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Items where subject is "Europe"

Group by: No Grouping | Authors | Publication Date | Item type
Number of items at this level: 117.

Busby, Nicole and Zahn, Rebecca, eds. (2017) Studying EU Law in Scotland During and After Brexit. Scottish Universities' Legal Network on Europe, [Glasgow].

Alessandrini, Mirta and Alblas, Edwin and Batten, Lin and Bothé, Sumira (2024) Smallholder farms in the sustainable food transition : a critical examination of the new Common Agricultural Policy. Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law, 33 (1). pp. 124-135. ISSN 2050-0394

Ashiagbor, Diamond and Barilla, Salvatore and van de Beeten, Jacob and Meislová, Monika Brusenbauch and Canihac, Hugo and Chen, Xuechen and Copeland, Paul and Fahey, Elaine and Fichera, Massimo and Gao, Xinchuchu and Gentile, Giulia and Ionescu, Danai Petropoulou and Kowalski, Giulio and Lonardo, Luigi and Madsen, Mikael Rask and Ovádek, Michal and Perry-Kessaris, Amanda and Polomarkakis, Konstantinos Alexandris and Schiek, Dagmar and Terpan, Fabien and Yong, Adrienne and Zahn, Rebecca and Zglinski, Jan (2023) Understanding EU legal integration/disintegration : in search of new perspectives. Preprint / Working Paper. City University of London, London.

Bachtler, J.F. (1987) Restructuring the regions - analysis, policy model and prognosis. Regional Studies, 21 (5). p. 483. ISSN 0034-3404

Bachtler, J.F. and Clement, K. (1990) Inward investment in the UK and the Single European Market. Regional Studies, 24 (2). pp. 173-180. ISSN 0034-3404

European Commission, Brussels (Funder); Bachtler, J.F. and Polverari, Laura and Oraze, H. and Clement, K. and Gross, F. and McMaster, I. and Todtling-Schonhofer, H. and Naylon, I.. (2008) Ex post evaluation of the management and implementation of cohesion policy 2000-06 (ERDF). European Policies Research Centre.

Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos and Wishlade, Fiona (2019) Reforming the MFF and Cohesion Policy 2021-27 : Pragmatic Drift or Paradigmatic Shift? University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Barca, F. and Bachtler, J.F. Commissioner Danuta Hubner, Brussels (Funder) (2009) A more strategic and effective governance. In: An Agenda for a Reformed Cohesion Policy: A Place-Based Approach to Meeting European Union Challenges and Expectations. European Commission, Brussels, pp. 156-189.

Bates, St John; (2001) Estimating the cost of legislation. In: Evaluation of legislation : Proceedings of the Council of Europe's legal Co-operation and Assistance Activities (2000-2001). Council of Europe, Strasbourg, pp. 31-43. ISBN 9287147299

Bates, St John (2004) The Isle of Man's Tynwald and Europe : missed opportunities? The Beacon. pp. 13-14.

Blackie, John; Monteiro, S, ed. (2002) Tort law and a civil code for Europe - a United Kingdom perspective. In: Um Codigo civil para a Europa/ A civil code for Europe, Boletim da faculdade de direito, Coimbra, studia juridica 64 (2002). Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, pp. 227-242.

Blackie, John; Zimmermann, Reinhard, ed. (2003) Tort/delict in the work of the European Civil Code project of the Study Group on a European Civil Code. In: Grundstrukturen des Europaischen Deliktsrecht. NOMOS, Baden-Baden, pp. 133-146.

Blackie, John; Bussani, Mauro, ed. (2006) The torts provisions of the study group on a European civil code. In: European tort law: Eastern and Western perspectives. Stämpfli Publishers, Berne, Switzerland, pp. 55-80. ISBN 3727226420

Bolton, Sharon C. and Muzio, Daniel; Bertocchi, C., ed. (2008) L'esercito di riserva: femminizzazione e profitto nella professione legale inglese'. In: La Liberta: Nelle Professioni, Nell arte, Nell'impresa. Proctor Edizioni, Bologna, Italy.

