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Items where subject is "Geography (General)"

Group by: No Grouping | Authors | Publication Date | Item type
Number of items at this level: 162.

Rogerson, R.J. and Green, Anne and Wong, C and Sadler, Sue, eds. (2011) Sustainable communities : skills and learning for place-making. Hertfordshire University Press, Hatfield. ISBN 978-1-907396-13-7

Stephenson, Clare and McLauchlan, Anna, eds. (2001) Transmission. Black Dog Publishing, London. ISBN 9781901033137

Birch, Kean and Mykhnenko, V, eds. (2010) The rise and fall of neoliberalism : the collapse of an economic order? Zed Books Ltd, London. ISBN 9781848133488

Adamson, Laela and Brown, Rhona (2024) Exploring children’s experiences of schooling in Tanzania : how the ‘hidden curriculum’ undermines aspirations for sustainable development. Children and Society. ISSN 0951-0605

Adshead, Daniel and Paszkowski, Amelie and Gall, Sarah S. and Peard, Alison M. and Adnan, Mohammed Sarfaraz Gani and Verschuur, Jasper and Hall, Jim W. (2024) Climate threats to coastal infrastructure and sustainable development outcomes. Nature Climate Change, 14 (4). pp. 344-352. ISSN 1758-678X

Azubuike, Smith I and Emeseh, Engobo and Amakiri, David Yibakuo (2024) Climate change, energy transition, and the Global South : learnings from the international framework on the ozone layer. Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law, 42 (3). pp. 255-277. ISSN 2376-4538

Bedford, Tim and Quigley, John and Revie, Matthew and Walls, Lesley (2008) Historical Exploration - Learning Lessons from the Past to Inform the Future. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK. (Unpublished)

Birch, K. (2011) "Weakness" as "Strength" in the Scottish life sciences : the institutional grounding of knowledge-based commodity chains in a less-favoured region. Growth and Change, 42 (1). pp. 72-97. ISSN 0017-4815

Birch, Kean (2009) Rejoinder: a geographical political economy of evolution in economic geography. Economic geography, 85 (2).

Birch, Kean (2009) The knowledge-space dynamic in the UK bioeconomy. Area, 41 (3). 273-284(12).

Birch, Kean (2006) The neoliberal underpinnings of the bioeconomy: The ideological discourses and practices of economic competitiveness. Genomics, Society and Policy, 2 (3). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1746-5354

Birch, Kean (2007) The virtual bioeconomy: the 'failure' of performativity and the implications for bioeconomics. Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory, 14. pp. 83-99. ISSN 1600-910X

Birch, Kean and Levidow, Les and Papaioannou, Theo (2010) Sustainable capital? The neoliberalization of nature and knowledge in the European "knowledge-based bio-economy". Sustainability, 2 (9). pp. 2898-2918. ISSN 2071-1050

Birch, Kean and MacKinnon, D. and Cumbers, A. (2010) Old industrial regions in Europe: A comparative assessment of economic performance. Regional Studies, 44 (1). pp. 35-53. ISSN 0034-3404

Birch, Kean and Mykhnenko, Vlan (2009) Varieties of neoliberalism? Restructuring in large industrially dependent regions across Western and Eastern Europe. Journal of Economic Geography, 9 (3). pp. 355-380. ISSN 1468-2702

Birch, Kean and Whittam, G.; Southern, Alan, ed. (2009) Market madness or the road to salvation? A critical review of the social enterprise agenda. In: Enterprise and Deprivation: Small Business, Social Exclusion and Sustainable Communities. Taylor and Francis, London. ISBN 9780415458153

Birch, Kean and Whittam, G. (2008) The third sector and the regional development of social capital. Regional Studies, 42 (3). pp. 437-450. ISSN 0034-3404

Booyens, Irma and Hoogendoorn, Gijsbert and Langerman, Kristy and Rivett-Carnac, Kate (2024) Path creation for an electricity transition in South African tourism. Tourism Geographies, 26 (2). pp. 194-213. ISSN 1461-6688

Boura, Georgia and Ferguson, Neil S. (2024) Incorporating geographic interdependencies into the resilience assessment of multimodal public transport networks. Journal of Transport Geography, 118. 103934. ISSN 0966-6923

Boyle, M. and Motherwell, S.; Ashcroft, B, ed. (2004) Skill shortages in the Scottish economy and the itchy feet of diasporeans: the importance of career, quality of life, and cultural pluralism in the lives of Scottish expatriates in Dublin. Routledge.

