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Items where subject is "Regional planning"

Group by: No Grouping | Authors | Publication Date | Item type
Number of items at this level: 82.

Agapiou, Andrew (2018) Briefing : The potential of mediating planning and environmental disputes in England and Wales. Proceedings of the ICE - Management, Procurement and Law, 171 (3). pp. 91-92. ISSN 1751-4312

Al-Saraify, Qaaid Zgher Khlef and Grierson, David (2019) Walking to occupational activities within three neighbourhoods in Basra city : a questionnaire-based study. Open House International, 44 (1). pp. 53-61. ISSN 0168-2601

Allan, Grant J. and Waite, David and Roy, Graeme (2023) A mission perspective on emissions reduction at the city level : the case of Glasgow, Scotland. Climate Policy, 23 (8). pp. 1033-1044. ISSN 1469-3062

Anderson, Micky and Soraghan, Joanna and Bowman, Adrian and Anderson, Carol Ann and Young, Emma and McTier, Alexander and Ottaway, Heather (2023) Children's Services Reform Research : Mapping Integration and Outcomes Across Scotland: A Statistical Analysis. CELCIS, Glasgow.

Bachtler, John (2010) Place-based policy and regional development in Europe. Horizons, 10 (44). pp. 54-58.

Bachtler, John and Davies, S. and Ferry, Martin and Gross, Frederike and Kah, Stefan and McMaster, Irene (2010) Regional policy and recovery from the economic crisis : annual review of regional policy in Europe. In: 31st Meeting of EoRPA, 2010-10-03 - 2010-10-05. (Unpublished)

Benneworth, Paul and Charles, David and Madanipour, Ali (2010) Building localized interactions between universities and cities through university spatial development. European Planning Studies, 18 (10). pp. 1611-1629. ISSN 0965-4313

Bleil de Souza, Clarice and McElroy, Lori and Pezzica, Camilla (2024) Exploring multi-domain simulation workflows for ‘Sustainable cities & communities’ (UN SDG11). Journal of Building Performance Simulation. pp. 1-9. ISSN 1940-1493

Boyle, Robert M and Wannop, Urlan (1982) Area initiatives and the SDA : the rise of the urban project. Quarterly Economic Commentary, 8 (1). pp. 45-57. ISSN 0306-7866

Cairns, George and Wright, George (2020) A reflection on the mass production of scenarios in response to COVID-19. Futures & Foresight Science, 2 (3-4). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2573-5152

Charley, Jonathan; Borden, Iain and Fraser, Murray and Penner, Barbara, eds. (2014) Spectres of Marx in City-X. In: Forty Ways to Think About Architecture. John Wiley & Sons Inc., Chichester. ISBN 9781118822616

Coelho, Miguel and Dellepiane-Avellaneda, Sebastian and Ratnoo, Vigyan (2016) The political economy of housing in England. New Political Economy. ISSN 1356-3467

Darby, Julia and Muscatelli, Anton and Roy, Graeme (2004) Fiscal Federalism, Fiscal Consolidations and Cuts in Central Government Grants : Evidence from an Event Study. Discussion paper. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Downes, Ruth and Ferry, Martin and Maguire, Rachel and Bachtler, John (2024) Regional Policy in Europe : No Place Left Behind. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Emonts-Holley, Tobias and Greig, Alastair and Lecca, Patrizio and Lisenkova, Katerina and McGregor, Peter G and Swales, J Kim (2017) The Impact of Enhanced Regional Fiscal Autonomy : Towards a Scandinavian Model for Scotland? Discussion paper. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Fazio, Giorgio and Macdonald, Ronald and Melitz, Jacques (2005) Trade Costs, Trade Balances and Current Accounts : An Application of Gravity to Multilateral Trade. Discussion paper. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Fleischmann, Martin and Feliciotti, Alessandra and Romice, Ombretta and Porta, Sergio (2022) Methodological foundation of a numerical taxonomy of urban form. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 49 (4). pp. 1283-1299. ISSN 2399-8091

Fonseca, Liliana and Nieth, Lisa (2021) The role of universities in regional development strategies : a comparison across actors and policy stages. European Urban and Regional Studies, 28 (3). pp. 298-315. ISSN 0969-7764

Gaigné, Carl and Riou, Stéphane (2004) Globalization, Tax Competition and Fiscal Equalization. Discussion paper. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Gharib, Remah Y. and Salama, Ashraf M. (2014) Nature of urban interventions in changing the old center of a globalizing Doha. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 3 (4). pp. 468-476. ISSN 2095-2635

