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Items where subject is "Human ecology. Anthropogeography"

Group by: No Grouping | Authors | Publication Date | Item type
Number of items at this level: 46.

Borkowska, Sylwia and Zielinska, Ewa, eds. (2014) Układ otwarty. Miejskie partnerstwa międzysektorowe. Res Publica Nowa, Warsaw. ISBN 9788393521180

Abdullah, Shahriar and Adnan, Mohammed Sarfaraz Gani and Barua, Dhrubo and Murshed, Md Mahbub and Kabir, Zobaidul and Chowdhury, Mohammad Barad Hossain and Hassan, Quazi K. and Dewan, Ashraf (2022) Urban green and blue space changes : a spatiotemporal evaluation of impacts on ecosystem service value in Bangladesh. Ecological Informatics, 70. 101730. ISSN 1574-9541

Abubakar, Aisha (2016) Rethinking the quality of urban environments : book review of ‘Good Urbanism: Six Steps to Creating Prosperous Places’ by Nan Ellin. [Review]

Abubakar, Aisha (2021) Towards a human-centred approach for enhancing place prosperity : defining and operating within the basic human needs. Open House International. ISSN 0168-2601

Anusas, Mike and Harkness, Rachel (2014) Things could be different : design anthropology as hopeful, critical and ecological. In: Research Network for Design Anthropology: Ethnographies of the Possible, 2014-04-10 - 2014-04-11, Aarhus Universitet, Moesgård.

Anusas, Mike and Ingold, Tim (2013) Designing environmental relations : from opacity to textility. Design Issues, 29 (4). pp. 58-69. ISSN 0747-9360

Anusas, Mike and Ingold, Tim (2013) The electrical charge against infrastructure. In: 112th Annual Meeting American Anthropology Association (AAA), 2013-11-20 - 2013-11-24, Hilton Chicago.

Bate, Andrew M. and Jones, Glyn and Kleczkowski, Adam and Touza, Julia (2021) Modelling the effectiveness of collaborative schemes for disease and pest outbreak prevention. Ecological Modelling, 442. 109411. ISSN 0304-3800

Birch, Kean and MacKinnon, D. and Cumbers, A. (2010) Old industrial regions in Europe: A comparative assessment of economic performance. Regional Studies, 44 (1). pp. 35-53. ISSN 0034-3404

Bonachela, Juan A. and Klausmeier, Christopher A. and Edwards, Kyle and Litchman, Elena and Levin, Simon A. (2016) The role of phytoplankton diversity in the emergent oceanic stoichiometry. Journal of Plankton Research, 38 (4). pp. 1021-1035. ISSN 0142-7873

Charley, Jonathan (2017) Memories of Cities : Trips and Manifestoes. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9781138269989

Cumbers, Andrew and Shaw, Deirdre and Crossan, John and McMaster, Robert (2017) The work of community gardens : reclaiming place for community in the city. Work, Employment and Society. ISSN 0950-0170

Devine, P.F. and Baum, T.G. and Hearns, N. and Devine, A. (2007) Cultural Diversity in Hospitality Work: The Northern Ireland Experience. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 18 (2). 333 -349. ISSN 0958-5192

Drakopoulou Dodd, Sarah and Wilson, Juliette and Bonner, James (2022) Re-sourcing the city through radical institutional enterprise entwining and embedding the rural in urban peripheries. In: Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 2022-10-27 - 2022-10-28, UK.

Ejaro, Sunday Peter and Abubakar, Aisha (2013) Impact of rapid urbanization on sustainable development of Nyanya , Federal Capital Territory , Abuja , Nigeria. Research Journal of Social Science and Management, 3 (2). pp. 31-44. ISSN 2251-1571

Findlay, Allan and Fyfe, Nicholas and Stewart, Emma (2007) Changing places : voluntary sector work with refugees and asylum seekers in core and peripheral regions of the UK. International Journal on Multicultural Societies, 9 (1). pp. 54-74.

