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Number of items: 15.

O'Connor, Rory C. and Rasmussen, Susan and Hawton, Keith (2012) Distinguishing adolescents who think about self-harm from those who engage in self-harm. British Journal of Psychiatry, 200 (4). pp. 330-335. ISSN 0007-1250

Rasmussen, Susan and Fraser, Louise and Gotz, Michael and MacHale, Siobhan and Mackie, Rhona and Masterton, George and McConachie, Susan and O'Connor, R.C. (2010) Elaborating the cry of pain model of suicidality : testing a psychological model in a sample of first-time and repeat self-harm patients. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 49 (1). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0144-6657

O'Connor, R.C. and Rasmussen, Susan and Hawton, Keith (2010) Predicting depression, anxiety and self-harm in adolescents : the role of perfectionism and acute life stress. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 48 (1). pp. 52-59. ISSN 0005-7967

Ferguson, E. and Williams, Lynn and O'Connor, R.C. and Howard, S. and Hughes, B.M. and Johnston, D.W. and Allan, J.L. and O'Connor, D.B. and Grealy, Madeleine (2009) A taxometric analysis of Type-D personality. Psychosomatic Medicine, 71 (9). pp. 981-986. ISSN 0033-3174

O'Connor, R.C. and Dixon, D. and Rasmussen, Susan (2009) The structure and temporal stability of the Child and Adolescent Perfectionism Scale. Psychological Assessment, 21 (3). pp. 437-443. ISSN 1040-3590

O'Connor, R.C. and Rasmussen, Susan and Hawton, Keith (2009) Predicting deliberate self-harm in adolescents: A six month prospective study. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 39 (4). pp. 364-375. ISSN 0363-0234

Potter, L.M. and Grealy, M.A. and O'Connor, R.C. (2009) Healthy ageing, perceived motor-efficacy, and performance on cognitively demanding action tasks. British Journal of Psychology, 100 (1). pp. 49-70. ISSN 0007-1269

O'Connor, R.C. and Rasmussen, Susan and Miles, Jeremy and Hawton, Keith (2009) Self-harm in adolescents : self-report survey in schools in Scotland. British Journal of Psychiatry, 194 (1). pp. 68-72. ISSN 0007-1250

Rasmussen, Susan and O'Connor, R.C. and Brodie, Dallas (2008) The role of perfectionism and autobiographical memory in a sample of parasuicide patients. Crisis - The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention, 29 (2). pp. 64-72. ISSN 0227-5910

Smallwood, Jonathan and O'Connor, Rory C. and Sudbery, Megan V. and Obonsawin, Marc (2007) Mind wandering in dysphoria. Cognition and Emotion, 21 (4). pp. 816-842. ISSN 1464-0600

Tolmie, Andrew and Thomson, James and O'Connor, R. and Karagiannidou, E. and Banks, M. and O'Donnell, C. and Sarvary, P. (2006) The role of skills, attitudes, and perceived behaviour control in pedestrian decision-making of adolescents aged 11-15 years. Road Safety Research Report . Department of Transport Publications, Wetherby, United Kingdom. ISBN 9781904763642

Cassidy, C. and O'Connor, R.C. and Howe, C.J. and Warden, D.A. (2005) Perceived discrimination among ethnic minority young people : the role of psychological variables. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 35 (6). pp. 1246-1265. ISSN 0021-9029

Smallwood, Jonathan and Davies, John B. and Heim, Derek and Finnigan, Frances and Sudberry, Megan and O'Connor, Rory and Obonsawin, Marc (2004) Subjective experience and the attentional lapse : task engagement and disengagement during sustained attention. Consciousness and Cognition, 13 (4). pp. 657-690. ISSN 1053-8100

Warden, David and Cassidy, C. and O'Connor, R. and Howe, C. (2004) Perceived discrimination, self-esteem and psychological distress among ethnic minority young people. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 51 (3). pp. 329-339. ISSN 0022-0167

Obonsawin, Marc and Smallwood, J. and Baracaia, S. and Reid, H. and O'Connor, R. and Heim, D. (2002) The relationship between rumination, dysphoria and self-referent thinking: some preliminary findings. Imagination, Cognition and Personality Consciousness in Theory - Research - Clinical Practice, 22 (4). pp. 317-342. ISSN 0276-2366

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