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Items where subject is "Agriculture"

Group by: No Grouping | Authors | Publication Date | Item type
Number of items at this level: 53.

Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee, Wilson, Juliette, ed. (2018) Scottish Government's Draft Budget 2018-19 : [Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee Comataidh Eaconomaidh Dùthchail is Cocheangailteachd]. The Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body, Edinburgh.

Akanni, Lateef Olawele (2020) Climatic variations and spatial price differentials of perishable foods in Nigeria. Econometric Research in Finance, 5. pp. 1-15. ISSN 2451-2370

Albarrak, Abdulmajeed Barrak and Gray, Alison (2023) Seasonal colony loss rates and honey bee management in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia : results of a survey of beekeepers. Insects, 14 (6). 513. ISSN 2075-4450

Allan, Grant and Comerford, David and McGregor, Peter (2018) The System-wide Impact of Healthy Eating : Assessing Emissions and Economic Impacts at the Regional Level. Preprint / Working Paper. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Alsos, Gry and Carter, Sara and Ljunggren, Elisabet and Welter, Friederike; Alsos, Gry A. and Carter, Sara and Ljunggren, Elisabet and Welter, Friederike, eds. (2011) Introduction : researching entrepreneurship in agriculture and rural development. In: The handbook of research on entrepreneurship in agriculture and rural development. Elgar original reference . Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 1-20. ISBN 9780857933249

Alves Junior, Paulo Nocera and Costa Melo, Isotilia and Yamanaka, Lie and Severino, Maico Roris and Rentizelas, Athanasios (2022) Supporting the bidding decisions of smallholder farmers in public calls in Brazil. Agriculture, 12 (1). 48. ISSN 2077-0472

Amour, Massoud and Wosula, Everlyne N. and Mrisho, Latifa and Hoskins, Clare and Buss, David and Bruce, Toby and Stephano, Flora and Legg, James P. (2023) Efficacy of selected botanical oils against the cassava whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) and their effects on its feeding behaviour. Journal of Applied Entomology, 147 (7). pp. 473-485. ISSN 0931-2048

Batten, Lin and Casado, Maria José Plana and van Zeben, Josephine (2021) Decoding seed quality : a comparative analysis of seed marketing law in the EU and the United States. Agronomy, 11 (10). 2038. ISSN 2073-4395

Brodschneider, Robert and Gray, Alison, COLOSS Monitoring Core Project (2021) How COLOSS monitoring and research on lost honey bee colonies can support colony survival. Bee World, 99 (1). pp. 8-10. ISSN 2376-7618

Brodschneider, Robert and Gray, Alison and Adjlane, Noureddine and Ballis, Alexis and Brusbardis, Valters and Charrière, Jean-Daniel and Chlebo, Robert and Coffey, Mary F and Dahle, Bjørn and de Graaf, Dirk C and Dražić, Maria Maja and Evans, Garth and Fedoriak, Mariia and Forsythe, Ivan and Gregorc, Aleš and Grzęda, Urszula and Hetzroni, Amots and Kauko, Lassi and Kristiansen, Preben and Martikkala, Maritta and Martín-Hernández, Raquel and Medina-Flores, Carlos Aurelio and Mutinelli, Franco and Raudmets, Aivar and Ryzhikov, Vladimir A and Simon-Delso, Noa and Stevanovic, Jevrosima and Uzunov, Aleksandar and Vejsnæs, Flemming and Wöhl, Saskia and Zammit-Mangion, Marion and Danihlík, Jiří (2018) Multi-country loss rates of honey bee colonies during winter 2016/17 from the COLOSS survey. Journal of Apicultural Research, 57 (3). pp. 452-457. ISSN 2078-6913)

Cordell, Dana and Metson, Geneviève S. and Iwaniec, David M. and Bui, Thuy T. and Childers, Daniel L. and Dao, Nguyet and Dang, Huyen T.T. and Kumwenda, Save and Morse, Tracy and Thole, Bernard and Tilley, Elizabeth A.; (2017) Transforming cities introduction securing food and clean waterways through a transdisciplinary phosphorus approach. In: Transdisciplinary Research and Practice for Sustainable Outcomes. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, Abingdon, pp. 139-154. ISBN 9781138119703

