas; Brown, Ian, ed. (2012) A place much celebrated in England : Loch Katrine and the Trossachs before The Lady of the Lake. In: Literary tourism, the Trossachs and Walter Scott. Scottish Literature International, Glasgow, pp. 29-44. ISBN 9781908980007
Furniss, Tom; Johnson, Claudia, ed. (2002) Mary Wollstonecraft's French Revolution. In: The Cambridge Companion to Mary Wollstonecraft. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 59-81. ISBN 0521789524
Furniss, Tom (2005) Reading children/children reading: the problematic nature of eighteenth century children's literature in Locke, Rousseau and Day. Corvey Women Writers on the Web (CW3), 3. ISSN 1744-9618
Furniss, Tom; Fitzpatrick, Martin, ed. (2004) Rousseau : enlightened critic of the Enlightenment? In: The Enlightenment World. Routledge, New York, pp. 596-609. ISBN 0415215757
Furniss, Tom (2010) A romantic geology : James Hutton's 1788 'Theory of the Earth'. Romanticism, 16 (3). pp. 305-321. ISSN 1354-991X
Furniss, Tom and Bath, Mike (2007) Reading Poetry: An Introduction. 2nd Edition. Longman. ISBN 0582894204
Gallagher, Hugh and Harris, Linda; Bryce, T.G.K. and Humes, W.M. and Gillies, D and Kennedy, A, eds. (2013) English language and literature education. In: Scottish Education. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 555-560. ISBN 9780748645824
Galletly, S. (2011) Canadian women in print, 1750-1918. [Review]
Galletly, S. (2011) Diversity and change in early canadian women's writing. [Review]
Glass, Rodge and Turbitt, Dave (2010) Dougie's war : A graphic novel about one soldier’s return from Afghanistan. Freight Books, Glasgow. ISBN 978-0954402488
Goldie, D.W.S. (2006) The British invention of Scottish culture: World War One and before. Review of Scottish Culture, 18. pp. 128-48.
Goldie, David; (2004) Allen, (William Ernest) Chesney. In: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press.
Goldie, David; (2004) Crazy Gang. In: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press.
Goldie, David; Brown, Ian, ed. (2010) Don't take the high road : tartanry and its critics. In: From tartan to tartanry. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 232-245. ISBN 9780748638772
Goldie, David; (2004) Flanagan, Bud. In: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press.
Goldie, David (2002) The Fug o'Fame. [Review]
Goldie, David; (2004) Gray, Edward Earl [Eddie]. In: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press.
Goldie, David; (2004) Harry Tate : Encyclopedia entry for Harry Tate. In: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press.
Goldie, David; (2004) Knox, Edward Albert Cromwell [Teddy]. In: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press.
Goldie, David; Habib, M. A. R., ed. (2013) Literary studies and the academy. In: The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism. The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 46-71. ISBN 9780521300117
Goldie, David; (2004) Nervo, Jimmy. In: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press.
Goldie, David; Carruthers, Gerard and McIlvanney, Liam, eds. (2013) Popular fiction : detective novels and thrillers from Holmes to Rebus. In: The Cambridge Companion to Scottish Literature. Cambridge Companions to Literature . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 188-202. ISBN 9780521189361
Goldie, David (2010) Robert Burns and the First World War. International Journal of Scottish Literature, 1 (6). pp. 1-20. ISSN 1751-2808
Goldie, David; Longley, Edna and Hughes, Eamonn and O'Rawe, Des, eds. (2003) Scotland for ever? British literature, Scotland and the first world war. In: Ireland (Ulster) Scotland: Concepts, Contexts, Comparisons. Cló Ollscoil na Banríona, pp. 113-120. ISBN 0853898448
Goldie, David; Shaffer, Brian W. and O'Donnell, Patrick and Madden, David W. and Nieland, Justus and Ball, John Clement, eds. (2010) Scottish Fiction. In: The Encyclopedia of Twentieth-Century Fiction: Volume 1, Twentieth Century British and Irish Fiction. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 339-44. ISBN 978-1-4051-9244-6
Goldie, David; Shaffer, Brian W., ed. (2004) The Scottish new wave. In: A Companion to the British and Irish Novel 1945-2000. Blackwell Pub, pp. 526-37. ISBN 1405113758
