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Number of items: 48.


Davis, Andrew and Wagner, Beverly (2024) Understanding the role of 'sense of place' in the production and consumption of innovation districts. Innovation: Organization and Management. pp. 1-15. ISSN 2204-0226

Lemke, Fred and Elgersma, Erik and Wagner, Beverly and McDougall, Natalie (2024) Mitigating the effects of global disruptions on supply chains : gaining insights from the dairy industry during Covid-19. Production Planning and Control. ISSN 0953-7287

Mcdougall, Natalie and Wagner, Beverly and MacBryde, Jillian (2022) Competitive benefits & incentivisation at internal, supply chain & societal level circular operations in UK agri-food SMEs. Journal of Business Research, 144. pp. 1149-1162. ISSN 0148-2963

McDougall, Natalie and Wagner, Beverly and MacBryde, Jill (2022) Leveraging competitiveness from sustainable operations : frameworks to understand the dynamic capabilities needed to realise NRBV supply chain strategies. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 27 (1). pp. 12-29. ISSN 1359-8546

Fearne, Andrew and Wagner, Beverly and Mcdougall, Natalie and Loseby, David (2021) The power of purpose – lessons in agility from the Ventilator Challenge. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 26 (6). pp. 753-766. ISSN 1359-8546

McDougall, Natalie and Wagner, Beverly and MacBryde, Jill (2019) An empirical explanation of the natural-resource-based view of the firm. Production Planning and Control, 30 (16). pp. 1366-1382. ISSN 0953-7287

Kelly, Stephen and Wagner, Beverly and Ramsay, John (2018) Opportunism in buyer-supplier exchange : a critical examination of the concept and its implications for theory and practice. Production Planning and Control, 29 (12). pp. 992-1009. ISSN 0953-7287

Fain, Nusa and Wagner, Beverly and Kay, Neil (2018) Driving innovation through ambidextrous service provision - long life cycle products in manufacturing contexts. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 130. pp. 3-13. ISSN 0040-1625

Aiello, Gaetano and donvito, Raffaele and Vanucci, Virginia and Wagner, Beverly and Wilson, Juliette (2018) The paradox of odd-even price in fashion luxury sector : empirical evidence from an international direct observation of luxury stores. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 9 (3). pp. 205-222. ISSN 2325-4483

Wagner, Beverly and Fain, Nusa (2018) Regulatory influences on innovation in the public sector : the role of regulatory regimes. Public Management Review, 20 (8). pp. 1205-1227. ISSN 1471-9037

Oloruntoba, Richard and Farid Hossain, Gazi and Wagner, Beverly (2016) Theory in humanitarian operations research. Annals of Operations Research, 247 (2). pp. 1-18. ISSN 0254-5330

Svennson, G. and Høgevold, Nils M. and Petzer, Danie and Padin, Carmen and Ferro, Carlos and Klopper, HB and Sosa Varela, Juan Carlos and Wagner, Beverly (2016) Framing stakeholder considerations and business sustainability efforts : a construct, its dimensions and items. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 31 (2). pp. 287-300. ISSN 0885-8624

Fain, Nusa and Wagner, Beverly and Vukasinovic, Nikola (2016) A project-based approach to learning : comparative study of two disciplines. Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, 21 (1). pp. 51-60. ISSN 1360-1431

Høgevold, Nils M. and Svensson, Göran and Klopper, H. B. and Wagner, Beverly and Valera, Juan Carlos Sosa and Padin, Carmen and Ferro, Carlos and Petzer, Daniel (2015) A triple bottom line construct and reasons for implementing sustainable business practices in companies and their business networks. Corporate Governance, 15 (4). pp. 427-443. ISSN 1472-0701

Svensson, Göran and Wagner, Beverly (2015) Implementing and managing economic, social and environmental efforts of business sustainability : propositions for measurement and structural models. Management of Environmental Quality, 26 (2). pp. 195-213. ISSN 1477-7835

Høgevold, N and Svensson, G and Wagner, Beverly and Petzer, D and Klopper, HB and Sosa, J. C and Padin, C and Ferro, C (2014) Sustainable business models : corporate reasons, economic effects, social boundaries, environmental actions and organizational challenges in sustainable business practices. Baltic Journal of Management, 9 (3). pp. 357-380.