Boyle, Mark (2002) Cleaning up after the Celtic Tiger : calar fixes in the political ecology of Tiger economies. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 27 (2). pp. 172-194. ISSN 0020-2754

Boyle, Mark (2006) Culture in the rise of tiger economies: Scottish expatriates in Dublin and the creative class thesis. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 30 (2). pp. 403-426. ISSN 0309-1317

Boyle, Mark; Harvey, D. and Jones, D and McInroy, N. and Milligan, C., eds. (2002) Edifying the rebellious Gael: the uses of memories of Ireland's troubled political past in the west of Scotland Irish diaspora. In: Celtic Geographies, Landscape, Culture and Identity. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 173-191. ISBN 0415223970

Boyle, Mark (2004) Review essays on : key thinkers on space and place. Environment and Planning A, 37 (1). pp. 161-187. ISSN 0308-518X

Boyle, Mark (2005) Sartre's circular dialectic and the empires of abstract space: a history of space and place in Ballymun, Dublin. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 95 (1). pp. 181-201. ISSN 0004-5608

Boyle, Mark (2003) Scale as an 'active progenitor' in the metamorphosis of the waste management hierarchy in member states: the case of the Republic of Ireland. European Planning Studies, 11 (4). pp. 481-502. ISSN 0965-4313

Boyle, Mark (2002) Sticky stories, fluid narratives, and vanishing tales: the fate of nations in a globalised world. Scottish Geographical Magazine, 118 (3). pp. 153-163. ISSN 0036-9225

Boyle, Mark (2001) Towards a theorisation of the historical geography of nationalism in diasporas: the Irish diaspora as exemplar. International Journal of Population Geography, 7 (6). pp. 429-446. ISSN 1077-3495

Boyle, Mark and Rogerson, Robert (2006) Third way urban policy and the new moral politics of community: a comparative analysis of Ballymun in Dublin and the Gorbals in Glasgow. Urban Geography, 27 (3). pp. 201-227. ISSN 0272-3638

Boyle, Mark and Rogerson, Robert J.; Paddison, R., ed. (2001) Power, discourse and city trajectories. In: Handbook of Urban Studies. SAGE Publications Ltd, London, UK, pp. 402-425. ISBN 080397695X

Bradley, J. A. and Anesio, A. M. and Singarayer, J. S. and Heath, M. R. and Arndt, S. (2015) SHIMMER (1.0) : a novel mathematical model for microbial and biogeochemical dynamics in glacier forefield ecosystems. Geoscientific Model Development, 8 (10). pp. 3441-3470. ISSN 1991-9603

Breathnach, Colm (2008) Réabhlóid Phádraic Uí Chonaire. Saothar: journal of the Irish Labour History Society, 33. pp. 137-138. ISSN 0332-1169

Brown, R.P. and Hoskisson, P. and Welton, J. and Baez, M. (2006) Geological history and within-island diversity: a debris avalanche and the Tenerife lizard Gallotia galloti. Molecular Ecology, 15 (12). pp. 3631-3640. ISSN 0962-1083

Burns, Nicola and Parr, Hester and Philo, Chris (2004) Social geographies of rural mental health: experiencing inclusions and exclusions. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 29 (4). pp. 401-419. ISSN 0020-2754

Butler, Richard (2004) Geographic research on tourism, recreation and leisure: Origins, eras, and directions. Tourism Geographies, 6 (2). pp. 143-162. ISSN 1461-6688

Butler, Richard and Airey, David and Poria, Yaniv (2004) Links between tourists, heritage, and reasons for visiting heritage sites. Journal of Travel Research, 43 (1). pp. 19-28. ISSN 0047-2875

Butler, Richard and Airey, David and Poria, Yaniv (2004) Tourism, religion and religiosity : a holy mess. Current Issues in Tourism, 6 (4). pp. 340-363. ISSN 1368-3500

Butler, Richard and Airey, David and Poria, Yaniv (2006) Tourist perceptions of heritage exhibits: a comparative study from Israel. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 1 (1). pp. 51-72. ISSN 1743-873X

Butler, Richard and Buhalis, Dimitrios and Bastakis, Constantinos (2004) The perception of small and medium sized tourism accommodation providers on the impacts of tour operators' power in eastern Mediterranean. Tourism Management, 25 (2). pp. 151-170. ISSN 0261-5177