Busby, Nicole; Bogg, Alan and Costello, Cathryn and Davies, Anne, eds. (2016) The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. In: Research Handbook on EU Labour Law. Research Handbooks on Law . Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Cheltenham, pp. 150-173. ISBN 978783471126

Busby, Nicole and James, Grace (2015) Regulating working families in the European Union : a history of disjointed strategies. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 37 (3). pp. 295-308. ISSN 1469-9621

Busby, Nicole and Zahn, Rebecca (2014) The EU and the ECHR : collective and non-discrimination labour rights at a crossroad? International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 30 (2). pp. 153-174. ISSN 0952-617X

Busby, Nicole and Zahn, Rebecca; (2018) Implications for equality, employment and Human Rights in Scotland. In: Bringing Human Rights Home? What's at Stake for Rights in the Incorporation of EU Law after Brexit. Liberty, London, pp. 44-46.

Cardesa-Salzmann, Antonio (2022) Analysis : "programmes and projects leading to only temporary and short-term deteriorations of the status of surface waters must meet exemption criteria: Association France Nature Environnement (C-525/20)". EU Law Live, Madrid.

Cardesa-Salzmann, Antonio; Goizueta Vertiz, Juana and Gomez Fernandez, Itziar and Gonzalez Pascual, Maria Isabel, eds. (2012) El contenido juridico de la libre circulacion de personas en el Mercosur : balance y perspectivas. In: La Libre Circulacion de Personas en los Sistemas de Integracion Economica. Thompson-Aranzadi, Madrid, pp. 163-185. ISBN 9788490140406

Cardwell, Paul James (2016) Rethinking law and new governance in the European Union : the case of migration management. European Law Review, 41 (3). pp. 362-378. ISSN 0307-5400

Cardwell, Paul James (2018) Tackling Europe's migration 'crisis' through law and 'new governance'. Global Policy. ISSN 1758-5880

Cardwell, Paul James (2018) The United Kingdom and the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU : from pre-Brexit 'awkward partner' to post-Brexit 'future partnership'? Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy, 13. ISSN 1845-5662

Cardwell, Paul James (2016) Values in the European Union's foreign policy : an analysis and assessment of CFSP declarations. European Foreign Affairs Review, 21 (4). pp. 601-621. ISSN 1875-8223

Cardwell, Paul James and Snaith, Holly (2018) 'There's a brand new talk, but it's not very clear' : can the contemporary EU really be characterized as ordoliberal? JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 56 (5). pp. 1053-1069. ISSN 1468-5965

Cercel, Cosmin and Mercescu, Alexandra and Sadowski, Mirosław Michał; Cercel, Cosmin and Mercescu, Alexandra and Sadowski, Mirosław Michał, eds. (2023) Afterword. In: Law, Culture and Identity in Central and Eastern Europe. Routledge, Oxon. ISBN 9781003346890

Cercel, Cosmin and Mercescu, Alexandra and Sadowski, Mirosław Michał; Cercel, Cosmin and Mercescu, Alexandra and Sadowski, Mirosław Michał, eds. (2023) Introduction. In: Law, Culture and Identity in Central and Eastern Europe. Routledge, Oxon. ISBN 9781003346890

Cram, L. (2001) Governance 'to go': domestic actors, institutions and the boundaries of the possible. Journal of Common Market Studies, 39 (4). pp. 595-618. ISSN 1468-5965

Cram, L. (2009) Introduction: banal Europeanism: European Union identity and national identities in synergy. Nations and Nationalism, 15 (1). pp. 101-108. ISSN 1354-5078

Da Lomba, Sylvie; Goudappel, Flora and Raulus, Helena, eds. (2011) The EU qualification directive and refugees sur place. In: The future of asylum in the European Union? Problems, proposals human rights. Asser Press, The Hague, The Hague, pp. 43-64. ISBN 9789067048019

Da Lomba, Sylvie; Bogusz, Barbara and Cholewinski, Ryszard and Cygan, Adam and Szyszczak, Erika, eds. (2004) Fundamental social rights for irregular migrants: the right to health care in France and England. In: Irregular Migration and Human Rights: Theoretical, European and International Perspectives. Immigration and asylum law and policy in Europe (7). Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden, the Netherlands, pp. 363-386. ISBN 9004140115

Da Lomba, Sylvie (2020) Humanising the EU migration policy : recognising irregular migrants' humanity. In: Free and Equal in Dignity and Rights - Human Rights in Migration Law Practice, 2020-01-30 - 2020-01-30, University of Giessen. (Unpublished)

Da Lomba, Sylvie (2017) Vulnerability and the right to respect for private life as an autonomous source of protection against expulsion under Article 8 ECHR. Laws, 6 (4). 32. ISSN 2075-471X

Da Lomba, Sylvie (2014) Vulnerability, irregular migrants' health-related rights and the European Court of Human Rights. European Journal of Health Law, 21 (4). 339–364.