Goldie, David; Parrinder, Patrick and Gasiorek, Andrzej, eds. (2010) Scottish, Irish and Welsh fiction in the late nineteenth century. In: The Oxford History of the Novel in English. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 164-179. ISBN 0199559333
Goldie, David; Carruthers, Gerard and Kidd, Colin, eds. (2018) Unspeakable Scots : dialogues and dialectics in Scottish-British literary culture before the First World War. In: Literature and Union. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 259-277. ISBN 9780198736233
Goldie, David; Piette, Adam and Rawlinson, Mark, eds. (2012) War memorials. In: The Edinburgh Companion to Twentieth-Century British And American War Literature. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 269-276. ISBN 9780748638741
Goldie, David (2002) Words Alone: The poet T. S. Eliot. [Review]
Goldie, David; Roberts, Neil, ed. (2001) The non-modernist modern. In: A Companion to Twentieth-Century Poetry. Blackwell Publishers, Oxford & Maldon, Massachusetts, pp. 37-50. ISBN 0631215298
Graulund, Rune; Graulund, Rune, ed. (2010) Authentic travel in an age of global tourism. In: Desperately Seeking Authenticity. University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, pp. 45-58. ISBN 978-87993761-0-0
Graulund, Rune (2012) Catrin Gersdorf - The poetics and politics of the desert : landscape and the construction of America. [Review]
Graulund, Rune (2014) Generous exclusion : register and readership in Junot Díaz’s 'The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao'. MELUS – Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States. (In Press)
Graulund, Rune (2009) Immersive machinery : the desert, the machine, and the (eurocentric) subject. AngloFiles: Journal of English Teaching, 154. pp. 41-50. ISSN 0900-6516
Graulund, Rune; Graulund, Rune, ed. (2010) Introduction - Desperately Seeking Authenticty: an Interdisciplinary Approach. In: Desperately Seeking Authenticty. University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, pp. 9-12. ISBN 978-87993761-0-0
Graulund, Rune and Edwards, Justin (2013) The Grotesque. New Critical Idiom . Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415519106 (In Press)
Graulund, Rune and Edwards, Justin (2012) Mobility at Large : Globalization, Textuality and Innovative Travel Writing. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool. ISBN 9781846318214
Hamilton, Kathy and Edwards, Sarah and Hammill, Faye and Wagner, Beverly and Wilson, Juliette (2014) Nostalgia in the twenty-first century. Consumption, Markets and Culture, 17 (2). pp. 101-104. ISSN 1025-3866
Hammill, F. (2011) Expo 67 : not just a souvenir. [Review]
Hammill, Faye; Grover, Mary and Brown, Erica, eds. (2012) Afterword. In: Middlebrow Literary Cultures. Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., GBR, pp. 231-233. ISBN 9780230298361
Hammill, Faye; Hughes, William and Punter, David and Smith, Andrew, eds. (2013) Canadian Gothic. In: The Encyclopedia of the Gothic. John Wiley & Sons Inc., Oxford, pp. 108-111. ISBN 9781405182904
Hammill, Faye (2011) Ethel Wilson and sophistication. Studies in Canadian Literature, 36 (2). pp. 54-75.
Hammill, Faye; Jaffe, Aaron and Goldman, Jonathan, eds. (2010) In good company: modernism, celebrity and sophistication in Vanity Fair. In: Modernist Star Maps. Ashgate Publishing, Farnham, pp. 123-36. ISBN 9780754666103
Hammill, Faye (2012) Wilderness / Sophistication. British Library, London.
Hammill, Faye and Leick, Karen; Brooker, Peter and Thacker, Andrew, eds. (2012) Modernism and the quality magazines : Vanity Fair (1914-36); American Mercury (1924-81); New Yorker (1925-); Esquire (1933-). In: The oxford critical and cultural history of modernist magazines. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 176-196. ISBN 9780199545810
Harris, Linda (2013) How secondary school English teachers attend to literacy problems. In: BERA Annual Conference, 2013-09-03 - 2013-09-05, University of Sussex. (Unpublished)
Harris, Linda (2013) How secondary school English teachers attend to literacy problems. In: TeL4ELE International Conference, 2013-10-16 - 2013-10-18, Autonomous University of Madrid.