Currie, Kay and King, Caroline and Nuttall, Tim and Smith, Matt and Flowers, Paul (2018) Expert consensus regarding drivers of antimicrobial stewardship in companion animal veterinary practice : a Delphi study. The Veterinary record, 182 (24). 691. ISSN 0042-4900

Davison, Christopher and Michie, Craig and Andonovic, Ivan (2021) Review of diagnostic testing of mastitis. In: 2021 British Mastitis Conference, 2021-11-10 - 2021-11-10, Sixways Stadium.

Davison, Christopher and Michie, Craig and Hamilton, Andrew and Tachtatzis, Christos and Andonovic, Ivan and Gilroy, Michael (2020) Detecting heat stress in dairy cattle using neck-mounted activity collars. Agriculture, 10 (6). pp. 1-11. 210. ISSN 2077-0472

Dórea, Fernanda C. and Muckle, C. Anne and Kelton, David and McClure, J. T. and McEwen, Beverly J. and McNab, W. Bruce and Sanchez, Javier and Revie, Crawford W. (2013) Exploratory analysis of methods for automated classification of laboratory test orders into syndromic groups in veterinary medicine. PLoS ONE, 8 (3). e57334. ISSN 1932-6203

Fernández-Fontelo, Amanda and Puig, Pedro and Caceres, German and Romero, Luis and Revie, Crawford and Sanchez, Javier and Dorea, Fernanda C. and Alba-Casals, Ana (2020) Enhancing the monitoring of fallen stock at different hierarchical administrative levels : an illustration on dairy cattle from regions with distinct husbandry, demographical and climate traits. BMC Veterinary Research, 16. 110. ISSN 1746-6148

Findlay, Patricia and Dutton, Eli and Murray, Nicola and McQuarrie, Jo (2022) Women in Agriculture : Approaches to Implementing Equality Commitments. The Scottish Government, Edinburgh.

Gray, Alison and Adjlane, Noureddine and Arab, Alireza and Ballis, Alexis and Brusbardis, Valters and Bugeja Douglas, Adrian and Cadahía, Luis and Charrière, Jean-Daniel and Chlebo, Robert and Coffey, Mary F. and Cornelissen, Bram and Costa, Cristina Amaro da and Danneels, Ellen and Danihlík, Jiří and Dobrescu, Constantin and Evans, Garth and Fedoriak, Mariia and Forsythe, Ivan and Gregorc, Aleš and Ilieva Arakelyan, Iliyana and Johannesen, Jes and Kauko, Lassi and Kristiansen, Preben and Martikkala, Maritta and Martín-Hernández, Raquel and Mazur, Ewa and Medina-Flores, Carlos Aurelio and Mutinelli, Franco and Omar, Eslam M. and Patalano, Solenn and Raudmets, Aivar and San Martin, Gilles and Soroker, Victoria and Stahlmann-Brown, Philip and Stevanovic, Jevrosima and Uzunov, Aleksandar and Vejsnaes, Flemming and Williams, Anthony and Brodschneider, Robert (2023) Honey bee colony loss rates in 37 countries using the COLOSS survey for winter 2019–2020 : the combined effects of operation size, migration and queen replacement. Journal of Apicultural Research, 62 (2). pp. 204-210. ISSN 2078-6913)