Da Lomba, Sylvie (2004) The right to seek refugee status in the European Union. Intersentia Publishers, New York, USA. ISBN 9050953492

Da Lomba, Sylvie (2006) The threat of destitution as a deterrent against asylum seeking in the European Union. Refuge: Canada's national newsletter on refugees, 23 (1). pp. 78-93. ISSN 0229-5113

Da Lomba, Sylvie and Martin, R (2004) Public health powers in relation to infectious tuberculosis in England and France: a comparison of approaches. Medical Law International, 6 (2). pp. 117-147. ISSN 0968-5332

Da Lomba, Sylvie and Vermeylen, Saskia (2023) Rethinking vulnerability as a radically ethical device : ethical vulnerability analysis and the EU's "migration crisis". Human Rights Review, 24 (2). pp. 263-288. ISSN 1524-8879

Da Lomba, Sylvie and Zahn, Rebecca (2024) Post-enlargement (free) movement in the EU : who really counts as EU CITIZEN? understanding Dano through the lens of Orientalism. Griffith Law Review, 32 (4). pp. 387-409. ISSN 1839-4205

De Francesco, Fabrizio and Tosun, Jale (2022) The enactment of public participation in rulemaking : a comparative analysis. Swiss Political Science Review, 29 (1). pp. 21-36.

Devenney, James and Kenny, Mel (2017) The post-Brexit legacy of EU consumer law in the UK : chronic rejection or continued acceptance? Journal of European Consumer and Market Law, 6 (2). pp. 49-53. ISSN 2364-4710

Ernst, Hano and Sadowski, Mirosław and Sadowski, Mirosław Michał; Cercel, Cosmin and Mercescu, Alexandra and Sadowski, Mirosław Michał, eds. (2023) An ancestry of bridges : the persistence of legal transplants in Croatia and Poland. In: Law, Culture and Identity in Central and Eastern Europe. Routledge, Oxon. ISBN 9781003346890

Fahey, Elaine and Terpan, Fabien and Zahn, Rebecca (2025) Introduction : Special Issue: EU law in the era of digitisation: on strategic litigation causes, actors and processes. Nordic Journal of European Law, 7 (3). pp. 1-7.

Farrand, Benjamin (2015) Lobbying and lawmaking in the European Union : the development of copyright law and the rejection of the anti-counterfeiting trade agreement. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies. pp. 1-28.

Gillies, Lorna (2012) Creation of subsidiary jurisdiction rules in the recast of Brussels I : back to the drawing board? Journal of Private International Law, 8 (3). pp. 489-512. ISSN 1744-1048

Gorecka, Arletta (2024) On the interplay between competition law and privacy : the impact of Meta Platforms case. European Competition Journal, 20 (3). pp. 555-576. ISSN 1744-1056

Hamilton, Jennifer and Petty, Ross (2001) The European Union's consumer guarantees directive. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 20 (2). pp. 289-296. ISSN 0743-9156

Hamilton, Jennifer and Petty, Ross (2004) Seeking a single policy for contractual fairness to consumers: a comparison of US and EU efforts. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 38 (1). pp. 146-166. ISSN 0022-0078

Hart, R.A. and McGregor, P.G. (1988) The returns to labor services in West-German manufacturing-industry. European Economic Review, 32 (4). pp. 947-963. ISSN 0014-2921

Hoffmann, Linus J. (2023) Fairness in the Digital Markets Act. European Papers, 8 (1). pp. 17-23. ISSN 2499-7498

Hubbard, P. and Scoular, J. and Matthews, Roger (2008) Regulating sex work in the EU : prostitute women and the new spaces of exclusion. Gender, Place and Culture, 15 (2). pp. 137-152. ISSN 0966-369X

Jack, Douglas (2019) Conference Report : The United Kingdom's Withdrawal from the European Union (?) Domestic and European Constitutional Implications. ICON-S | The International Society of Public Law, New York.

Judge, A. (2009) Energy security: Europe's new foreign policy challenge. [Review]

Judge, David (1999) Capital punishment : Burke and Dicey meet the European convention on human rights. Public Law, Spring. pp. 6-13.

