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Portes Virginio, Francis and Stewart, Paul and Garvey, Brian (2023) Unpacking super-exploitation in the 21st century : the struggles of Haitian workers in Brazil. Work, Employment and Society, 37 (4). pp. 897-915. ISSN 0950-0170
Fiori, Francesca and Di Gessa, Giorgio (2023) Influences on employment transitions around the birth of the first child : the experience of Italian mothers. Work, Employment and Society, 37 (1). pp. 196-214. ISSN 0950-0170
Wright, Tessa and Moore, Sian and Taylor, Phil (2022) Union equality structures and the challenge of democratic legitimacy : the case of the Fire Brigades Union. Work, Employment and Society, 37 (5). pp. 1339-1358. ISSN 0950-0170
Hadjisolomou, Anastasios (2021) Too scared to go sick : precarious academic work and 'presenteeism culture' in the UK higher education during the Covid-19 pandemic. Work, Employment and Society, 36 (3). pp. 569-579. ISSN 0950-0170
Hadjisolomou, Anastasios (2021) Doing and negotiating transgender on the front line : customer abuse, transphobia, and stigma in the food retail sector. Work, Employment and Society, 35 (5). pp. 979-988. ISSN 0950-0170
Sang, Katherine and Calvard, Thomas and Remnant, Jennifer (2021) Disability and academic careers : using the social relational model to reveal the role of human resource management practices in creating disability. Work, Employment and Society. ISSN 0950-0170
Hadjisolomou, Anastasios and Simone, Sam (2021) Profit over people? Evaluating morality on the front line during the COVID-19 crisis : a front line service manager's confession and regrets. Work, Employment and Society, 35 (2). 396 - 405. ISSN 0950-0170
Panteli, Niki and Rapti, Andriana and Scholarios, Dora (2020) 'If he just knew who we were' : Microworkers' emerging bonds of attachment in a fragmented employment relationship. Work, Employment and Society, 34 (3). pp. 476-494. ISSN 0950-0170
McTier, Alexander and McGregor, Alan (2018) Influence of work–welfare cycling and labour market segmentation on employment histories of young long-term unemployed. Work, Employment and Society, 32 (1). pp. 20-37. ISSN 0950-0170
Hudson, Lynne and Moore, Sian and Tainsh, Kate and Taylor, Philip and Wright, Tessa (2017) 'The only way is Essex' : gender, union and mobilisation among fire service control room staff. Work, Employment and Society. ISSN 0950-0170
Nickson, Dennis and Price, Robin and Baxter-Reid, Hazel and Hurrell, Scott A (2017) Skill requirements in retail work : the case of high-end fashion retailing. Work, Employment and Society, 31 (4). pp. 692-708. ISSN 0950-0170
Cumbers, Andrew and Shaw, Deirdre and Crossan, John and McMaster, Robert (2017) The work of community gardens : reclaiming place for community in the city. Work, Employment and Society. ISSN 0950-0170
McGuire, Darren and Lozada, Maria (2017) I'll do it step by step : care, cover and quiet campaigning. Work, Employment and Society, 31 (1). pp. 175-184. ISSN 0950-0170
Heyes, Jason and Tomlinson, Mark and Whitworth, Adam (2017) Underemployment and well-being in the UK before and after the Great Recession. Work, Employment and Society, 31 (1). pp. 71-89. ISSN 0950-0170
Cunningham, Ian (2016) Non-profits and the 'hollowed out' state : the transformation of working conditions through personalising social care services during an era of austerity. Work, Employment and Society, 30 (4). pp. 649-668. ISSN 0950-0170