Gray, Alison and Brodschneider, Robert and Adjlane, Noureddine and Ballis, Alexis and Brusbardis, Valters and Charrière, Jean-Daniel and Chlebo, Robert and Coffey, Mary F. and Cornelissen, Bram and da Costa, Cristina Amaro and Csáki, Tamás and Dahle, Bjørn and Danihlík, Jiří and Dražić, Marica Maja and Evans, Garth and Fedoriak, Mariia and Forsythe, Ivan and de Graaf, Dirk and Gregorc, Aleš and Johannesen, Jes and Kauko, Lassi and Kristiansen, Preben and Martikkala, Maritta and Martín-Hernández, Raquel and Medina-Flores, Carlos A. and Mutinelli, Franco and Patalano, Solenn and Petrov, Plamen and Raudmets, Aivar and Ryzhikov, Vladimir A. and Simon-Delso, Noa and Stevanovic, Jevrosima and Topolska, Grazyna and Uzunov, Aleksandar and Vejsnaes, Flemming and Williams, Anthony and Zammit-Mangion, Marion and Soroker, Victoria (2019) Loss rates of honey bee colonies during winter 2017/18 in 36 countries participating in the COLOSS survey, including effects of forage sources. Journal of Apicultural Research, 58 (4). pp. 479-485. ISSN 2078-6913)

Han, Jian and Xu, Bin and Wang, Huan and Huang, Guohong and Zhang, Xiaolei and Xu, Yong (2022) Enhancing economic and environmental friendliness of xylonic acid bioproduction from corncob hydrolysate by the combined recycling-technology of detoxifying-resin and catalyzing-cell. Industrial Crops and Products, 188 (Part A). 115550. ISSN 0926-6690

Hannon, Matthew and van Diemen, Renée and Skea, Jim (2017) Examining the Effectiveness of Support for UK Wave Energy Innovation since 2000 : Lost at Sea or a New Wave of Innovation? University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Hart, Andy and Rowe, Gene and Bolger, Fergus and Colson, Abigail (2021) Expert knowledge elicitation on African Swine Fever and outdoor farming of pigs. EFSA Supporting Publications, 18 (6). 6595E. ISSN 2397-8325

Hernandez, J.E. and Kacprzyk, J. and Panetto, H. and Fernandez, A. and Liu, S. and Ortiz, A. and De Angelis, M. (2017) Challenges and solutions for enhancing agriculture value chain decision-making. A short review. In: PRO-VE 2017 : Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, 2017-09-18 - 2017-09-20.

Highet, F and Toteva, G and Downie, M and Peterson, M and Gray, AJ and Reid, A; (2018) "The Bees' needs" : using molecular analysis of bee collected pollen to understand which plants play an important role in honey bee forage. In: The Dundee Conference. Association for Crop Protection in Northern Britain, Dundee.

Horigan, V. and Gale, P. and Adkin, A. and Brown, I. and Clark, J. and Kelly, L. (2019) A qualitative risk assessment of cleansing and disinfection requirements after an avian influenza outbreak in commercial poultry. British Poultry Science, 60 (6). pp. 691-699. ISSN 0007-1668

Hutcheson, Matthew and Morton, Alec and Blair, Shona (2023) Actualizations of agroecology among Scottish farmers. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 48 (1). pp. 50-73. ISSN 2168-3565

Imrie, Colin (2017) Brexit, Powers and the Scottish Parliament : The Case of Agriculture and Fisheries. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Imrie, Colin (2017) Scotland after Brexit : Environmental Law. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Ismail, Abeer M. and Mohamed, Eman A. and Marghany, Marwa R. and Abdel-Motaal, Fatma F. and Abdel-Farid, Ibrahim B. and El-Sayed, Magdi A. (2016) Preliminary phytochemical screening, plant growth inhibition and antimicrobial activity studies of Faidherbia albida legume extracts. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences, 15 (2). pp. 112-117. ISSN 1658-077X

Jagaba, Ahmad Hussaini and Kutty, Shamsul Rahman Mohamed and Abubakar, Sule and Birniwa, Abdullahi Haruna and Lawal, Ibrahim Mohammed and Umaru, Ibrahim and Usman, Abdullahi Kilaco and Yaro, Nura Shehu Aliyu and Al-Zaqri, Nabil and Al-Maswari, Basheer M. and Ibrahim, Mohamad Nasir Mohamad and Hussain, Fida (2022) Synthesis, characterization, and performance evaluation of hybrid waste sludge biochar for cod and color removal from agro-industrial effluent. Separations, 9 (9). 258. ISSN 2297-8739

Jensen, Elaine and Casler, Michael and Farrar, Kerry and Finnan, John and Lord, Richard and Palmborg, Celia and Donnison, Iain; Alexopoulou, Efthymia, ed. (2018) Reed canary grass : from production to end use. In: Perennial Grasses for Bioenergy and Bioproducts. Elsevier, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. 153-174. ISBN 9780128129005

Kah, Stefan (2015) Transnationales LEADER-Projekt Slow (Food) Travel : Ein vergleichender Ergebnisbericht. European Policies Research Centre, Glasgow.