Kenny, Mel (2018) Der inszenierte Brexit : Was steckt hinter den ziellos scheinenden Verhandlungen zum EU-Austritt des Vereinigten Koenigsreichs? Europarecht, 53 (5). pp. 561-576. ISSN 0531-2485

Kenny, Mel; Halson, Roger and Campbell, David, eds. (2019) Those magnificent men in their unifying machines : exploring the wreckage of the unification initiative in European Private Law. In: Research Handbook on Remedies in Private Law. Research Handbooks in Private and Commercial Law . Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, pp. 425-438. ISBN 9781786431271

Lloyd, I. (2006) Analysis of adequacy of protection of personal data in Jersey. European Union.

Lloyd, Ian; Taeger, Jürgen and Wiebe, Andreas, eds. (2004) Data protection after September 11. In: Informatik - Wirtschaft - Recht. Regulierung in der Wissensgesellschaft: Festschrift für Wolfgang Kilian. NOMOS, Baden Baden, Germany, pp. 225-240. ISBN 3832905936

Maharg, Paul and Muntjewerff, Antoinette J. (2002) Through a screen, darkly : electronic legal education in Europe. Law Teacher, 36 (3). pp. 307-332. ISSN 0306-9400

Marcos, Francisco and Rodger, Barry and Sousa Ferro, Miguel (2018) Promotion and Harmonization of Antitrust Damages Claims by Directive EU/2014/104? Preprint / Working Paper. SSRN, Rochester, NY.. (Unpublished)

Marshall, J.N. and Bachtler, J.F. (1987) Services and regional policy. Regional Studies, 21 (5). pp. 471-475. ISSN 0034-3404

McHarg, Aileen; Elliott, Mark and Williams, Jack and Young, Alison, eds. (2018) Constitutional change and territorial consent : The Miller Case and the Sewel Convention. In: The UK Constitution after Miller. Hart Publishing, London. ISBN 9781509916405

McHarg, Aileen; Jeffery, Charlie and Perman, Ray, eds. (2016) Human rights : would our rights be better protected in or out of Europe? In: Britain’s Decision. The David Hume Institute/Centre on Constitutional Change/The Hunter Foundation, Edinburgh, pp. 64-68. ISBN 978-0-9932780-1-3

Mehling, Michael and van Asselt, Harro and Susanne, Dröge and Das, Kasturi (2022) The form and substance of international cooperation on border carbon adjustments. AJIL Unbound, 116. 213 - 218. ISSN 2398-7723

Morgera, Elisa (2020) Biodiversity as a Human Right and its Implications for the EU's External Action. European Union, Belgium.

Munro, Rebecca and Williams, Rebecca (2021) The Court of Justice in the Archives Project : Analysis of the Van Duyn Case (41/74). Preprint / Working Paper. European University Institute, [Fiesole, Italy].

Nash, Callum and Carey, Dan and Nicol, Emma and Htait, Amal and Schafer, Burkhard and Briggs, Jo and Moncur, Wendy and Azzopardi, Leif (2022) Making sense of trifles : data narratives and cumulative data disclosure. Jusletter IT (Februa). pp. 63-71. ISSN 1664-848X

Norrie, Kenneth (1991) Medical law at the Council of Europe. International Digest of Health Legislation, 42. p. 176.

O'Donnell, Therese (2005) Law after Auschwitz : Towards a jurisprudence of the Holocaust, by David Fraser. [Review]

O'Donnell, Therese (2008) Law, Antisemitism and the Holocaust. [Review]

O'Donnell, Therese (2010) The Nuremberg SS-Einsatzgruppen Trial : 1945 - 1958 atrocity, law, and history by Hilary Earl. [Review]

O'Donnell, Therese (2002) The trial of Maurice Papon: the night and fog of France's Vichy past. Contemporary Issues in Law, 6 (2). pp. 133-167. ISSN 1357-0374

Pavan, Elena and Senges, Max and Komaitis, Konstantinos (2009) Towards a humanistic conception of cyberspace : a twofold challenge for netizens mobilizing for a democratic internet governance. Annals of Dunarea de Jos, XV.

Piacentini, L.F. (2004) Barter in Russian prisons. European Journal of Criminology, 1 (1). pp. 17-45. ISSN 1477-3708

Piacentini, L.F. (2004) Penal identities in Russian prison colonies. Punishment and Society, 6 (2). pp. 131-147. ISSN 1462-4745

Piacentini, L.F. and Pallot, Judith and Moran, Dominique (2009) Welcome to Malaya Rodina ('Little Homeland') : gender and penal order in a Russian penal colony. Social and Legal Studies, 18 (4). pp. 523-542. ISSN 0964-6639

Pigrau Solé, Antoni and Álvarez Torné, Maria and Cardesa-Salzmann, Antonio and Font i Mas, Maria and Iglesias Márquez, Daniel and Jaria i Manzano, Jordi (2016) Human Rights in European Business : A Practical Handbook for Civil Society Organisations and Human Rights Defenders. Tarragona Centre for Environmental Law Studies, Tarragona.