Grierson, D. (2007) Health problems associated with the built environment in areas of rapid urbanization and poverty. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Volume 2 (Issue ). pp. 391-396. ISSN 1833-1882

Gurney, William S. C. and Jones, Wayne and Veitch, A. Roy and Nisbet, Roy M. (2003) Resource allocation, hyperphagia and compensatory growth in juveniles. Ecology, 84 (10). pp. 2777-2787. ISSN 0012-9658

Haddrill, Penny and Shuker, David M and Mayes, Sean and Majerus, Michael E N (2007) Temporal effects of multiple mating on components of fitness in the two-spot ladybird, adalia bipunctata (coleoptera: coccinellidae). European Journal of Entomology, 104 (3). pp. 393-398.

Higgins, Michael (2010) The Cambridge companion to modern British culture. Cambridge Companions to Culture . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9780521683463

Islam, Md. Tariqul and Sikder, Sujit Kumar and Charlesworth, Mark and Rabbi, Atta (2023) Spatial transition dynamics of urbanization and Rohingya refugees’ settlements in Bangladesh. Land Use Policy, 133. 106874. ISSN 0264-8377

Jones, Lynne (2024) 'It's a building that draws up mixed emotions for me.' : Learnings from mobile interviews with teacher leaders in Scotland. In: Mobile Methods Across Disciplines, 2024-07-02 - 2024-07-02, Edinburgh Napier University.

Kerlaff, Leyla and Käkelä, Emmaleena (2024) Understanding good places to meet : the role of ‘common interest infrastructures’ in promoting social cohesion in superdiverse societies. Social and Cultural Infrastructure for People and Policy: Discussion Papers . The British Academy.

Kivell, Tracy and Dunmore, Christopher and Lu, Szu-Ching and Synek, Alexander and Bardo, Ameline and Bird, Emma and Deckers, Kim and Key, Alastair and Pahr, Dieter and Skinner, Matthew (2019) Signals of locomotion and manipulation in the internal trabecular bone structure of extant hominoids and fossil hominins. In: The 12th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, 2019-07-21 - 2019-07-25.

Mottelson, Johan and Venerandi, Alessandro (2023) Urban density and socioeconomic characteristics of informal settlements : evidence of interrelation from Maputo, Mozambique. Environment and Urbanization, 35 (2). pp. 349-368. ISSN 1746-0301

Munro, Karen and Grierson, David; Azeiteiro, U.M. and Akerman, M. and Leal Filho, W. and Setti, A.F.F. and Brandli, L.L., eds. (2017) Nature, people and place : informing the design of urban environments in harmony with Nature through the Space/Nature Syntax. In: Lifelong Learning and Education in Healthy and Sustainable Cities. World Sustainability Series . Springer, Cham, pp. 105-125. ISBN 9783319694740

Pacione, M. (2009) Urban geography: a global perspective. Routledge, London, United Kingdom. ISBN 9780415462020

Pacione, Michael (2004) Environments of disadvantage - the geography of persistent poverty in Glasgow. Scottish Geographical Magazine, 120 (1-2). pp. 117-132. ISSN 0036-9225

Pagliardini, Pietro and Porta, Sergio and Salingaros, Nikos A.; Jiang, Bin and Yao, Xiaobai, eds. (2010) Geospatial analysis and living urban geometry. In: Geospatial analysis and modeling of urban structure and dynamics. GeoJournal Library (99). Springer, New York, pp. 331-355. ISBN 9789048185719

Porta, S. (1999) The community and public spaces : ecological thinking, mobility and social life in the open spaces of the city of the future. Futures, 31 (5). pp. 437-456. ISSN 0016-3287

Porta, S. and Crucitti, P. and Latora, V. (2006) The network analysis of urban streets : a dual approach. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 369 (2). pp. 853-866. ISSN 0378-4371

Porta, Sergio and Renne, John Luciano (2005) Linking urban design to sustainability : formal indicators of social urban sustainability field research in Perth, Western Australia. Urban Design International, 10 (1). pp. 51-64.

