Items where year is 1981
Banford, J.C. and Brown, D.H. and McConnell, A.A. and Smith, W.E. (1981) Resonance raman-spectra produced by the reaction of 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) with glutathione and with sulfhydryl-groups of biological-fluids. Inorganica Chimica Acta, 56 (1). L15-L16. ISSN 0020-1693
Bell, D.N.F. and Fraser, N. and Hamilton, D. and Harrigan, F. and Jowett, A. and Kirwan, F. and McGilvray, J. and O'Donnell, N. and Orton, I. and Simpson, D. and Tait, E. and Walker, J. and Wingfield, A. (1981) Housing in Scotland. Quarterly Economic Commentary, 6 (4). pp. 27-38. ISSN 0306-7866
Bell, D.N.F. and Fraser, N. and Hamilton, D. and Harrigan, F. and Jowett, A. and Kirwan, F. and McGilvray, J. and O'Donnell, N. and Orton, I. and Simpson, D. and Tait, E. and Walker, J. and Wingfield, A. (1981) Review of the quarter's economic trends [April 1981]. Quarterly Economic Commentary, 6 (4). pp. 1-4. ISSN 0306-7866
Bell, D.N.F. and Fraser, N. and Hamilton, D. and Harrigan, F. and Jowett, A. and Kirwan, F. and McGilvray, J. and O'Donnell, N. and Orton, I. and Simpson, D. and Tait, E. and Walker, J. and Wingfield, A. (1981) The Scottish economy [April 1981]. Quarterly Economic Commentary, 6 (4). pp. 5-26. ISSN 0306-7866
Bell, D.N.F. and Hamilton, D. and Harrigan, F. and Jowett, A. and Kirwan, F. and McGilvray, J. and O'Donnell, N. and Orton, I. and Simpson, D. and Tait, E. and Walker, J. and Wingfield, A. (1981) Review of the quarter's economic trends [January 1981]. Quarterly Economic Commentary, 6 (3). pp. 1-4. ISSN 0306-7866
Bell, D.N.F. and Hamilton, D. and Harrigan, F. and Jowett, A. and Kirwan, F. and McGilvray, J. and O'Donnell, N. and Orton, I. and Simpson, D. and Tait, E. and Walker, J. and Wingfield, A. (1981) The Scottish economy [January 1981]. Quarterly Economic Commentary, 6 (3). pp. 5-28. ISSN 0306-7866
Bell, D.N.F. and Hamilton, D. and Harrigan, F. and Jowett, A. and Kirwan, F. and McGilvray, J. and O'Donnell, N. and Orton, I. and Simpson, D. and Tait, E. and Walker, J. and Wingfield, A. (1981) The Scottish fishing industry : a survey of the catching sector. Quarterly Economic Commentary, 6 (3). pp. 29-36. ISSN 0306-7866
Bell, D.N.F. and Kirwan, F. X. (1981) National insurance : how to get rid of a bad tax. Quarterly Economic Commentary, 7 (1). pp. 25-26. ISSN 0306-7866
Connolly, John G. and Kerkut, G. A. (1981) The membrane potentials of Tetrahymena vorax. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Comparative Pharmacology, 69 (2). pp. 265-273. ISSN 0306-4492
Cooper, John (1981) The tobacco industry in Scotland. Quarterly Economic Commentary, 7 (1). pp. 30-37. ISSN 0306-7866
Eden, Colin and Jones, Sue and Sims, David and Smithin, Tim (1981) The intersubjectivity of issues and issues of intersubjectivity. Journal of Management Studies, 18 (1). pp. 37-47. ISSN 0022-2380
Eden, Colin and Sims, David (1981) Computerized vicarious experience : the future of management induction? Personnel Review, 10 (1). pp. 22-25. ISSN 0048-3486
Eden, Colin and Sims, David (1981) Management science process — subjectivity in problem identification. Interfaces, 11 (1). pp. 68-74.