Celine, A. and Desbordes, R. and Mucchielli, J. (2007) Do tax sparing agreements contribute to the attraction of FDI in developing countries? International Tax and Public Finance, 14 (5). pp. 543-562. ISSN 0927-5940

Chan, W.F.; Bell, David and Jayne, Mark, eds. (2004) Finding chinatown : ethnocentrism and urban planning. In: City of quarters. Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot. ISBN 0754634140

Chan, W.F.; Binnie, Jon and Holloway, Julian and Millington, Steve and Young, Craig and Binnie, Jon, eds. (2005) Planning Birmingham as a cosmopolitan city : recovering the depths of its diversity? In: Cosmopolitan Urbanism. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 204-219. ISBN 978-0-415-34492-0

Chan, W.F. (2005) Planning at the limit: immigration and post-war Birmingham. Journal of Historical Geography, 31 (3). pp. 513-527. ISSN 0305-7488

Chan, W.F. (2007) Urban geography, 3rd edition. Progress in Human Geography, 31 (4). pp. 573-574.

Chan, Wun Fung (2011) Mourning geography : a punctum, Strathclyde and the death of a subject. Scottish Geographical Magazine, 127 (4). pp. 255-266. ISSN 0036-9225

Chan, Wun Fung (2005) A gift of a pagoda, the presence of a prominent citizen and the possibilities of hospitality. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 23 (1). pp. 11-28. ISSN 0263-7758

Chan, Wun Fung (2010) A shared or multicultural future? Community cohesion and the (im)possibilities of hospitable social capital. Space and Polity, 14 (1). pp. 33-46. ISSN 1356-2576

Clark, C. (2002) Asylum in Crisis: after the 1999 Immigration and Asylum Act. Benefits -Nottingham, 10 (1). pp. 37-39. ISSN 0962-7898

Clark, C.; Salo, S. and Pronai, C., eds. (2002) Ethnicity, the law and Gypsy-Travellers in Scotland : which way now? In: Ethnic identities in dynamic perspective. Gondolat Press, Hungary, pp. 211-218. ISBN 963-9500-99-2

Clark, C.; (2002) The United Kingdom : England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. In: Denied a future? the right to education of roma/gypsy and traveller children. Save the Children Fund, London, pp. 206-315. ISBN 1841870587

Cormier, Ben and Heinzel, Mirko and Reinsberg, Bernhard (2024) Informally governing international development : G7 coordination and orchestration in aid. International Studies Quarterly, 68 (2). sqae019. ISSN 0020-8833

Davidson, N. (2009) Putting the nation back into 'the international'. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 22 (1). pp. 9-28. ISSN 0955-7571

Davidson, Neil (2011) Centuries of transition. [Review]

Davidson, Neil; Davidson, Neil and McCafferty, Patricia and Miller, David, eds. (2010) Chapter One 'What Was Neoliberalism?'. In: Neoliberal Scotland: Class and Society in a Stateless Nation. Cambridge Scholars Press, Newcastle, pp. 1-89. ISBN 9781443816755

Davidson, Neil; Davidson, Neil and McCafferty, Patricia and Miller, D., eds. (2010) Chapter Ten 'Neoliberal Politics in a Devolved Scotland'. In: Neoliberal Scotland: Class and Society in a Stateless Nation. Cambridge Scholars Press, Newcastle, pp. 315-377. ISBN 9781443816755

Davidson, Neil (2012) How Revolutionary were the Bourgeois Revolutions? Haymarket, Chicago. ISBN 9781608460670

Davidson, Neil; Anievas, Alexander, ed. (2010) Many Capitals, Many States: Logic, Contingency or Mediation? In: Marxism and World Politics: Challenging Global Capitalism. Routledge, London. ISBN 978041547808

Davidson, Neil (2008) Nations and neoliberalism. Variant, 32. pp. 36-38. ISSN 0954-8815

Davidson, Neil (2008) Reimagined communities - A review of Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities: Reflections on the origin and spread of nationalism. [Review]

Davidson, Neil (2010) Scotland : birthplace of passive revolution. Capital and Class, 34 (3). pp. 343-359. ISSN 0309-8168

Davidson, Neil (2008) Scotland's new road to reform? International Socialism, 118. pp. 23-26. ISSN 0020-8736

Davidson, Neil (2009) Shock and awe: A review of Naomi Klein, The shock doctrine: The rise of disaster capitalism. [Review]

