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Number of items: 49.

Morrison, Niall and Gorash, Yevgen and Hamilton, Robert; Owen, Roger and de Borst, Rene and Reese, Jason and Pearce, Chris, eds. (2018) Comparison of single-solver FSI techniques for the Fe-prediction of a blow-off pressure for an elastomeric seal. In: Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems, ECCM 2018 and 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECFD 2018. International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering, CIMNE, GBR, pp. 2099-2110. ISBN 9788494731167

Morrison, N. and Gorash, Y. and Hamilton, R. (2018) Consideration of fluid-structure interaction with the CEL approach for the FE-prediction of a blow-off pressure for an elastomeric seal. In: 24th International Conference on Fluid Sealing, 2018-03-07 - 2018-03-08.

Gorash, Yevgen and Comlekci, Tugrul and Hamilton, Robert (2017) CAE-based application for identification and verification of hyperelastic parameters. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, 231 (7). pp. 611-626. ISSN 1464-4207

Gorash, Yevgen and Dempster, William and Nicholls, William D. and Hamilton, Robert and Anwar, Ali A. (2016) Study of mechanical aspects of leak tightness in a pressure relief valve using advanced FE-analysis. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 43. pp. 61-74. ISSN 0950-4230

Uzzaman, Asraf and Wrzesien, Andrzej M. and Lim, James B.P. and Hamilton, Robert and Nash, David (2016) Design of top-hat purlins for cold-formed steel portal frames. Structures, 7. pp. 113-125. ISSN 2352-0124

Anwar, Ali and Gorash, Yevgen and Dempster, William and Hamilton, Robert and Nash, David (2016) Effect of high temperature on structural behaviour of metal-to-metal seal in a pressure relief valve. In: 23rd International Conference on Fluid Sealing 2016, 2016-03-02 - 2016-03-03.

Anwar, A.A. and Gorash, Y. and Dempster, W. and Hamilton, R. (2015) Literature research in relevant fields to understand pressure relief valve leak tightness in a static closed state. Procedia Engineering, 130. pp. 95-103. ISSN 1877-7058

Gorash, Yevgen and Dempster, William and Nicholls, William D. and Hamilton, Robert (2015) Fluid pressure penetration for advanced FEA of metal-to-metal seals. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, PAMM, 15 (1). pp. 197-198. ISSN 1617-7061

Gorash, Yevgen and Dempster, William and Nicholls, William and Hamilton, Robert (2015) Modelling of metal-to-metal seals in a pressure relief valve using advanced FE analysis. In: 12th International Conference on Computational Methods & Experiments in Surface & Contact Mechanicsc including Tribology, 2015-04-21 - 2015-04-23, TRYP València Oceanic Hotel.

Gorash, Yevgen and Dempster, William and Nicholls, William and Hamilton, Robert; de Hosson, J.Th.M. and Hadfield, M. and Brebbia, C.A., eds. (2015) Modelling of metal-to-metal seals in a pressure relief valve using advanced FE-analysis. In: Surface Effects and Contact Mechanics including Tribology XII. WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, 91 . WIT Press, ESP, pp. 247-258. ISBN 978-1-84564-950-0

Uzzaman, Asraf and Wrzesien, Andrzej and Hamilton, Robert and Lim, James B.P. and Nash, David (2014) Numerical investigation of cold-formed steel top-hat purlins. In: 22nd Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures, CCFSS 2014, 2014-11-05 - 2014-11-06, Missouri.

Uzzaman, Asraf and Wrzesien, A.M. and Hamilton, Robert and Lim, JBP and Nash, David (2013) Investigation of cold-formed steel top-hat sections under bending. In: 14th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, ICC2013, 2013-09-03 - 2013-09-06.