Heilmann, Ann and Llewellyn, Mark (2007) Metafiction and metahistory in contemporary women’s writing. Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., Basingstoke. ISBN 9780230005044
Heilmann, Ann and Llewellyn, Mark (2010) Neo-victorianism : the victorians in the twenty-first century, 1999-2009. Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., Basingstoke. ISBN 9780230241138
Heilmann, Ann and Llewellyn, Mark (2004) What Kitty knew : George Moore’s John Norton, multiple personality and the psychopathology of late-victorian sex crime. Nineteenth-Century Literature, 59 (3). pp. 372-403. ISSN 0891-9356
Higgins, Michael; Southerton, Dale, ed. (2011) British empire. In: Encyclopedia of consumer culture. Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp. 121-123. ISBN 9780872896017
Higgins, Michael (2008) The European Union and the public sphere. [Review]
Higgins, Michael; Allen, Richard and Regan, Stephen, eds. (2008) Imagining and addressing the nation on Irish talk radio. In: Irelands of the Mind. Cambridge Scholars Press, Newcastle, pp. 96-109. ISBN 1847184227
Higgins, Michael (2004) Putting the nation in the news: the role of location formulation in a selection of Scottish newspapers. Discourse and Society, 15 (5). pp. 633-648. ISSN 0957-9265
Higgins, Michael (2006) Substantiating a political public sphere in the Scottish press : a comparative analysis. Journalism, 7 (1). pp. 25-44. ISSN 1464-8849
Higgins, Michael (2004) The articulation of nation and politics in the Scottish press. Journal of Language and Politics, 3 (3). pp. 463-483. ISSN 1569-2159
Higgins, Michael and Smith, Angela (2012) Introduction - reporting war : history, professionalism and technology. Journal of War and Culture Studies, 5 (2). pp. 189-201. ISSN 1752-6272
Higgins, Michael and Smith, Angela (2012) Special issue on "Reporting war". Journal of War and Culture Studies, 5 (2). ISSN 1752-6272
Higgins, Michael and Smith, Angela (2012) Strategy, evasion and performance in the live two-way : Kate Adie reporting from Iraq for the BBC. Journal of War and Culture Studies, 5 (2). pp. 203-218. ISSN 1752-6272
Higgins, Michael and Smith, Clarissa and Storey, John; Higgins, Michael and Smith, Clarissa and Storey, John, eds. (2010) British newspapers today. In: The Cambridge Companion to Modern British Culture. Cambridge Companions to Culture . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 279-295. ISBN 9780521683463
Higgins, Michael and Smith, Clarissa and Storey, John; Higgins, Michael and Smith, Clarissa and Storey, John, eds. (2010) Introduction: Modern British culture: tradition, diversity and criticism. In: The Cambridge Companion to Modern British Culture. Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-11. ISBN 9780521683463
Hope, J. (2008) The prodigal tongue - dispatches from the future of english. [Review]
Hope, Jonathan (2008) Always on - language in an online and mobile world. [Review]
Hope, Jonathan; Taylor, Gary and Henley, Trish Thomas, eds. (2012) Middletonian stylistics. In: The Oxford Handbook of Thomas Middleton. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 443-472. ISBN 9780199559886
Hope, Jonathan; Wright, Laura, ed. (2000) Rats, bats, sparrows and dogs: biology, linguistics and the nature of Standard English. In: The Development of Standard English, 1300–1800. Theories, Descriptions, Conflicts. Studies in English Language . Cambridge University Press, pp. 49-56. ISBN 0521771145
Hope, Jonathan (2010) Shakespeare and Language : Reason, Eloquence and Artifice in the Renaissance. Arden Shakespeare. ISBN 9781904271697
Hope, Jonathan; Seargeant, Philip and Swann, Joan, eds. (2012) Shakespeare and the english language. In: English in the World. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 83-92. ISBN 978-0-415-67421-8
Hope, Jonathan (2003) Shakespeare's grammar. Arden Shakespeare. ISBN 1903436362
Hope, Jonathan; Momma, H. and Matto, M., eds. (2008) Varieties of early modern English. In: A Companion to the History of the English Language. Blackwell companions to literature and culture, 54 . Blackwell, Chichester, United Kingdom, pp. 216-223. ISBN 9781405129923
Hope, Jonathan and Iyeiri, Yoko and Smith, Jennifer (2012) Additional eighteenth-century materials on Middle English in the Huntarian Collection of the Glasgow University Library. Notes and Queries. ISSN 0029-3970
Hope, Jonathan and Wright, Laura; Goldberg, David theo and Quayson, Ato, eds. (2002) Linguistics and postcolonial literature: Englishes in the classroom. In: Relocating Postcolonialism. Blackwell Publishers, pp. 334-348. ISBN 0631208046
Jajdelska, E.I.W. (2008) Terttu Nevalainen. An Introduction to Early Modern English. [Review]
Jajdelska, Elspeth (2004) Income, ideology and childhood reading in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. History of Education, 33 (1). pp. 55-73. ISSN 0046-760X
Jajdelska, Elspeth (2002) Ralph Thoresby the diarist: the late seventeenth century pious diary and its demise. The Seventeenth Century, 17. pp. 108-130. ISSN 0268-117X
Jajdelska, Elspeth and Butler, Christopher and Kelly, Steve and McNeill, Allan and Overy, Katie (2010) Crying, moving, and keeping it whole : what makes literary description vivid? Poetics Today: International Journal for Theory and Analysis of Literature and Communication, 31 (3). pp. 433-463. ISSN 0333-5372
Kalyango Jr, Yusuf and Eckler, Petya (2010) International journalists’ expectations from the US media coverage of Hurricane Katrina. Journalism, 11 (3). pp. 277-292. ISSN 1464-8849
Kassabova, Kapka (2011) Villa Pacifica. Alma Books, London. ISBN 9781846881510
Kinloch, David (2011) Eight Poems : World Poetry Portfolio 33. Molossus (33).