Davidson, Neil (2009) Walter Benjamin and the Classical Marxist tradition. International Socialism, 121 (2). pp. 157-172. ISSN 0020-8736

Davidson, Neil and Blackledge, Paul; Blackledge, Paul and Davidson, Neil, eds. (2008) Introduction: the unknown Alasdair MacIntyre and a note on the selection and annotation. In: Alasdair MacIntyre's Engagement with Marxism Selected Writings 1953-1974. Historical Materialism Book Series (19). E. J. Brill, Leiden and Boston. ISBN 978 90 04 16621 9

Davies, Sara and Michie, Rona (2011) Peripheral regions : a marginal concern? In: European Regional Policy Research Consortium, 2011-10-02 - 2011-10-04.

Duarte, André Luís de Castro Moura and Picanço Rodrigues, Vinicius and Alves, Raquel Carolinne Freitas and de Oliveira, Gustavo Magalhães (2024) Access to fresh food in vulnerable urban areas : a classification study of the favelas and formal establishments in São Paulo. Revista de Administração Pública, 58 (1). e2023-0056. ISSN 1982-3134

Eisler, Matthew N. (2024) From petroleum to power sources : Big Oil and the technopolitics of energy conversion. History and Technology, 40 (3). pp. 250-275. ISSN 0734-1512

Exeter, Daniel J. and Boyle, Paul J. and Feng, Zhiqiang Q. and Boyle, M. (2009) Shrinking areas and mortality: An artefact of deprivation effects in the West of Scotland? Health and Place, 15 (1). pp. 399-401. ISSN 1353-8292

Finch, J.H. and Orillard, M. (2005) Complexity and the economy: implications for economic policy. Edward Elgar, Gloucestershire. ISBN 184376668X

Fingleton, B. (2004) Some alternative geo-economics for Europe's regions. Journal of Economic Geography, 4 (4). pp. 389-420. ISSN 1468-2702

Fiori, Francesca and Graham, Elspeth and Feng, Zhiqiang (2014) Geographical variations in fertility and transition to second and third birth in Britain. Advances in Life Course Research, 21. pp. 149-167.

Fiori, Francesca and Rinesi, Francesca and Graham, Elspeth (2017) Choosing to remain childless? : A comparative study of fertility intentions among women and men in Italy and Britain. European Journal of Population, 33 (3). pp. 319-350. ISSN 1572-9885

Fleischmann, Martin and Feliciotti, Alessandra and Kerr, William (2021) Evolution of urban patterns : urban morphology as an open reproducible data science. Geographical Analysis. ISSN 0016-7363

Foley, Ronan and Bell, Sarah L. and Gittins, Heli and Grove, Hannah and Kaley, Alexandra and McLauchlan, Anna and Osborne, Tess and Power, Andrew and Roberts, Erin and Thomas, Merryn (2020) "Disciplined research in undisciplined settings" : Critical explorations of in situ and mobile methodologies in geographies of health and wellbeing. Area, 52 (3). pp. 514-522. ISSN 0004-0894

Gillespie, Cailein H. and Morrison, Alison J. (2001) Elite hotels: painting a self-portrait. International Journal of Tourism Research, 3 (2). 115 -121. ISSN 1099-2340

Goldie, D.W.S. (2007) Independent-Mindedness : Michael Fry, the Union: England, Scotland and the Treaty of 1707; Paul Henderson Scott, The Union of 1707: Why and How?; Christopher Whately with Derek J. Patrick, The Scots and the Union. [Review]

Grierson, D. (2007) Health problems associated with the built environment in areas of rapid urbanization and poverty. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Volume 2 (Issue ). pp. 391-396. ISSN 1833-1882

Hart, L. and Hooi, J. and Romice, Ombretta and Porta, S. (2010) Under the microscope : 20 small towns in Scotland. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Jeffers, James (2011) The Cork City Flood of November 2009 : lessons for flood risk management and climate change adaptation at the urban scale. Irish Geography, 44 (1 spec). pp. 61-80.

Jeffers, James (2013) Double exposures and decision making: adaptation policy and planning in Ireland’s coastal cities during a boom–bust cycle. Environment and Planning A, 45 (6). pp. 1436-1454. ISSN 0308-518X

Jeffers, James (2013) Integrating vulnerability analysis and risk assessment in flood loss mitigation : an evaluation of barriers and challenges based on evidence from Ireland. Applied Geography, 37. pp. 44-51. ISSN 0143-6228

João, Elsa and McLauchlan, Anna (2014) Would you do SEA if you didn't have to? : reflections on acceptance or rejection of the SEA process. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 32 (2). pp. 87-97.