Spence, Crawford and Carter, Chris and Belal, Ataur and Husillos, Javier and Drambin, Claire and Archel, Pablo (2016) Tracking habitus across a transnational professional field. Work, Employment and Society, 30 (1). pp. 3-20. ISSN 0950-0170
Butler, Clare and Doherty, Anne Marie and Finnear, Jocelyn and Hill, Stephen (2015) Alone in the back-office : the isolation of those who care to support public services. Work, Employment and Society, 29 (4). pp. 624-640. ISSN 0950-0170
Garvey, Brian and Stewart, Paul (2015) Migrant workers and the north of Ireland : between neoliberalism and sectarianism. Work, Employment and Society, 29 (3). pp. 392-408. ISSN 0950-0170
Taylor, Philip and Moore, Sian (2015) Cabin crew collectivism : labour process and the roots of mobilisation. Work, Employment and Society, 29 (1). pp. 79-98. ISSN 0950-0170
Pascoe-Deslauriers, Rachelle (2014) Book review : Angela Lait, Telling Tales: Work, Narrative and Identity in a Market Age. [Review]
Weiss, Felix and Klein, Markus and Grauenhorst, Thomas (2014) The effects of work experience during higher education on labour market entry : learning by doing or an entry ticket? Work, Employment and Society, 28 (5). pp. 788-807. ISSN 0950-0170
James, Susan and Warhurst, Chris and Tholen, Gerbrand and Commander, Johanna (2013) What we know and what we need to know about graduate skills. Work, Employment and Society, 27 (6). pp. 952-963. ISSN 0950-0170
Pulignano, Valeria and Stewart, Paul (2013) Firm-level restructuring and union strategies in Europe : local union responses in Ireland, Italy and the Netherlands. Work, Employment and Society, 27 (5). pp. 842-859. ISSN 0950-0170
Thompson, Paul (2013) Financialization and the workplace : extending and applying the disconnected capitalism thesis. Work, Employment and Society, 27 (3). pp. 472-488. ISSN 0950-0170
Carter, Robert and Danford, Andrew and Howcroft, Debra and Richardson, Helen and Smith, Andrew and Taylor, Philip (2013) 'Stressed out of my box' : employee experience of lean working and occupational ill-health in clerical work in the UK public sector. Work, Employment and Society, 27 (5). pp. 747-767. ISSN 0950-0170
Rose, Emily (2013) Access denied : employee control of personal communications at work. Work, Employment and Society, 27 (4). pp. 694-710. ISSN 0950-0170
Lloyd, Caroline and Warhurst, Chris and Dutton, Eli (2013) The weakest link? Product market strategies, skill and pay in the hotel industry. Work, Employment and Society, 27 (2). pp. 254-271. ISSN 0950-0170
Canduela, Jesus and Dutton, Matthew and Johnson, Steve and Lindsay, Colin and McQuaid, Ronald and Raeside, Robert (2012) Ageing, skills and participation in work-related training in Britain : assessing the position of older workers. Work, Employment and Society, 26 (1). pp. 42-60. ISSN 0950-0170
Findlay, Patricia (2012) Book review: A Alexandrou (ed.), Union Learning Representatives: Challenges and Opportunities. [Review]
Bolton, Sharon (2012) The story of a ‘boss man’, his community and the 1984 miners’ strike. Work, Employment and Society. ISSN 0950-0170 (In Press)
Baines, Donna and Cunningham, I.R. (2011) 'White knuckle care work' : violence, gender and new public management in the voluntary sector. Work, Employment and Society, 25 (4). pp. 760-776. ISSN 0950-0170
Stewart, P. and Martinez Lucio, M. (2011) Politics, commitment and the re-inclusion of collective narratives in the contemporary study of work: the New Management Practices debate. Work, Employment and Society. pp. 1-16.