Robson, Peter; (2008) Law, Hollywood and the European experience. In: Studies in Law, Politics, and Society. Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 117-146. ISBN 978-1-84855-378-1

Robson, Peter and Branco, Patricia and Rodger, Johnny; (2019) The architecture of courts in Portugal and Scotland. In: Research Handbook on Law and Courts. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Cheltenham.

Rodger, Barry (2012) Art.267 TFEU preliminary rulings: an overview of EU and national case-law. E-Competitions.

Rodger, Barry; Dannecker, Gerhard and Jansen, Oswald, eds. (2004) The Competition Act and the Enterprise Act 2002 reforms: sanctions and deterrence in UK competition law. In: Competition law sanctioning in the European Union : the EU-Law influence on the national law system of sanctions in the European area. European Monographs (46). Kluwer Law International, The Hague, Netherlands, pp. 101-132. ISBN 9041121005

Rodger, Barry (2014) Competition Law : Comparative Private Enforcement and Collective Redress across the EU. International Competition law Series . Kluwer Law International, Alphen aan den Rijn. ISBN 9789041145598

Rodger, Barry; (2011) EU Competition Law, Chapters 22-26. In: Wyatt and Dashwood's European Union law. Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 705-895. ISBN 978-84946-126-9

Rodger, Barry; Clarich, Marcello and Di Porto, Fabiana and Ghidini, Gustavo and Marchetti, Piergaetano, eds. (2014) Institutions and mechanisms to facilitate private enforcement across the EU : specialist courts and follow-on actions. In: Concorrenza e Mercato 2014. Giuffrè Editore, pp. 139-181. ISBN 9788814183898

Rodger, Barry (2004) The big chill for national courts: reflections on market foreclosure and freezer exclusivity under Article 81. Irish Journal of European Law, 11. pp. 77-116. ISSN 0791-5403

Rodger, Barry (2009) A study of compliance post-OFT infringement action. European Competition Journal, 5 (1). pp. 65-96. ISSN 1744-1056

Rodger, Barry and Ferro, Miguel and Marcos, Francisco (2023) Research Handbook on Private Enforcement of Competition Law in the EU. Edward Elgar, London. ISBN 9781800377523

Rodger, Barry and Middleton, Kirsty (2003) Reform of EC competition law enforcement: evolution/revolution/devolution or simply no solution? Scottish Law and Practice Quarterly, 8 (4). pp. 249-262.

Rodger, Barry and Sousa Ferro, Miguel and Marcos, Francisco (2019) Transposition of the antitrust damages directive : critical observations. CPI Antitrust Chronicle, 2 (1).

Rodger, Barry J (2017) Implementation of the Antitrust Damages Directive in the UK : limited reform of the limitation rules. European Competition Law Review, 38 (5). pp. 219-227. ISSN 0144-3054

Rodger, Barry J. and MacCulloch, Angus (2008) Competition law and policy in the EC and UK. Cavendish, London, UK. ISBN 9780415458474

Sadowski, Mirosław M. (2018) Central Europe in search of (lost) identity. Literary and legal findings. Administration. Theory – Didactics – Practice, 50 (1). pp. 130-147.

Sadowski, Mirosław Michał; Cercel, Cosmin and Mercescu, Alexandra and Sadowski, Mirosław Michał, eds. (2023) Central Europe : What's in a name? Forging an understanding of the region as a socio-legal and a socio-political space 1. In: Law, Culture and Identity in Central and Eastern Europe. Routledge, Oxon. ISBN 9781003346890

Sadowski, Mirosław Michał (2023) Law, Culture and Identity in Central and Eastern Europe : A Comparative Engagement. Routledge, Oxon. ISBN 9781003346890

Sadowski, Mirosław Michał (2024) Reimagining spaces in Central and Eastern Europe or memory roulette : legal, political and social aspects. Review of Central and East European Law, 49 (2-4). pp. 217-257. ISSN 1573-0352

Schafer, Quentin (2024) Reconsidering the limits of EU competition law on the IP-Competition Interface. Journal of European Competition Law & Practice, 15 (3). pp. 188-196.

