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Mackay, R.B. and Chia, Robert (2013) Choice, chance and unintended consequences in strategic change : a process understanding of the rise and fall of NorthCo Automotive. Academy of Management Journal, 56 (1). pp. 208-230. ISSN 0001-4273 (In Press)
Paton, Steve and Chia, Robert and Burt, George (2013) Relevance or ‘relevate’? : How university business schools can add value through reflexively learning from strategic partnerships with business. Management Learning, n/a (n/a). n/a. n/a. ISSN 1350-5076
MacLean, Mairi and Harvey, Charles and Chia, Robert (2012) Sensemaking, storytelling and the legitimization of elite business careers. Human Relations, 65 (1). pp. 17-40. ISSN 0018-7267
Chia, R.; Allen, Peter and Maguire, Steve and McKelvey, Bill, eds. (2011) Complex thinking : towards an oblique strategy for dealing with the complex. In: Sage handbook of complexity and management. Sage Publications, London. ISBN 9781847875693
Tsoukas, H. and Chia, R.; Lounsbury, Michael, ed. (2011) Introduction : why philosophy matters to organization theory. In: Philosophy and organization theory. Research in the Sociology of Organizations . Emerald Publishing Limited. ISBN 9780857245953
Nayak, A. and Chia, R.; Tsoukas, Haridimos and Chia, Robert, eds. (2011) Thinking, becoming and emergence. In: Philosophy and organization theory. Research in the Sociology of Organizations: . Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 281-311. ISBN 9780857245953
Yuan, L. and Chia, R. (2011) The effect of traditional Chinese fuzzy thinking on human resource practices in mainland China. Chinese Management Studies, 5 (4). pp. 431-449. ISSN 1750-614X
Chia, R. (2010) Problems, paradigms and strategic sense-Making. In: Clydesdale Exchange, 2010-04-27. (Unpublished)
Maclean, Mairi and Harvey, Charles and Chia, Robert (2010) Dominant corporate agents and the power elite in France and Britain. Organization Studies, 31 (3). pp. 327-348. ISSN 0170-8406
Maclean, M. and Harvey, C. and Chia, R. (2010) Sensemaking and storytelling in the recounting of elite business careers. In: 26th Colloquium of European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), 2010-06-28 - 2010-07-03. (Unpublished)
Chia, R.; DeFillipi, B. and Wankel, C., eds. (2010) Shifting Paradigms through "Letting Go": On allowing Oneself to Become a Management Education Scholar. In: Being and Becoming a Management Education Scholar. Research in management education and development . Information Age Publishing Inc., Charlotte, NC., pp. 11-41. ISBN 978-1-60752-346-8
Chia, Robert and Holt, R. (2009) Strategy without design: the silent efficacy of indirect action. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-89550-7
Rasche, A. and Chia, Robert (2009) Researching strategy practices : a genealogical social theory perspective. Organization Studies, 30 (7). pp. 713-734. ISSN 0170-8406
Chia, R.; Armstrong, S.J. and Fukami, C.V., eds. (2009) The nature of knowledge and knowing in the context of management learning, education and development. In: Sage handbook of management learning, education and development. Sage Publishing, London, pp. 23-41. ISBN 978-1-4129-3539-5
Chia, Robert and Rasche, A.; Golsorkhi, Damon and Rouleau, Linda and Seidl, David and Vaara, Eero, eds. (2009) Epistemological alternatives for researching strategy-as-practice: building and dwelling worldviews. In: Cambridge Handbook of Strategy as Practice. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. ISBN 9780521517287
Chia, R. and Holt, R. (2008) The nature of knowledge in business schools. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 7 (4). pp. 471-486. ISSN 1537-260X
Chia, R.; Barry, D. and Hansen, H., eds. (2008) Feeding marshmallows to alligators: The inherent fragility of human organization. In: Sage handbook of new approaches in management and organization. Sage, London. ISBN 9781412912181
Chia, R. and Holt, R. (2008) On managerial knowledge. Management Learning, 39 (2). pp. 141-158. ISSN 1350-5076
Chia, R.; Harrison, R.T. and Leitch, C.M., eds. (2008) Enhancing entrepreneurial learning through peripheral vision. In: Entrepreneurial learning: conceptual frameworks and applications. Routledge Studies in Entrepreneurship . Routledge, London, pp. 27-43. ISBN 978-0415394161
O'Leary, M. and Chia, R. (2007) 'Epistemes' and structures of sense-making in organisational life. Journal of Management Inquiry, 16 (4). pp. 392-406. ISSN 1056-4926
Cunha, M.P.E. and Chia, R. (2007) Using teams to avoid peripheral blindness. Long Range Planning, 40 (6). pp. 559-573. ISSN 0024-6301
Chia, R.; Clegg, S. and Bailey, J.R., eds. (2007) Ontology. In: International Encyclopaedia of Organization Studies. Sage. ISBN 978-141-2915151
Chia, R. and Holt, R.; Kessler, Eric, H and Bailey, James, R, eds. (2007) Wisdom as learned ignorance : integrating east-west perspectives. In: Handbook of organizational and managerial wisdom. Sage Publishing, London, pp. 505-526. ISBN 9781412915618
Harrison, R. and Leitch, C. and Chia, R. (2007) Developing paradigmatic awareness in university business schools: the challenge for executive education. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 6 (3). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1537-260X
Chia, R. and MacLean, Nayak A. and Harvey, C. (2007) Entrepreneurship, corporate governance, and Indian business elites. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 1 (1/2). pp. 9-27. ISSN 1753-0806
Chia, R. and Mackay, R.B. (2007) Post-processual challenges for the emerging strategy-as-practice perspective: discovering strategy in the logic of practice. Human Relations, 60 (1). pp. 217-242. ISSN 0018-7267
Chia, R. and Holt, R. (2006) Strategy as practical coping: a Heideggerian perspective. Organization Studies, 27 (5). pp. 635-655. ISSN 0170-8406
Chia, R.; Riffert, F., ed. (2005) A Whiteheadian approach to management education. In: Alfred North Whitehead on Learning Education. Cambridge Scholars Press, Newcastle, pp. 215-235. ISBN 978-1904303572
Chia, R. (2005) The aim of management education: reflections on Mintzberg's managers not MBAs. [Review]
Chia, R.; Tsoukas, H. and Shepard, J., eds. (2004) Re-educating attention: what is foresight and how is it cultivated? In: Managing the Future: Strategic Foresight in the Knowledge Economy. Blackwell, pp. 21-37. ISBN 978-1405116145
Chia, R. (2004) Strategy-as-practice : reflections on the research agenda. European Management Review, 1 (1). pp. 29-35. ISSN 1740-4754
Chia, R.; Jeffcutt, P., ed. (2000) The shaping of dominant modes of thought: rediscovering the foundations of management knowledge. In: The Foundation of Management Knowledge. Routledge, pp. 169-187. ISBN 978-0415207782