Wagner, Beverly and Svensson, Goran (2014) A framework to navigate sustainability in business networks : the transformative business sustainability (TBS) model. European Business Review, 26 (4). pp. 340-367. ISSN 0955-534X

Hamilton, Kathy and Wagner, Beverly A. (2014) Commercialised nostalgia : staging consumer experiences in small businesses. European Journal of Marketing, 48 (5/6). pp. 813-832. ISSN 0309-0566

Fain, Nusa and Wagner, Beverly (2014) R&D-marketing integration in innovation - does culture matter? European Business Review, 26 (2). pp. 169-187. ISSN 0955-534X

Hamilton, Kathy and Edwards, Sarah and Hammill, Faye and Wagner, Beverly and Wilson, Juliette (2014) Nostalgia in the twenty-first century. Consumption, Markets and Culture, 17 (2). pp. 101-104. ISSN 1025-3866

van Hoek, Remko and Wagner, Beverly (2013) Supply chain management (SCM) : current education provision and practitioner future needs. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 18 (4). ISSN 1359-8546

Wagner, Beverly and Ramsay, J. and Kelly, Stephen (2013) Purchase offering quality : the effects of buyer behaviour on organizational supplying behaviour. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 33 (10). pp. 1260-1282. ISSN 0144-3577

Finch, John and Wagner, Beverly A and Hynes, Niki (2012) Resources prospectively : how actors mobilize resources in business settings. Journal of Business Research, 65 (2). 164–174. ISSN 0148-2963

Wagner, Beverly A and Hamilton, Kathy (2011) Mamma mia! : an exploration of spectacular consumption. Journal of Customer Behaviour, Winter.

Finch, J.H. and Wagner, B.A. and Hynes, N. (2010) Trust and forms of capital in business-to-business activities and relationships. Industrial Marketing Management, 39 (6). pp. 1019-1027.

Wagner, Beverly and Fillis, I. (2005) An exploratory study of SME supplier development and local sourcing in the grocery retail sector. The International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 33 (10). pp. 716-733.

Fillis, Ian and Johansson, Ulf and Wagner, Beverly (2004) A qualitative investigation of smaller firm e-business development. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 11 (3). pp. 349-361. ISSN 1462-6004

Wagner, B.A. and Fillis, I. and Johansson, U. (2003) E-business and e-supply strategy in small and medium sized businesses (SMEs). Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 8 (4). pp. 343-354. ISSN 1359-8546

Fillis, Ian and Johansson, Ulf and Wagner, Beverly (2003) A conceptualisation of the opportunities and barriers to e‐business development in the smaller firm. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 10 (3). pp. 336-344. ISSN 1462-6004

Wagner, Beverly A. and Fillis, Ian and Johansson, Ulf (2003) An empirical investigation into e-business adoption in the Scottish smaller firm. International Journal of Electronic Business, 1 (4). pp. 408-422. ISSN 1741-5063

Book Section

Fain, Nusa and Wagner, Beverly and Kay, Neil and Vukasinovic, Nikola; Bohemia, Erik and de Bont, Cees and Holm, Lisbeth Svengren, eds. (2017) Bespoke innovation : filling the gap between classic and user-centred open innovation. In: Conference Proceedings of the Design Management Academy 2017. Conference Proceedings of the Design Management Academy, 1 . The Design Society, CHN, pp. 147-154. ISBN 9781912294114

McDougall, Natalie and Wagner, Beverly and MacBryde, Jillian; Setchi, Rossi and Howlett, Robert J. and Liu, Ying and Theobald, Peter, eds. (2016) Exploring dynamic natural-resource-based capabilities for sustainable agri-food chains. In: Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2016. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies . Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, GRC, pp. 455-465. ISBN 9783319320960

Grant, D. A. and Russell, G. and Wagner, B. and Fain, N.; Culley, Stephen J. and Lindemann, Udo and McAloone, Tim and Weber, Christian and Marjanović, Dorian, eds. (2016) Optimizing the process of product development by collaborating & thinking visually-co-creation within Howden. In: Proceedings of the DESIGN 2016 14th International Design Conference. Proceedings of the International Design Conference, 4 . The Design Society, HRV, pp. 2017-2026.