Marini Perpetua, Guilherme and Thomaz Junior, Antonio and Garvey, Brian (2022) Reprimarização e expansão territorial das commodities agrícolas no Brasil : dinâmicas, fatores, escalas e implicações. Revista da ANPEGE, 18 (36). pp. 817-844. ISSN 1679-768X

Marshall, Helina and Meneely, Julie P. and Quinn, Brian and Zhao, Yueju and Bourke, Paula and Gilmore, Brendan F. and Zhang, Guangtao and Elliott, Christopher T. (2020) Novel decontamination approaches and their potential application for post-harvest aflatoxin control. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 106. pp. 489-496. ISSN 0924-2244

Michie, Craig and Andonovic, Ivan and Davison, Christopher and Hamilton, Andrew and Tachtatzis, Christos and Jonsson, Nicholas and Duthie, Carol-Anne and Bowen, Jenna and Gilroy, Michael (2020) The Internet of Things enhancing animal welfare and farm operational efficiency. Journal of Dairy Research, 87 (S1). pp. 20-27. ISSN 0022-0299

Miranda, Bruno Varella and Monteiro, Guilherme Fowler A. and Rodrigues, Vinicius Picanço (2021) Circular agri-food systems : a governance perspective for the analysis of sustainable agri-food value chains. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 170. 120878. ISSN 0040-1625

Mishra, Puneet and Lohumi, Santosh and Khan, Haris Ahmad and Nordon, Alison (2020) Close-range hyperspectral imaging of whole plants for digital phenotyping : recent applications and illumination correction approaches. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 178. 105780. ISSN 0168-1699

Nunn, Benjamin and Lord, Richard and Minto, James and Davidson, Christine M and Manzoor, Neelam (2025) Surface soil-dust contamination of Phalaris arundinacea grown on former lead mine sites : implications for biomass use, phytoremediation and phytomanagement. Science of the Total Environment, 958. 178013. ISSN 1879-1026

Obi, Afamefuna and Wilson, Juliette and Tonner, Andrea (2019) Strategic entrepreneurship : a new frontier for small farm competitiveness. In: Institute for Small Business and Enterpreneurship Conference (ISBE 2019), 2019-11-14 - 2019-11-15.

Ogbaga, Chukwuma C. and Stepien, Piotr and Dyson, Beth C. and Rattray, Nicholas J. W. and Ellis, David I. and Goodacre, Royston and Johnson, Giles N. (2016) Biochemical analyses of sorghum varieties reveal differential responses to drought. PLoS ONE, 11 (5). e0154423. ISSN 1932-6203

Oppon, Eunice and Koh, S.C. Lenny and Eufrasio, Rafael and Nabayiga, Hellen and Donkor, Frank (2024) Towards sustainable food production and climate change mitigation: an attributional life cycle assessment comparing industrial and basalt rock dust fertilisers. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 29 (12). pp. 2257-2268. ISSN 1614-7502

Pavlovic, Dejan and Davison, Christopher and Hamilton, Andrew and Marko, Oskar and Atkinson, Robert and Michie, Craig and Crnojević, Vladimir and Andonovic, Ivan and Bellekens, Xavier and Tachtatzis, Christos (2021) Classification of cattle behaviours using neck-mounted accelerometer-equipped collars and convolutional neural networks. Sensors, 21 (12). 4050. ISSN 1424-8220

Pavlovic, Dejan and Tachtatzis, Christos and Hamilton, Andrew and Marko, Oskar and Atkinson, Robert and Davison, Christopher and Michie, Craig and Crnojevic, Vladimir and Andonovic, Ivan (2020) Classification of cattle behaviour using convolutional neural networks. In: European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP) Annual Meeting, 2020-12-01 - 2020-12-04, Online (due to Covid-19 pandemic).