Stewart, Paul and Martinez Lucio, M. (2011) Collective narratives and politics in the contemporary study of work : the new management practices debate. Work, Employment and Society, 25 (2). pp. 327-341. ISSN 0950-0170
Thompson, P. and van den Broek, Diane (2010) Managerial control and workplace regimes: an introduction. Work, Employment and Society, 24 (e-spec). pp. 1-12. ISSN 0959-0170
Bolton, S.C. (2010) Oxford handbook of sociology and organization studies. [Review]
Stewart, P. (2009) Book review: New labour/hard labour? restructuring and resistance inside the welfare industry. Work, Employment and Society, 23 (3). pp. 580-582. ISSN 0950-0170
Findlay, P. and Findlay, Jeanette and Stewart, Robert (2009) The consequences of caring : skills, regulation and reward among early years workers. Work, Employment and Society, 23 (3). pp. 422-441. ISSN 0950-0170
Cunningham, I.R. and James, P. (2009) The outsourcing of social care in Britain : what does it mean for voluntary sector workers? Work, Employment and Society, 23 (2). pp. 363-375. ISSN 0950-0170
Taylor, P. and Connelly, L. (2009) Before the disaster: health, safety and working conditions at a plastics factory. Work, Employment and Society, 23 (1). pp. 160-169. ISSN 0950-0170
Taylor, P. and Warhurst, C. and Thompson, P. and Scholarios, D.M. (2009) On the front line. Work, Employment and Society, 23 (1). pp. 7-11. ISSN 0950-0170
Anderson, P. (2009) Intermediate occupations and the conceptual and empirical limitations of the hourglass economy thesis. Work, Employment and Society, 23 (1). pp. 169-180. ISSN 0950-0170
Bolton, S.C. and Muzio, D. (2008) The paradoxical processes of feminization in the professions : the case of established, aspiring and semi-professions. Work, Employment and Society, 22 (2). pp. 281-299. ISSN 0959-0170
Warhurst, C. and Nickson, D.P. (2007) Employee experience of aesthetic labour in retail and hospitality. Work, Employment and Society, 21 (1). pp. 103-120. ISSN 0959-0170
Warhurst, C. and Nickson, D.P. (2007) A new labour aristocracy? aesthetic labour and routine interactive service. Work, Employment and Society, 21 (4). pp. 785-798. ISSN 0950-0170
Taylor, P. and Bain, P.M. (2007) Reflections on the call centre - a reply to Glucksmann. Work, Employment and Society, 21 (2). pp. 349-362. ISSN 0959-0170
Airey, L. and Backett-Milburn, K. and Hogg, G.M. and McKie, L. and Rankine, L. (2007) Reciprocity, work and care in the food retail sector. Work, Employment and Society. ISSN 0950-0170
Warhurst, C. and Thompson, P. (2006) Mapping knowledge in work: Proxies or practices? Work, Employment and Society, 20 (4). pp. 787-800. ISSN 0959-0170
Taylor, P. and Bain, P.M. (2005) India calling to the far away towns: the call centre labour process and globalization. Work, Employment and Society, 19 (2). pp. 261-282. ISSN 0959-0170
Hyman, J.D. and Baldry, C.J. and Scholarios, D.M. (2005) Getting on or getting by? Employee flexibility and coping strategies for home and work. Work, Employment and Society, 19 (4). pp. 705-725. ISSN 0959-0170
Bolton, S.C. and Houlihan, M. (2005) The (mis)representation of customer service. Work, Employment and Society, 19 (4). pp. 685-703. ISSN 0959-0170
Lindsay, Colin and McQuaid, Ronald (2004) Avoiding the ‘McJobs’: unemployed job seekers and attitudes to service work. Work, Employment and Society, 18 (2). pp. 297-319. ISSN 0950-0170
Taylor, Phil and Baldry, Chris and Bain, Peter and Ellis, Vaughan (2003) 'A unique working environment': health, sickness and absence management in UK call centres. Work, Employment and Society, 17 (3). pp. 435-458. ISSN 0959-0170
Thompson, P. (2003) Disconnected capitalism : or why employers can't keep their side of the bargain. Work, Employment and Society, 17 (2). pp. 359-378. ISSN 0959-0170
Bolton, S.C. and Boyd, C. (2003) Trolley dolly or skilled emotion manager? Moving on from Hochschild's managed heart. Work, Employment and Society, 17 (6). pp. 289-308. ISSN 0959-0170
Taylor, P. and Mulvey, G. and Hyman, J.D. and Bain, P.M. (2002) Work organization, control and the experience of work in call centres. Work, Employment and Society, 16 (1). pp. 133-150. ISSN 0959-0170
Bolton, S.C. and Akroyd, S. (1999) It is not Taylorism: mechanisms of work intensification in the provision of gynaecological services in an NHS hospital. Work, Employment and Society, 13 (2). pp. 369-385. ISSN 0959-0170
Baldry, C.J. and Bain, P.M. and Taylor, P. (1997) Sick and tired? working in the modern office. Work, Employment and Society, 11 (3). pp. 519-539. ISSN 0950-0170
Jones, C. and Taylor, G.T. and Nickson, D.P. (1997) Whatever it takes? managing 'empowered' employees and the service encounter in an international hotel chain. Work, Employment and Society, 11 (3). pp. 541-554. ISSN 0950-0170