MacIntyre, R.M. and Mitchell, J.G. and Dawson, J.B., Macintyre R.M. (1974) Age of fault movements in Tanzanian sector of East-African rift system. Nature Physics, 247 (5440). pp. 354-356. ISSN 1745-2473

MacKinnon, Danny and Cumbers, Andrew and Pike, Andy and Birch, Kean and McMaster, R. (2009) Evolution in economic geography: institutions, political economy, and adaptation. Economic geography, 85 (2). pp. 129-150. ISSN 0013-0095

McAlister, Clare; Bryce, T.G.K. and Humes, W.M. and Gillies, D. and Kennedy, A., eds. (2013) Geography education. In: Scottish Education. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 561-566. ISBN 9780748645824

McCafferty, P.H. and Mooney, G.; Davidson, Neil and McCafferty, Patricia and Miller, David, eds. (2010) Resisting the Neoliberal “Modernisation” of Public Services in Contemporary Scotland : the Case of Public Sector Workers. In: NeoLiberal Scotland. Cambridge Scholars Press, Newcastle, pp. 161-182. ISBN 978-1-4438-1675-5

Mohammad, Robina (2005) The Cinderella complex – narrating Spanish women's history, the home and visions of equality: developing new margins. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 30 (2). pp. 248-261. ISSN 0020-2754

Mohammad, Robina (1999) Marginalisation, Islamism and the production of the 'other's' 'other'. Gender, Place and Culture, 6 (3). pp. 221-240.

Mohammad, Robina (2007) Phir bhi dil hai Hindustani (Yet the heart remains Indian): Bollywood, the ‘homeland’ nation-state, and the diaspora. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 25 (6). pp. 1015-1040. ISSN 0263-7758

Morrison, Alison J. and Andrew, Rick and Baum, T.G. (2001) The lifestyle economics of small tourism businesses. Journal of Travel and Tourism Research, 1 (1-2). pp. 16-25. ISSN 1302-8545

Munro, R.K. and Reid, Ashley; Inman, Sally and Rogers, Maggie, eds. (2009) Beginning Scottish geography teachers' perceptions of education for sustainable development. In: Developing Critical Perspectives on Education for Sustainable Development / Global Citizenship in Initial Teacher Education. UK Teacher Education Education Sustainable Development/Global Citizenship (UK TE ESD/GC), pp. 57-72. ISBN 978-0-946786-56-5

Mwapasa, Taonga and Chidziwisano, Kondwani Regson and Mphasa, Madalitso and Cocker, Derek and Rimella, Lorenzo and Feasey, Nicholas and Morse, Tracy (2024) Key environmental exposure pathways to antimicrobial resistant bacteria in southern Malawi : a SaniPath approach. Science of the Total Environment, 945. 174142. ISSN 1879-1026

Nasreddine, Lara and Bakir, Mohamad Adel and Al-Ati, Tareq and Alzaben, Abeer Salman and Barham, Rawhieh and Bawazeer, Nahla and Fares, Elie-Jacques and Hammad, Kholoud and Kaestel, Pernille and Reilly, John J. and Taktouk, Mandy (2024) Nutrition and health in Arab adolescents (NaHAR) : study protocol for the determination of ethnic-specific body fat and anthropometric cut-offs to identify metabolic syndrome. PLOS One, 19 (2). e0298306. ISSN 1932-6203

Noble, Allyson and Laurier, Eric and Lorimer, Hayden and Brown, Barry and Jones, Owain and Juhlin, Oskar and Perry, Mark and Pica, Daniele (2008) Driving and 'passengering': notes on the ordinary organization of car travel. Mobilities, 3 (1). pp. 1-23.