Kinloch, David (2011) Finger of a Frenchman. Carcanet, Manchester. ISBN 9781847770745
Kinloch, David (2005) In my father's house. Carcanet. ISBN 1857547667
Kinloch, David; Findlay, Bill, ed. (2004) Lazarus at the feast a love: Morgan's cyrano de bergerac. In: Frae Ither Tongues: Essays on Modern Translations into Scots. Multilingual Matters, p. 28. ISBN 1853597007
Kinloch, David (2007) Let it speak in you : the poetry of Alexander Hutchison. Z2O (22). pp. 74-81.
Kinloch, David; Cambridge, Gerry and Strachan, Zoë, eds. (2014) Lichtung. In: Songs of Other Places. Association for Scottish Literary Studies, Glasgow, p. 19. ISBN 9781906841195
Kinloch, David (2013) Lilith, Ruth, Sarah : Three Poems. Gutter : the magazine of new Scottish writing, n/a (8). ISSN 2041-3475
Kinloch, David (2011) Peeling the orange. [Review]
Kinloch, David (2002) Questions of status: Macbeth in Quebecois and Scots. Translator: Studies in Intercultural Communication, 8 (1). pp. 73-100. ISSN 1355-6509
Kinloch, David; Galbraith, Iain, ed. (2011) Staub-fub and Wand. In: Beredter norden. Edition Rugerup, Berlin, pp. 344-353. ISBN 3942955008
Kinloch, David (2004) Translating melodrama: Bouchard's Les Feluettes in Canadian English and Scots. Translation and Literature. p. 30. ISSN 0968-1361
Kinloch, David (2001) Un Tour D'Ecosse. Carcanet. ISBN 1857545168
Kinloch, David (2011) William Wootten in conversation with David Kinloch. Poetry Nation Review, 38, no.1 (201). ISSN 0308-2636
Kinloch, David (2011) from I Giraffe : poem. Poetry Nation Review, 38, no.1 (201). pp. 40-41. ISSN 0308-2636
Kistler, Jordan and Tattersdill, Will (2019) 'What's your dinosaur?' Or, imaginative reconstruction and absolute truth in the museum space. Museum & Society, 17 (3). pp. 377-389. ISSN 1479-8360
Lang, Anouk (2008) Creative advocates : art, commitment and Canadian literary history. Topia: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies (20). pp. 167-182. ISSN 1206-0143
Lang, Anouk (2009) Enthralling but at the same time disturbing : challenging the readers of Small Island. Journal of Commonwealth Literature, 44 (2). pp. 123-140.
Lang, Anouk; Gunzenhauser, Bonnie, ed. (2010) Explicating explications : researching contemporary reading. In: Reading in history. Pickering & Chatto Publishers, London, pp. 119-133. ISBN 1851966285
Lang, Anouk (2012) Exploring the potential of social network sites in relation to intercultural communication. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education. ISSN 1474-0222
Lang, Anouk (2012) From codex to hypertext : reading at the turn of the twenty-first century. Studies in Print Culture and the History of the Book . University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst, MA. ISBN 9781558499522
Lang, Anouk; Lang, Anouk, ed. (2012) Introduction : transforming reading. In: From codex to hypertext. Studies in Print Culture and the History of the Book . University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst, MA, pp. 1-24. ISBN 9781558499539
Lang, Anouk (2006) Judith Wright and Frank Scott : gendering modernist networks in Australia and Canada. Australian Literary Studies, 22 (4). pp. 403-416. ISSN 0004-9697
Lang, Anouk (2011) Modernity in practice : a comparative view of the cultural dynamics of modernist literary production in Australia and Canada. Canadian Literature (209). pp. 48-63.
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