Schäfer, Quentin; Pehlivan, Ceyhun N. and Forgo, Nikolaus and Valcke, Peggy, eds. (2024) Article 88. In: The EU Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act. Wolters Kluwer, Alphen aan den Rijn. ISBN 9789403532271

Schäfer, Quentin; Pehlivan, Ceyhun N. and Forgo, Nikolaus and Valcke, Peggy, eds. (2024) Article 89. In: The EU Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act. Wolters Kluwer, Alphen aan den Rijn. ISBN 9789403532271

Schäfer, Quentin B. (2024) Valve v Commission (Case T-172/21) - the territorial character and probabilistic nature of intellectual roperty rights in competition enforcement. European Competition Law Review, 45 (5). pp. 229-235. ISSN 0144-3054

Scullion, H. and Collings, D.; Brewster, C. and Harris, H., eds. (1998) Employee resourcing in the international firm. In: International HRM: Contemporary Issues in Europe. Routledge, United Kingdom. ISBN 978-0-415-19490-7

Smith, Pete and Lunn, Rebecca J. and Roberts, Jennifer J. (2016) Enlightening the European Debate : Environment, Energy and Climate. Royal Society of Edinburgh, Edinburgh.

Switzer, Stephanie (2018) Brexit and the Trade Bill : The Civil Society Brexit Project. Human Rights Consortium Scotland, Edinburgh.

Switzer, Stephanie; McMahon, Joseph A. and Cardwell, Michael N., eds. (2015) European union biofuels policy : past, present and future? In: Research Handbook on EU Agriculture Law. Edward Elgar, pp. 203-221. ISBN 978 1 78195 461 4

Taylor, Robert Brett and Wilson, Adelyn L M (2024) Past, Present and Future: Scrutiny of retained EU law and assimilated law at the UK and Scottish Parliaments. Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, 55 (3). pp. 606-618. ISSN 0340-1758

Vermeylen, Saskia (2015) Comparative environmental law and orientalism : reading beyond the 'text' of traditional knowledge protection. Review of European Community and International Environmental Law, 24 (3). pp. 304-317. ISSN 0962-8797

Webster, Elaine; Kaufmann, Paulus and Kuch, Hannes and Neuhauser, Christian and Webster, Elaine, eds. (2010) Degradation : a human rights law perspective. In: Humiliation, Degradation, Dehumanization. Library of ethics and applied philosophy . Springer, London, pp. 67-84. ISBN 9789048196609

Weissgold, Lily and Switzer, Stephanie and Eccleston-Turner, Mark and Scholz, Amber (2024) A technical and legal analysis of triggers for monetary benefit-sharing from digital sequence information on genetic resources : A Report for the European Commission, Joint Research Centre. Publications Office of the European Union.

Wishlade, F.G.; Bacon, Kelyn, ed. (2009) Regional aid. In: European Community Law of State Aid. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199543014

Wishlade, Fiona; Bacon, Kelyn, ed. (2013) Regional Aid. In: European Union Law of State Aid. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 161-188. ISBN 9780199665068

Wishlade, Fiona (2013) To what effect? The overhaul of the Regional Aid Guidelines : the demise of competition effects and the rise of incentive effect? European State Aid Law Quarterly, 12 (4). pp. 659-675. ISSN 1619-5272

Yuill, D.M. (2010) Recent regional policy developments in the member states and Norway. Unknown Publisher.

The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs (Funder); Yuill, D.M.. (2009) The future of peaks in the Delta: relevant European experience. Unknown Publisher.

Zahn, Rebecca (2020) Book Review- European Labour Law, by Teun Jaspers, Frans Pennings and Saskia Peters. [Review]

Zahn, Rebecca (2021) [Book review] Filip Dorssemont, Klaus Lörcher, Stefan Clauwaert and Mélanie Schmitt (Eds.), The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the Employment Relation. Oxford: Hart Publishing. xx + 685 pages. ISBN 9781509922659. GBP 125. [Review]

Zahn, Rebecca; (2022) Collective rights. In: Oxford Encyclopaedia of EU Law. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Zahn, Rebecca; (2022) The Lisbon Treaty. In: Oxford Encyclopaedia of EU Law. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Zahn, Rebecca and Da Lomba, Sylvie (2022) Post-enlargement solidarity and free movement in the European Union. In: UACES 2022 Annual Conference, 2021-08-05 - 2022-09-08, Universite Catholique de Lille.

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