Gilmartin, Michelle and Learmonth, David and McGregor, Peter and Swales, Kim and Turner, Karen (2007) The National Impact of Regional Policy : Demand-Side Policy Simulation with Labour Market Constraints in a Two-Region Computable General Equilibrium Model. Discussion paper. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Grierson, David (2003) Acrology and Arcosanti : Towards a sustainable built environment. Electronic Green Journal, 1 (18). ISSN 1076-7975

Grierson, David (2014) RE-thinking urban life? In: Re-Thinking Residential Environments: Environment and Design Congress, 2014-12-11 - 2014-12-12, Behcesehir University. (Unpublished)

Ha, Soo Jung and Hewings, Geoffrey and Turner, Karen (2009) An Interregional Input-Output Analysis of the Pollution Content of Trade Flows and Environmental Trade Balances between Five States in the US Mid-West. Discussion paper. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Hayton, Keith (2002) Closing the gap - a regeneration strategy for Scotland? Quarterly Economic Commentary, 27 (3). pp. 32-37. ISSN 0306-7866

Howieson, Stirling (2017) The great Scottish housing disaster : the impacts of feudalism, modernism, energy efficiency and vapour barriers on indoor air quality, asthma and public health. Sustainability, 10 (1). 18. ISSN 2071-1050

Ibrahim, Hatem and Salama, Ashraf M. and Wiedmann, Florian and Aboukalloub, Bassma and Awwaad, Reem (2020) Investigating land use dynamics in emerging cities : the case of downtown neighbourhood in Doha. Journal of Urban Design, 25 (3). pp. 387-411. ISSN 1357-4809

Iovene, Maddalena and Fernandéz de Córdova, Graciela and Romice, Ombretta and Porta, Sergio; Colomer, Vicente, ed. (2017) Towards informal planning : mapping the evolution of spontaneous settlements in time. In: 24th ISUF International Conference - City and Territory in the Globalization Age. Universitat Politècnica de València, ESP, pp. 545-557. ISBN 9788490485743

Jensen, Christa D. and McIntyre, Stuart and Munday, Max and Turner, Karen (2009) Responsibility for Regional Waste Generation : A Single Region Extended Input-output Analysis with Uni-directional Trade Flows. Discussion paper. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Kah, Stefan and Georgieva, Neli and Fonseca, Liliana (2020) EU Cohesion Policy in Non-Urban Areas. European Parliament, Brussels, Beliguim.

Kah, Stefan and Martinos, Haris and Budzich-Tabor, Urszula (2023) CLLD in the 2014–2020 EU Programming Period : an innovative framework for local development. World, 4 (1). pp. 122-139. ISSN 2673-4060

Kennedy, Ainslie (2017) Scotland's approach to participatory planning : characterising the charrette. ArchNet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research, 11 (2). pp. 101-122. ISSN 1938-7806

Kholmuminov, Shukhrat and Kholmuminov, Shayzak and Wright, Robert E (2017) Resource Dependence Analysis of Public Higher Education Institutions in Uzbekistan. Discussion paper. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Lavery, Martin and Abadi, Mansour and Bauer, Ralf and Brambilla, Gilberto and Cheng, Ling and Cox, Mitchell and Dudley, Angela and Ellis, Andrew and Fontaine, Nicolas and Kelly, Anthony and Marquardt, Christoph and Matlhane, Selaelo and Ndagano, Bienvenu and Petruccione, Francesco and Slavik, Radan and Romanato, Filippo and Rosales-Guzman, Carmelo and Roux, Filippus and Roux, Kobus and Wang, Jian and Forbes, Andrew (2018) Tackling Africa's digital divide. Nature Photonics, 12. pp. 249-252. ISSN 1749-4885

Lecca, Patrizio and McGregor, Peter G. and Swales, Kim and Yin, Ya Ping (2010) Inverted Haavelmo Effects in a General Equilibrium Analysis of the Impact of Implementing the Scottish Variable Rate of Income Tax. Discussion paper. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Lindsay, Colin and Pearson, Sarah and Batty, Elaine and Cullen, Anne Marie and Eadson, Will (2021) Collaborative innovation and activation in urban labour markets. European Urban and Regional Studies, 28 (3). pp. 282-297. ISSN 0969-7764

Lucas, Raymond and Romice, Ombretta (2010) Assessing the multi-sensory qualities of urban space. Psyecology. Bilingual Journal of Environmental Psychology, 1 (2). pp. 263-276. ISSN 2171-1976

McGregor, Peter G and Swales, J Kim (2003) The Economics of Devolution/Decentralisation in the UK : Some Questions and Answers. Discussion paper. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

McMaster, Irene and Van Der Zwet, Arno and Vironen, Heidi and Gaskell, Frank (2015) Northern Periphery Programme Preparatory Project - Arctic Collaboration Mechanism. EPRC.