Md Mahbubur Rahman, M and Xu, Yixiang and Lim, James and Switzer, Christine and Hamilton, Robert and Comlekci, Tugrul and Pritchard, D. (2013) Behaviour of steel portal frames in fire : Comparison of implicit and explicit finite element methods. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 13 (4). 1250058. ISSN 0219-4554

Mackenzie, Donald and Li, Hongjun and Hamilton, Robert (2013) Multiphysics models for friction stir welding simulation. International Journal of CFD Case Studies, 10. pp. 19-30. ISSN 1642-236X

Li, Hongjun and Wood, James and McCormack, Ross and Hamilton, Robert (2013) Numerical simulation of ratcheting and fatigue behaviour of mitred pipe bends under in-plane bending and internal pressure. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 101. pp. 154-160. ISSN 0308-0161

Rahman, Mahbubur and Lim, James B.P. and Xu, Yixiang and Hamilton, Robert and Comlekci, Tugrul and Pritchard, David (2012) Effect of column base strength on steel portal frames in fire. Proceedings of the ICE - Structures and Buildings, 166 (4). pp. 197-216. ISSN 0965-0911

Behseta, Khosrow and Mackenzie, Donald and Hamilton, Robert (2012) Plastic load evaluation for a fixed tube sheet heat exchanger subject to proportional loading. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 92. pp. 11-18. ISSN 0308-0161

Behseta, Khosrow and Mackenzie, Donald and Hamilton, Robert (2011) Racheting assessment of a fixed tube sheet heat exchanger subject to in-phase pressure and temperature cycles. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 133 (4). 041201. ISSN 0094-9930

Carus, David and Hamilton, Robert (2011) Training shoe will improve mobility in elderly people. The Scotsman.

Hamilton, Robert and Mackenzie, Donald and Li, Hongjun (2010) Multi-physics simulation of friction stir welding process. Engineering Computations, 27 (8). pp. 967-985. ISSN 0264-4401

Carus, D. and Hamilton, R. and Harrison, C.S. (2010) Motorised shoe mechanisms to apply chaotic perturbations for gait training. In: 1st International Conference on Applied Bionics & Biomechanics, ICABB-2010, 2010-10-14 - 2010-10-16.

Neilson, Robbie and Wood, J. and Hamilton, R. and Li, H. (2010) A comparison of plastic collapse and limit loads for single mitred pipe bends under in-plane bending. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 87 (10). pp. 550-558. ISSN 0308-0161

Li, H. and Mackenzie, D. and Hamilton, R. (2010) Parametric finite-element studies on the effect of tool shape in friction stir welding. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 224 (8). pp. 1161-1173. ISSN 2041-2975

Pugh, Alistair William and Hamilton, Robert and Nash, David and Otto, S.R.; (2010) Characterisation of the materials in golf ball construction for use in finite element analysis. In: Engineering Sport and Engineering Emotion. Procedia Engineering, 2 . International Sports Engineering Association, AUT, pp. 3234-3236.

Mackenzie, D. and Li, Hongjun and Hamilton, R. (2009) Multi-physics simulation of friction stir welding process. In: NAFEMS World Congress and Exhibition, 2009-06-16 - 2009-06-19.

Rahman, M. and Lim, J. and Hamilton, Robert and Comlekci, Tugrul (2009) Dynamic behaviour of portal frames at elevated temperature. In: Simulea Customer Conference, 2009-05-18 - 2009-05-21.

Camilleri, Duncan and Mackenzie, Donald and Hamilton, Robert (2009) Shakedown of a thick cylinder with a radial crosshole. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 131 (1). 011203. ISSN 0094-9930

Rahman, Mahbubur and Lim, James and Hamilton, Robert and Comlekci, Tugrul and Pritchard, David and Xu, Yixiang; (2009) An investigation of overturning moments of portal frames at elevated temperatures. In: Proceedings of International Conference Applications of Structural Fire Engineering. EuroFire Engineering. ISBN 978-80-01-04266-3

Pickard, B S and Knight, H M and Hamilton, R S and Soares, D C and Walker, R and Boyd, J K F and Machell, J and McGhee, K A and Condie, A and Porteous, D J and St Clair, D and Davis, I and Blackwood, D H R and Muir, W J (2008) A common variant in the 3'UTR of the GRIK4 glutamate receptor gene affects transcript abundance and protects against bipolar disorder. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105 (39). pp. 14940-14945. ISSN 0027-8424

Mackenzie, Donald and Camilleri, Duncan and Hamilton, Robert (2008) Design by analysis of ductile failure and buckling in torispherical pressure vessel heads. Thin-Walled Structures, 46 (7-9). pp. 963-974. ISSN 0263-8231

Camilleri, D. and Mackenzie, D. and Hamilton, R. (2008) Evaluating plastic loads in torispherical heads using a new criterion of collapse. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 130 (1). 011202. ISSN 0094-9930