Pistório, Bianca and Leão, Luis and Pignatti, Marta (2021) Sofrimento social de trabalhadores rurais assentados na contracorrente do agronegócio, na Bacia do Juruena – MT. Psicologia: Ciencia e Profissao, v. 41 (1982-3). pp. 1-14. ISSN 1982-3703

Pérez Montoro, Beatriz and Benomar, Nabil and Gomez, Natacha Cabellero and Ennahar, Said and Horvatovich, Peter and Knapp, Charles and Alonso, Esther and Gálvez, Antonio and Abriouel, Hikmate (2018) Proteomic analysis of Lactobacillus pentosus for the identification of potential markers of adhesion and other probiotic features. Food Research International, 111. pp. 58-66. ISSN 0963-9969

Sutter, Jens U. and Lewis, Oliver and Robinson, Clive and McMahon, Anthony and Boyce, Robert and Bragg, Rachel and Macrae, Alastair and Orton, Jeffrey and Shah, Vishal and Ingleby, Stuart J. and Griffin, Paul F. and Riis, Erling (2020) Recording the heart beat of cattle using a gradiometer system of optically pumped magnetometers. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 177. 105651. ISSN 0168-1699

Todic, Tamara and Stankovic, Lina and Stankovic, Vladimir and Shi, Jiufeng; (2022) Quantification of dairy farm energy consumption to support the transition to sustainable farming. In: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP). IEEE Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP) . IEEE, FIN, pp. 368-373. ISBN 9781665481526

Tonner, Andrea and Wilson, Juliette (2015) Farm retailing : motivations and practice. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 16 (2). pp. 111-121. ISSN 1465-7503

Tsioumani, Elsa; Girard, Fabien and Frison, Christine, eds. (2018) Beyond access and benefit-sharing : lessons from the emergence and application of the principle of fair and equitable benefit-sharing in agrobiodiversity governance. In: The Commons, Plant Breeding and Agricultural Research. Routledge. ISBN 9781315110387

Widodo, Wahyu and Rahayu, Imbang Dwi and Sutanto, Adi and Anggraini, Apriliana Devi and Sahara, Harum and Safitri, Sara and Yaro, Abubakar (2021) Curcuma xanthorriza Roxb. as feed additive on the carcass and fat weight percentage, meat nutrient, and nutrient digestibility of Super Kampong Chicken. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 37 (1). pp. 41-47. ISSN 2224-5383

Yan, Xiu Tian and Bianco, Alessandro and Niu, Cong and Palazzetti, Roberto and Henry, Gwenole and Li, Youhua and Tubby, Wayne and Kisdi, Aron and Irshad, Rain and Sanders, Stephen and Scott, Robin; Yan, Xiu T and Bradley, David and Russell, David and Moore, Philip, eds. (2019) The AgriRover : a reinvented mechatronic platform from space robotics for precision farming. In: Reinventing Mechatronics. Springer, Switzerland. ISBN 9783030291310

Ziebell, Heiko and Murphy, Alex M. and Groen, Simon C. and Tungadi, Trisna and Westwood, Jack H. and Lewsey, Mathew G. and Moulin, Michael and Kleczkowski, Adam and Smith, Alison G. and Stevens, Mark and Powell, Glen and Carr, John P. (2011) Cucumber mosaic virus and its 2b RNA silencing suppressor modify plant-aphid interactions in tobacco. Scientific Reports, 1. 187. ISSN 2045-2322

de Moraes, Camila Colombo and Claro, Priscila Borin and Picanço Rodrigues, Vinicius (2023) Why can't the alternative become mainstream? : Unpacking the barriers and enablers of sustainable protein innovation in Brazil. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 35. pp. 313-324. ISSN 2352-5509

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