McMaster, Irene and Wergles, Nathalie and Vironen, Heidi (2019) An Impact Evaluation of the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 2014-2020 : Final Report. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

McVittie, Eric and Swales, J Kim (2004) The Information Requirements for an Effective Regional Policy : a Critique of the Allsopp Report. Discussion paper. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

McVittie, Eric and Swales, J. Kim (2003) Regional Policy Evaluation : Ignorance, Evidence and Influence. Discussion paper. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Mehaffy, Michael W. and Porta, Sergio and Romice, Ombretta (2015) The "neighborhood unit" on trial : a case study of the impacts of urban morphology. Journal of Urbanism, 8 (2). pp. 199-217. ISSN 1754-9183

Munro, Karen and Grierson, David (2016) Towards the development of a space/nature syntax at Arcosanti. Open House International, 41 (4). pp. 48-55. ISSN 0168-2601

Murray, Gordon and Romice, Ombretta and Feliciotti, Alessandra (2014) Housing Values Study : Pilot Study - Physical Survey Report. Architecture and Design Scotland.

Pacione, Michael (2013) Private profit, public interest and land use planning : a conflict interpretation of residential development pressure in Glasgow's rural - urban fringe. Land Use Policy, 32. 61–77.

Paloumpi, Evgenia and Ozieranski, Piotr and Watson, Margaret C. and Jones, Matthew D. (2024) Pharmacy users’ perceptions, awareness and future expectations of community pharmacy in England : a focus group study. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 32 (1). pp. 39-45. riad082. ISSN 2042-7174

Pappas, Nikos (2008) Can Migrants Save Greece from Ageing? A Computable General Equilibrium Approach Using G-Amos. Discussion paper. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Parva, Mohammad and Rahimian, Farzad Pour (2014) Transformability as a factor of sustainability in post-earthquake houses in Iran : the case study of Lar City. Procedia Economics and Finance, 18. pp. 431-438.

Phillips, Peter and Eales, Ric and Baker, Jonathan and João, Elsa and Lord, Richard (2014) Land Use Strategy (LUS) Delivery Evaluation Project : Volume 1: Main Report. Scottish Government Social Research.

Polverari, Laura (2013) Policy rhetoric versus political reality : has the Italian state given up on the Mezzogiorno? Regional and Federal Studies, 23 (5). pp. 571-590. ISSN 1359-7566

Porta, Sergio; Tolley, Rodney, ed. (2003) Formal indicators of social urban sustainability : a field research in Western Australia. In: Sustainable Transport. Woodhead Publishing, Boston, pp. 107-122. ISBN 9781855736146

Pyrko, Igor and Howick, Susan and Eden, Colin (2017) Smart mature resilience. In: 3rd European Climate Change Adaptation Conference, 2017-06-05 - 2017-06-09.

Ramsden, Edmund and Smith, Matthew (2018) Remembering the west end : social science, mental health and the American urban environment, 1939-1968. Urban History, 45 (1). pp. 128-149. ISSN 1469-8706

Reggiani, Marco (2021) Urban regeneration strategies and place development in contemporary Tokyo : the case of Shibuya Station area. Journal of Place Management and Development. ISSN 1753-8335

Remali, Adel M. and Salama, Ashraf M. and Wiedmann, Florian and Ibrahim, Hatem G. (2016) A chronological exploration of the evolution of housing typologies in Gulf cities. City, Territory and Architecture, 3 (Articl). pp. 1-15. 14. ISSN 2195-2701

Robazza, Paolo and Longo, Danila and Bortoli, Giulia and Alese, Giulia and Boeri, Andrea (2020) DIY urbanism as a tool of urban regeneration. Two cases in comparison. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 15 (3). pp. 261-268. ISSN 1743-761X

Romice, Ombretta and Porta, Sergio (2015) Plot based urbanism : a roadmap to masterplanning for change. Academy of Urbanism Journal.

Roy, Graeme (2006) Grants Versus Tax Sharing : The Extent of Central Government Control. Discussion paper. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Salama, Ashraf M (2011) Functionalism and the contemporary architectural discourse : a review of 'Functionalism Revisited' by Jon Lang and Walter Moleski. [Review]

Salama, Ashraf M (2012) Narrating Doha’s contemporary architecture : the then, the now, the drama, the theater, and the performance. DAP-Digital Architectural Papers (8).