Sosa-Varela, Juan Carlos and Svensson, Göran and Padin, Carmen and Høgevold, Nils and Wagner, Beverly and Ferro, Carlos and Petzer, Daniel and Klopper, H.B.; Groza, Mark D. and Ragland, Charles B., eds. (2016) Norwegian best practice of sustainable business models. In: Marketing Challenges in a Turbulent Business Environment. Developments in Marketing Science . Springer, PER, pp. 7-8. ISBN 9783319194288

Svensson, Göran and Sosa-Varela, Juan Carlos and Høgevold, Nils and Padin, Carmen and Ferro, Carlos and Wagner, Beverly and Petzer, Daniel and Klopper, H. B.; Obal, Michael W. and Krey, Nina and Bushardt, Christian, eds. (2016) Practices of business sustainability : models and cases. In: Let’s Get Engaged! Crossing the Threshold of Marketing’s Engagement Era. Springer, USA, pp. 19-21. ISBN 9783319118154

Fain, Nusa and Wagner, Beverly and Liu, Yeyi; (2014) Developing NPD best practice through KTP industry-academia partnerships - a case study of howden. In: Proceedings of the DESIGN 2014 13th International Design Conference. The Design Society, HRV.

Fain, Nusa and Wagner, Beverly and Lemke, Fred; (2014) Exploring collaboration in new product development. In: Proceedings from the The 19th DMI. Design Management Institute, GBR.

Conference or Workshop Item

Huang, Lu and Wagner, Beverly and Fain, Nusa (2016) Open innovation adoption from strategy to practice : implications from organizational ambidexterity and dynamic capabilities. In: 3rd Annual World Open Innovation Conference, 2016-12-15 - 2016-12-16, ESADE.

Mcdougall, Natalie and Wagner, Beverly and MacBryde, Jillian (2016) A dynamic NRBV framework for innovative sustainable operations. In: 23rd Innovation and Product Development Management Conference, 2016-06-12 - 2016-06-14, University of Strathclyde.

MacKinven, Stuart and MacBryde, Jillian and Wagner, Beverly (2014) Sensing opportunities : is there a need for a managed search process in open innovation? In: 21st EurOMA Conference, 2014-06-22 - 2014-06-25.

MacKinven, Stuart and MacBryde, Jillian and Wagner, Beverly (2014) Open innovation management through strategic implementation. In: The R&D Management Conference 2014, 2014-06-03 - 2014-06-06.

Petzer, D and Svensson, G and Høgevold, N and Padin, C and Klopper, HB and Ferro, C and Sosa, J. C and Wagner, Beverly (2014) Developing a comprehensive business sustainability index based upon the triple bottom line (TBL) approach. In: EMAC Conference, 2014-06-03 - 2014-06-06.

Svensson, G and Høgevold, N and Petzer, D and Padin, C and Sosa, J. C and Klopper, HB and Ferro, C and Wagner, Beverly (2014) A business sustainability index : findings and framework. In: International Conference on Business and Management, 2014-06-17 - 2014-06-19.

Sosa, J. C and Svensson, G and Padin, C and Ferro, C and Høgevold, N and Wagner, Beverly and Petzer, D and Klopper, HB (2014) Business sustainability index : an international project for measure sustainable business practices. In: Quest for Global Competitiveness, 2014-03-13 - 2014-03-14.

Wagner, Beverly and Wilson, Juliette and Vescovi, Tiziano (2014) Exploring the relationship between luxury brand personality, store personality and consumer personality. In: 13th International Marketing Trends Conference, 2014-01-23 - 2014-01-25. (Unpublished)

Aiello, Gaetano and Donvito, Raffaele and Grazzini, Laura and Godey, Bruno and Pederzoli, Danielle and Wagner, Beverly and Wilson, Juliette and Halliburton, Chris (2014) International retailing of 'made in Italy' products : the results of an observational research in French, Russian and UK markets. In: 13th International Marketing Trends Conference, 2014-01-23 - 2014-01-25.

MacKinven, Stuart and MacBryde, Jillian and Wagner, Beverly (2013) A framework for measuring open innovation maturity levels. In: 20th EurOMA Conference 2013, 2013-06-07 - 2013-06-12. (Unpublished)

Hamilton, Kathy and Wagner, Beverly and Wilson, Juliette and Tonner, Andrea (2012) Food and nostalgia - poetic representations in representing culinary cultures : an exploration of three culinary texts. In: 7th Consumer Culture Theory Conference, 2012-08-16 - 2012-08-19. (Unpublished)

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