O'Gorman, Kevin D. and Thompson, Karen (2007) Mongolian hospitality: intrepid travelling. Hospitality Review, 9 (3). pp. 19-27. ISSN 1464-9101

Pacione, M. (2006) Proprietary residential communities in the United States. Geographical Review, 96 (4). pp. 543-566. ISSN 0016-7428

Pacione, M. (2009) The view from the tower : geographies of urban transformation in Glasgow. Scottish Geographical Magazine, 125 (2). pp. 127-181. ISSN 0036-9225

Pacione, Michael; Thrift, N. and Kitchen, R., eds. (2009) Applied Geography. In: International Encyclopaedia of Human Geography. Elsevier, pp. 174-178. ISBN 9780080449111

Pacione, Michael (2001) Geography and public finance: planning for fiscal equity in a metropolitan region. Progress in Planning, 56 (1). pp. 1-59. ISSN 0305-9006

Pacione, Michael (2004) Household growth, housing demand and new settlements in Scotland. European Planning Studies, 12 (4). pp. 517-535. ISSN 0965-4313

Pacione, Michael; Thrift, N. and Kitchen, R., eds. (2009) Housing. In: International Encyclopaedia of Human Geography. Elsevier, pp. 196-200. ISBN 9780080449104

Pacione, Michael (2011) Local money - a response to the globalisation of capitalism? Quaestiones Geographicae, 30 (4). pp. 9-19.

Pacione, Michael; Geyer, H. S, ed. (2009) The Policy Context of Urbanization. In: International Handbook of Urban Policy. Edward Elgar, London, 03-21. ISBN 978 1 84720 459 2

Pacione, Michael (2003) Quality of life research in urban geography. Urban Geography, 24 (4). pp. 314-339. ISSN 0272-3638

Pacione, Michael (2007) Sustainable urban development in the UK: rhetoric or reality? Geography, 92 (3). pp. 246-263.

Pacione, Michael (2003) Urban environmental quality and human well-being : a social geographical perspective. Landscape and Urban Planning, 65 (1-2). pp. 19-30. ISSN 0169-2046

Pacione, Michael (2003) Where will the people go? Progress in Planning, 62 (2). pp. 69-129. ISSN 0305-9006

Pacione, Michael (2004) The geography of disadvantage in rural Scotland. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 95 (4). pp. 375-391. ISSN 0040-747X

Pacione, Michael (2009) The geography of religious affiliation in Glasgow. Journal of Cultural Geography, 26 (3). pp. 369-391.

Pacione, Michael (2005) The geography of religious affiliation in Scotland. Professional Geographer, 57 (2). pp. 235-255. ISSN 0033-0124

Pacione, Michael (2014) The power of public participation in local planning in Scotland : the case of conflict over residential development in the metropolitan green belt. GeoJournal, 79 (1). pp. 31-57. ISSN 0343-2521

Pike, Andy and Birch, Kean and Cumbers, Andrew and MacKinnon, Danny and McMaster, R. (2009) A geographical political economy of evolution in economic geography. Economic geography, 85 (2). pp. 175-182. ISSN 0013-0095

Porta, S. (1999) The community and public spaces : ecological thinking, mobility and social life in the open spaces of the city of the future. Futures, 31 (5). pp. 437-456. ISSN 0016-3287

Porta, S. and Latora, V. and Strano, E.; Estrada, Ernesto and Fox, Maria and Higham, Desmond J and Oppo, Gian-Luca, eds. (2010) Networks in urban design. six years of research in multiple centrality assessment. In: Network science complexity in nature and technology. Springer, pp. 107-130. ISBN 9781849963954

Porta, Sergio and Renne, John Luciano (2005) Linking urban design to sustainability : formal indicators of social urban sustainability field research in Perth, Western Australia. Urban Design International, 10 (1). pp. 51-64.

Pourret, Olivier and Annand, Pallavi and Arndt, Sandra and Bots, Pieter and Dosseto, Anthony and Li, Zimin and Carbonne, Johanna Marin and Middleton, Jennifer and Ngwenya, Bryne and Riches, Amy (2021) Diversity, equity, and inclusion : tackling gross under-representation and recognition among talents in Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry. Preprint / Working Paper. EarthArxiv, California Digital Library, California, USA.