Sime, Daniela; Ni Laoire, Caitriona and White, Allen and Skelton, Tracey, eds. (2017) Migrant children in cities : the spatial constructions of their everyday lives. In: Movement, Mobilities and Journeys. Geographies of Children and Young People, 6 . Springer, Singapore, pp. 271-288. ISBN 9789812870285

Speirs, D. and Gurney, W.S.C. (2001) Population persistence in rivers and estuaries. Ecology, 82 (5). pp. 1219-1237. ISSN 0012-9658

Spence, W.D. and Fowler, N.K. and Nicol, A.C. and Murray, S.J. (2001) Reciprocating gait prosthesis for the bilateral hip disarticulation amputee. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 215 (3). pp. 309-314. ISSN 0954-4119

Stewart, Emma (2008) Exploring the asylum-migration nexus in the context of health professional migration. Geoforum, 39 (1). pp. 223-235. ISSN 0016-7185

Stewart, Emma (2006) Refugee doctors – a valuable resource. BMJ, 332 (Career). pp. 73-74. ISSN 1468-5833

Strand, Mia and Ortega-Cisneros, Kelly and Niner, Holly J and Wahome, Michel and Bell, James and Currie, Jock C and Hamukuaya, Hashali and La Bianca, Giulia and Lancaster, Alana M S N and Maseka, Ntemesha and McDonald, Lisa and McQuaid, Kirsty and Samuel, Marly M and Winkler, Alexander (2022) Transdisciplinarity in transformative ocean governance research—reflections of early career researchers. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 79 (8). pp. 2163-2177. fsac165. ISSN 1054-3139

Sturniolo, Simone and Waites, William and Colbourn, Tim and Manheim, David and Panovska-Griffiths, Jasmina (2021) Testing, tracing and isolation in compartmental models. PLoS Computational Biology, 17 (3). e1008633. ISSN 1553-734X

Thwaites, Kevin and Porta, Sergio and Romice, Ombretta and Greaves, Mark (2007) Urban Sustainability through Environmental Design : Approaches to Time-People-Place Responsive Urban Spaces. Routledge, New York. ISBN 9780415384803

Turner, K. and Lenzen, M. and Weidmann, T. and Barratt, P.J. (2007) Examining the global impact of regional consumption activities - part 1: a technical note on combining input-output and ecological footprint analysis. Ecological Economics, 62 (1). pp. 37-44. ISSN 0921-8009

Udomchoke, V. and Sunthornranun, P. and Songsasen, A. and Phanwichien, K. and Jiwapornkupt, P. and Homchan, U. and Lauhachinda, N. and Sakultantimetha, A. and Bangkedphol, S. and Torrance, K. and Gibson, M.D. and Gaines, A.F. and Booth, P.H. and Keenan, H.E. (2010) The ecological complexity of the Thai-Laos Mekong River : I. Geology, seasonal variation and human impact assessment on river quality. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A, 45 (13). pp. 1661-1673. ISSN 1093-4529

Wengel, Yana and McIntosh, Alison and Cockburn-Wootten, Cheryl (2018) Tourism and 'dirt' : a case study of WWOOF farms in New Zealand. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 35. pp. 46-55. ISSN 1447-6770

Zannat, Khatun E. and Adnan, Mohammed Sarfaraz Gani and Dewan, Ashraf (2020) A GIS-based approach to evaluating environmental influences on active and public transport accessibility of university students. Journal of Urban Management, 9 (3). pp. 331-346. ISSN 2589-0360

Zannat, Khatun E. and Naim, Md Nazmul Huda and Islam, K. M.Ashraful and Das, Sourav and Adnan, Mohammed Sarfaraz Gani and Dewan, Ashraf (2022) Does children's independent mobility matter? Insights into escorting practices in a developing country. Children's Geographies. ISSN 1473-3285

van der Horst, Dan and Vermeylen, Saskia and Kuntashula, Elias (2014) The hedgification of maizescapes? Scalability and multi-functionality of Jatropha curcas hedges in a mixed farming landscape in Zambia. Ecology and Society, 19 (2). 48. ISSN 1708-3087

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