Comlekci, T. and Mackenzie, D. and Hamilton, R. and Wood, J. (2007) Elastic stress concentration at radial crossholes in pressurised thick cylinders. Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 42 (6). pp. 461-468. ISSN 0309-3247

Camilleri, D. and Mackenzie, D. and Hamilton, R. (2007) Material strain hardening in pressure vessel design by analysis. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 221 (2). pp. 89-100. ISSN 0954-4089

Camilleri, Duncan and Hamilton, Robert and Mackenzie, Donald (2006) Gross plastic deformation of axisymmetric pressure vessel heads. Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 41 (6). pp. 427-441. ISSN 0309-3247

Camilleri, Duncan and Mackenzie, Donald and Hamilton, Robert (2006) Evaluating plastic loads in torispherical heads using a new criterion of collapse. In: Proceedings of the ASME International Conference on Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2006-07-23 - 2006-07-27.

Camilleri, Duncan and Mackenzie, Donald and Hamilton, Robert (2006) Shakedown of a thick cylinder with a radial crosshole. In: Proceedings of the ASME International Conference on Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2006-07-23 - 2006-07-27.

Camilleri, D. and Mackenzie, D. and Hamilton, R.; Armstrong, Cecil, ed. (2006) Evaluating pressure vessel static design loads by plastic analysis and a new criterion of collapse. In: Computational Mechanics in the UK. Queen's University Belfast, pp. 183-186.

Abo-Elnor, Mootaz and Hamilton, R. and Boyle, James (2004) Simulation of soil-blade interaction for sandy soil using advanced 3D finite element analysis. Soil and Tillage Research, 75 (1). pp. 61-73. ISSN 0167-1987

Makulsawatudom, P. and Mackenzie, D. and Hamilton, R. (2004) Stress concentration at crossholes in thick cylindrical vessels. Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 39 (5). pp. 471-481. ISSN 0309-3247

Abo-Elnor, Mootaz and Hamilton, R. and Boyle, James (2003) 3D Dynamic analysis of soil-tool interation using the finite element method. Journal of Terramechanics, 40 (1). pp. 51-62. ISSN 0022-4898

Mackenzie, D. and Hamilton, R. and Muscat, Martin (2003) Evaluating shakedown under proportional loading by non-linear static analysis. Computers and Structures, 81 (17). pp. 1727-1737. ISSN 0045-7949

Muscat, Martin and Mackenzie, D. and Hamilton, R. (2003) A work criterion for plastic collapse. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 80 (1). pp. 49-58. ISSN 0308-0161

Hamilton, R. and Boyle, James (2002) Simplified lower bound limit analysis of transversely loaded thin plates using generalised yield criteria. Thin-Walled Structures, 40 (6). pp. 503-522. ISSN 0263-8231

Boyle, J.T. and Hamilton, R. and Dempster, W.M. and Nicol, D.J. (2002) Experience with classroom feedback systems to enable Socratic dialogue in large engineering classes. In: 2nd Annual Symposium on Engineering Education, 2002-01-01.

Muscat, Martin and Hamilton, Robert (2002) Elastic shakedown in pressure vessel components under non-proportional loading. ASME Publications PVP, 447. pp. 95-102. ISSN 0277-027X

Muscat, Martin and Hamilton, R. and Boyle, J.T. (2002) Shakedown analysis for complex loading using superposition. Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 37 (5). pp. 399-412. ISSN 0309-3247

Boyle, J.T. and Hamilton, R. and Dempster, W.M. (2001) Approaches to teaching and learning in engineering education (NATALIE) project. In: International Colloquium: Global Changes in Engineering Education, Proceedings of Ed-Media 2001 World Conference on Education Multi Media, 2001-10-01.

Boyle, J.T. and Hamilton, R. and Dempster, W.M. and Nicol, D.J. (2001) The use of classroom feedback systems to enable active learning in large engineering mechanics classes. In: International Conference on Engineering Education 2001, 2001-08-06 - 2001-08-10.

Abo-Elnor, Mootaz and Boyle, J.T. and Hamilton, R. (2001) Soil-tool interface experimental evaluation and constitutive models. In: 18th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics, Newfoundland., 2001-06-03 - 2001-06-07.

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