Salama, Ashraf M (2009) Shaping architectural discourse by architecture students at Queen's University Belfast. [Review]

Salama, Ashraf M (2014) Shaping urban tradition and the contemporary lived space in a globalizing context. In: Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments (IASTE 2014), 2014-12-14 - 2014-12-17, Universiti Putra Malaysia.

Salama, Ashraf M (2012) A sustained quest for democracy in design and planning decision making : Review of 'Democratic Design: Participation Case Studies in Urban and Small Town Environments' by Henry Sanoff. [Review]

Salama, Ashraf M and Crosbie, Michael (2010) Design education : explorations and prospects for a better built environment. ArchNet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research, 4 (2-3). pp. 10-18. ISSN 1938-7806

Salama, Ashraf M and Sengupta, Urmi (2011) Changing paradigms in affordable housing, quality, and lifestyle theories. Open House International, 36 (3). pp. 4-6. ISSN 0168-2601

Salama, Ashraf M. (2007) Contemporary Qatari architecture as an open textbook. ArchNet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research, 1 (3). pp. 101-114. ISSN 1938-7806

Salama, Ashraf M. (2007) Nikos A. Salingaros : a new Vitruvius for 21st-century architecture and urbanism? [Review]

Salama, Ashraf M. and Azzali, Simona and Wiedmann, Florian (2016) Socio-spatial practice of migrant communities in Doha's traditional core : the case of Al Asmakh district. In: 7th Annual Gulf Research Meeting, 2016-08-16 - 2016-08-19, University of Cambridge.

Salama, Ashraf M. and Grierson, David (2016) An expedition into architecture and urbanism of the Global South. Open House International, 41 (2). pp. 4-5. ISSN 0168-2601

Salama, Ashraf M. and Remali, Adel M. and MacLean, Laura (2017) Deciphering urban life : a multi-layered investigation of St. Enoch Square, Glasgow City Centre. ArchNet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research, 11 (2). pp. 137-156. ISSN 1938-7806

Salama, Ashraf M. and Wiedmann, Florian (2016) Plurality of hubs and emerging place typologies in Gulf cities. In: BRISMES Conference 2016, 2016-07-13 - 2016-07-15, The University of Wales, Trinity St David, Lampeter Campus.

Salama, Ashraf M. and Wiedmann, Florian and Ibrahim, Hatem G. (2017) Lifestyle trends and housing typologies in emerging multicultural cities. Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 41 (4). pp. 316-327. ISSN 2029-7947

Salama, Ashraf M. and Wiedmann, Florian and Khalfani, Fatma A. and Al-Maimani, Ahood (2013) Dynamics of populations and the everyday urban environment in the emerging city of Doha. In: 4th Annual Gulf Research Meeting, 2013-07-03 - 2013-07-05, University of Cambridge. (Unpublished)

Sarker, Sajib and Adnan, Mohammed Sarfaraz Gani (2023) Evaluating multi-hazard risk associated with tropical cyclones using the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process model. Natural Hazards Research, 4 (1). pp. 97-109. ISSN 2666-5921

Tribe, Michael (2015) International Aid to Tanzania - with Some Comparisons from Ghana and Uganda. Discussion paper. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Wiedmann, Florian (2013) The verticalization of Manama’s urban periphery. Open House International, 38 (4). pp. 90-100. ISSN 0168-2601

Wiedmann, Florian and Conventz, Sven and Salama, Ashraf M. and Thierstein, Alain (2013) The role of advanced producer service firms in the development of urban diversity in Doha. In: 4th Annual Gulf Research Meeting, 2013-07-03 - 2013-07-05, University of Cambridge. (Unpublished)

Wiedmann, Florian and Salama, Ashraf M.; Leary-Owhin, Michael E. and McCarthy, John P., eds. (2019) Mapping Lefebvre's theory on the production of space to an integrated approach for sustainable urbanism. In: The Routledge Handbook of Henri Lefebvre, The City and Urban Society. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138290051

Wiedmann, Florian and Salama, Ashraf M. and Ibrahim, Hatem G. (2016) The role of mega projects in redefining housing development in Gulf cities. Open House International, 41 (2). pp. 56-63. ISSN 0168-2601

Wishlade, Fiona (2009) Crisis, what crisis? Business as usual for EU competition policy and regional aid control. In: 30th Meeting of the European Regional Policy Research Consortium (EoRPA),, 2009-10-04 - 2009-10-06.

Yamamura, Sakura and Lassalle, Paul (2019) Proximities and the emergence of regional industry : evidence of the liability of smallness in Malta. European Planning Studies. ISSN 0965-4313

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