Filer, D. and Pattison, J.D. and Anderson, W.G. and Gettinby, G. and Anderson, J.M. (1981) Reproducibility of leukocyte migration from agarose microdroplets. Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Immunology, 5 (3). pp. 185-189.
Fineman, S. and Eden, Colin (1981) Adding reality to role play. Journal of European Industrial Training, 5 (6). pp. 7-10.
Foster, J. and Fraser, N. (1981) The political economy of Mrs Thatcher's monetarism. Quarterly Economic Commentary, 7 (2). pp. 44-60. ISSN 0306-7866
Fraser, N. and Bell, D. and Hamilton, D. and Harrigan, F. and Jowett, A. and McGilvray, J. and McNicoll, I. and Moar, L. and O'Donnell, N. and Simpson, D. and Tait, E. and Walker, J. and Wingfield, A. (1981) Review of the quarter's economic trends [October 1981]. Quarterly Economic Commentary, 7 (2). pp. 1-4. ISSN 0306-7866
Fraser, N. and Bell, D. and Hamilton, D. and Harrigan, F. and Jowett, A. and McGilvray, J. and McNicoll, I. and Moar, L. and O'Donnell, N. and Simpson, D. and Tait, E. and Walker, J. and Wingfield, A. (1981) The Scottish economy [October 1981]. Quarterly Economic Commentary, 7 (2). pp. 5-27. ISSN 0306-7866
Fraser, N. and Hamilton, D. and Harrigan, F. and Jowett, A. and McNicoll, I. and Moar, L. and O'Donnell, N. and Orton, I. and Simpson, D. and Tait, E. and Walker, J. (1981) Review of the quarter's economic trends [July 1981]. Quarterly Economic Commentary, 7 (1). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0306-7866
Fraser, N. and Hamilton, D. and Harrigan, F. and Jowett, A. and McNicoll, I. and Moar, L. and O'Donnell, N. and Orton, I. and Simpson, D. and Tait, E. and Walker, J. (1981) The Scottish economy [July 1981]. Quarterly Economic Commentary, 7 (1). pp. 6-25. ISSN 0306-7866
Fraser, N. A. (1981) First impressions on the 1981 census in Scotland. Quarterly Economic Commentary, 7 (1). pp. 28-29. ISSN 0306-7866
Gardiner, W.P. and Gettinby, G. and Gray, J.S. (1981) Models based on weather for the development phases of the sheep tick, ixodes-ricinus l. Veterinary Parasitology, 9 (1). pp. 75-86. ISSN 0304-4017
Gettinby, G. and Connolly, P.J. and Anderson, J.M. (1981) Immunological assays for Celiac-disease. Lancet, 1 (8230). p. 1156. ISSN 0140-6736
Gettinby, G. and Paton, G. (1981) The role of temperature and other factors in predicting the pattern of bovine ostertagia spp infective larvae on pasture. Journal of Thermal Biology, 6 (4). pp. 395-402. ISSN 0306-4565
Gray, J.M.B. and Paice, B. and Moran, F. and Henry, D.A. and Gettinby, G. and Lawson, D.H. (1981) Acute respiratory-failure and CNS-depressing drugs. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 57 (667). pp. 279-282. ISSN 0032-5473
Hamilton, Douglas and Moar, Lyle and Orton, Ian (1981) Job generation in Scottish manufacturing industry. Quarterly Economic Commentary, 6 (3). pp. 37-44. ISSN 0306-7866
Harvey, A L and van Helden, D (1981) Acetylcholine receptors in singly and multiply innervated skeletal muscle fibres of the chicken during development. Journal of Physiology, 317. pp. 397-411. ISSN 0022-3751
Hood, N. and Young, S. (1981) Government policy and inward investment attraction in Scotland. Quarterly Economic Commentary, 6 (4). pp. 39-47. ISSN 0306-7866
Jones, Sue and Eden, Colin (1981) Modelling in marketing : explicating subjective knowledge. European Journal of Marketing, 15 (7). pp. 3-11. ISSN 0309-0566
Jones, Sue and Eden, Colin (1981) O.R. in the community. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 32 (5). pp. 335-345. ISSN 0160-5682