Prokić, Milica; Prokić, Milica and Šimková, Pavla, eds. (2024) The island of violence : Goli Otok, the Yugoslav prisonscape. In: Entire of Itself? White Horse Press, Winwick, pp. 305-326. ISBN 9781912186822

Prokić, Milica and Petrić, Hrvoje; Prokić, Milica and Šimková, Pavla, eds. (2024) Nature(s) of power : environment, politics and pestige on Brijuni Islands in the twentieth century. In: Entire of Itself? White Horse Press, Winwick, pp. 51-75. ISBN 9781912186822

Prokić, Milica and Šimková, Pavla; Prokić, Milica and Šimková, Pavla, eds. (2024) Introduction. In: Entire of Itself? White Horse Press, Winwick, pp. 11-26. ISBN 9781912186822

Rogerson, R.J. and Findlay, A.M. and Paddison, R. and Morris, A.S. (1996) Class, consumption and quality of life. Progress in Planning . Pergamon Press. ISBN 0080428827

Rogerson, R.J. and Rice, Gareth; Lucas, Raymond and Mair, Gordon M., eds. (2008) Beyond the visual. In: Sensory Urbanism Proceedings 2008. Flâneur Press, London, pp. 186-193. ISBN 978-0-9559906-0-1

Rogerson, Robert and Deakin, Mark and Sadler, Sue (2009) Learning from What Works in Sustainable Community Development : Socially-inclusive Visioning. Homes and Communities Agency.

Rogerson, Robert and Green, Anne and Wong, Cecilia and Sadler, Sue (2009) HCA Academy/ESRC Sustainable Communities Initiative : Co-ordinators' Final Report. Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), [London].

Rogerson, Robert and Sadler, Sue (2009) Case Study : Attwood Green. Homes and Communities Agency.

Rogerson, Robert and Sadler, Sue (2009) Case Study : Communities in Transition Model. Homes and Communities Agency.

Rogerson, Robert and Sadler, Sue (2009) Case Study : Community Land Trusts in the Context of Affordable Housing - Cashes Green. Homes and Community Agency.

Rogerson, Robert and Sadler, Sue (2009) Case Study : Connecting School Based Sustainability Initiatives with Community Action. Homes and Communities Agency.

Rogerson, Robert and Sadler, Sue (2009) Case Study : Engaging Local Communities in the Sustainable Planning and Management of Rivers. Homes and Communities Agency.

Rogerson, Robert and Sadler, Sue (2009) Case Study : Southampton Local Development Framework. Homes and Communities Agency.

Rogerson, Robert and Sadler, Sue (2009) Case Study : Stroud Community Supported Agriculture. Homes and Communities Agency.

Rogerson, Robert and Sadler, Sue (2009) Case Study : Stroud Sustainable Integrated Transport - Stroud Valley's Community Car Club (SVCCC) - (Stroud, England). Homes and Community Agency, [London].

Rogerson, Robert and Sadler, Sue (2009) Case Study : The EU Urban II Community Initiative in North Belfast. Homes and Communities Agency.

Rogerson, Robert and Sadler, Sue (2009) Case Study : Visioning Craigmillar, Edinburgh. Homes and Communities Agency.

Rogerson, Robert and Sadler, Sue (2009) Interactive landscape (environmental) planning : Königslutter. Homes and Communities Agency.

Rogerson, Robert and Sadler, Sue (2009) Suffolk Lenadoon Interface Project. Homes and Communities Agency.

Rogerson, Robert and Sadler, Sue (2009) Sustainable Food : Schools Based Action Research Inquiry. Homes and Communities Agency.

Rogerson, Robert and Sadler, Sue (2009) Sustainable Home Case Study : Springhill Co-Housing (Stroud, England). Homes and Communities Agency.

Rogerson, Robert and Sadler, Sue; Rogerson, Robert and Sadler, Sue and Green, Anne and Wong, Cecilia, eds. (2011) The future of sustainable communities. In: Sustainable Communities. Hertfordshire University Press, Hatfield, pp. 174-188. ISBN 1907396136

Rogerson, Robert and Sadler, Sue and Wong, Cecilia and Green, Anne (2010) Planning sustainable communities - skills and learning to envision future communities : an introduction. Town Planning Review, 81 (5). pp. 505-522. ISSN 0041-0020

Rogerson, Robert J. (2009) Creating sustainable communities: affordable housing and property markets. In: Association of American Geographers Annual Conference, Boston, 2011-04-15. (Unpublished)

Rogerson, Robert J. and Rice, Gareth (2009) Making sense of places : "Moral geographies" of sensory urbanism. Architectural Theory Review, 14 (2). pp. 142-155. ISSN 1326-4826

Sidaway, James D and Bunnell, Tim and Grundy-Warr, Carl and Mohammad, Robina and Park, Bae-Gyoon and Saito, Asato (2004) Translating political geographies. Political Geography, 23 (8). pp. 1037-1049.

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