Jowett, A. and O'Donnell, N. and Tait, E. (1981) The textiles, leather, clothing and footwear sector in Scotland. Quarterly Economic Commentary, 7 (2). pp. 31-43. ISSN 0306-7866
Judge, David (1981) Backbench specialisation in the house of commons. Heinemann Educational Books. ISBN 0435834509
Judge, David (1981) Specialists and generalists in British central government : a political debate. Public Administration, 59 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 0033-3298
MacQuarrie, Alan; (1981) The crusades and the Scottish Gaidhealtachd in fact and legend. In: The Middle Ages in the Highlands. Inverness Field Club, Inverness, pp. 130-141. ISBN 0950261211
MacQuarrie, Alan (1981) The ideal of the holy war in Scotland. Innes Review, 32. pp. 83-92. ISSN 0020-157X
McConnell, A.A. and Brown, D.H. and Smith, W.E. (1981) The vibrational properties of some gold(iii)-halide complexes. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 37 (8). pp. 583-585. ISSN 1386-1425
McGilvray, J. W. and Simpson, D. R. F. (1981) Memorandum to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission. Quarterly Economic Commentary, 7 (1). pp. 38-53. ISSN 0306-7866
McGregor, P.G. (1981) The financing procedures of British foreign trade. Economic Journal, 91 (362). pp. 571-572. ISSN 0013-0133
McGregor, P.G. (1981) The portfolio selection approach and short-run econometric-models of capital flows and the foreign-exchange market - a theoretical-analysis. Journal of Economic Studies, 8 (2). pp. 3-24. ISSN 0144-3585
McNicoll, I. and Orton, I. (1981) Gas gathering or penny-pinching? Quarterly Economic Commentary, 7 (2). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0306-7866
Mez, L and Rudig, Wolfgang (1981) Energiediskussion in Europa : Berichte und Dokumente uber die Haltung der Regierungen und Parteien in der Europaischen Gemeinschaft zur Kernenergie. Argumente in der Energiediskussion Bd. 7 (3rd). Neckar Verlag, Villingen-Schwenningen. ISBN 3788308311
Moffatt, S. and Smith, A.L.S. (1981) High-frequency optogalvanic signals and co2-laser stabilization. Optics Communications, 37 (2). pp. 119-122. ISSN 0030-4018
Murray, M. and Clifford, D.J. and Gettinby, G. and Snow, W.F. and McIntyre, W.I.M. (1981) Susceptibility to African trypanosomiasis of Ndama and Zebu cattle in an area of glossina-morsitans-submorsitans challenge. Veterinary Record, 109 (23). pp. 503-510. ISSN 0042-4900
Pattison, J.D. and Filer, D. and Anderson, W.G. and Gettinby, G. and Anderson, J.M. (1981) Variability of invitro migration of human-leukocytes. Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Immunology, 5 (3). pp. 191-194. ISSN 0141-2760
Robson, Peter (1981) The homeless persons' obstacle race parts I and II. Journal of Social Welfare Law, 3 (5).
Rudig, Wolfgang (1981) Die Britischen grunen in der krise. Die Tageszeitung. p. 12.
Rudig, Wolfgang (1981) Public participation and nuclear power politics. Politics, 1 (2). pp. 35-42.
Sims, David and Eden, Colin and Jones, Sue (1981) Facilitating problem definition in teams. European Journal of Operational Research, 6 (4). pp. 360-366. ISSN 0377-2217
Smith, A.D. and Hughes, R.K. and Wood, B.J.B. (1981) The microbiology of railway tracks in 3 urban locations. Environmental Pollution Series A- Ecological and Biological, 26 (3). pp. 193-201. ISSN 0269-7491
Smith, A.L.S. and Murray, G.A. (1981) Single line CO laser operation. Optics and Laser Technology, 13 (6). pp. 307-309. ISSN 0030-3992