Items where subject is "French literature - Italian literature - Spanish literature - Portuguese literature"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (73371)
- Language and Literature (1229)
- French literature - Italian literature - Spanish literature - Portuguese literature (132)
- Language and Literature (1229)
Carlini Versini, Dominique and Verdier, Caroline (2024) L’Avortement chez les autrices d’expression française. L'esprit créateur, 64 (3). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1931-0234
Pigott, Charles M. (2024) Maize landscapes in indigenous literatures : towards alternative cartographic imaginaries. Latin American Research Review. ISSN 1542-4278
McGlade, Rhiannon; Dapena, Xavier and Britland, Joanne, eds. (2023) The art of ageing in contemporary Spanish graphic narratives. In: The Political Imagination in Contemporary Spanish Graphic Narrative. Advances in Comics Studies . Routledge, 9781032433271.
Romani, Gabriella and Fanning, Ursula and Mitchell, Katharine, eds. (2022) Matilde Serao : International Profile, Reception, and Networks. Classiques Garnier, Paris. ISBN 9782406128519
McGlade, Rhiannon (2022) Multilingual mirth on the Iberian page. The Journal of Catalan Studies, 1 (23). 82–112.
McGlade, Rhiannon and Epps, Brad (2022) (Dis)articulating identities : multilingualism in the Catalan countries. The Journal of Catalan Studies, 1 (23). 1–14.
Cameron, Bryan and McGlade, Rhiannon (2020) Out of the gutter : the politics of dissent in visual print media from the Spanish transition to the present. Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies, 4 (2). 175–185. ISSN 2474-1612
Rodero, Jesús (2020) El espíritu de la colmena : sobre monstruos y otras manifestaciones de la fuga y la supervivencia. Revue Romane. pp. 1-18. ISSN 1600-0811
Caballero Rodríguez, Beatriz (2019) Umbrales y dinteles : el papel de lo liminal en el pensamiento de María Zambrano. In: VI Congreso Internacional Sobre María Zambrano "Ciudadanía Y Democracia, 2019-03-10 - 2019-03-12, Fundación María Zambrano, Vélez Málaga.
Morris, Alan (2019) Shadow play : Patrick Modiano and the legacy of the Holocaust. French Forum, 44 (1). pp. 13-28. ISSN 0098-9355
Caballero Rodriguez, Beatriz (2018) Jesús Aguirre Ortiz de Zárate (Madrid, 1934-2001) [Semblanza]. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.
Caballero Rodriguez, Beatriz (2018) Semblanza de la Editorial Taurus. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes. (In Press)
McGlade, Rhiannon (2018) Dissenting voices? Controlling comics under Franco. European Comic Art, 11 (1). 30–47. ISSN 1754-3797
Morris, Alan (2018) Waiting for Godot : Jo Baker, A Country Lane, A Tree. [Review]
Rodero, Jesus (2018) Los relatos fantásticos de Adolfo Bioy Casares : esas grietas que revelan nuestra perplejidad ante el mundo. Hispanic Journal, 39 (1). pp. 139-156. ISSN 0271-0986
Verdier, Caroline; Lee, Mark and de Medeiros, Ana, eds. (2018) Centres et périphéries : mouvements géographiques et identitaires dans Antéchrista d’Amélie Nothomb. In: Identité, Mémoire, Lieux. Recontres . Classiques Garnier, FRA, pp. 97-108. ISBN 978-2-406-07168-6
Caballero Rodriguez, Beatriz and Romero Bueno, Sergio (2017) Review of Arte Escrita. Texto, imagen y género en el arte contemporáneo, (M. Méndez Baiges, ed.), Granada: Comares. [Review]
Mitchell, Katharine; Burns, Jennifer and Romani, Gabriella, eds. (2017) Evenings out : female spectators of opera and theatre in late nineteenth-century Italy. In: The Formation of a National Audience. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, Vancouver, BC, Canada. ISBN 9781611478006
Mitchell, Katharine; Storchi, Simona and Spunta, Marina, eds. (2017) Ottocento Italian Dive between the woman's stage and page. In: Women and the Public Sphere in Modern and Contemporary Italy. Troubador, Leicester. ISBN 9781788038911
Morris, Alan (2017) Forgetting is easy, remembering is murder : Didier Daeninckx, Meurtres pour mémoire (1983). [Review]
Morris, Alan (2017) Julia Holter, Le Clair-obscur 'extrême contemporain': Pierre Bergounioux, Pierre Michon, Patrick Modiano et Pascal Quignard. [Review]
Morris, Alan (2017) Review: Les Salauds vont en enfer: pièce en deux actes by Frédéric Dard; Hugues Galli, Thierry Gautier, and Dominique Jeannerod. [Review]
Rodero, Jesús (2017) Los espectros de los desaparecidos : pasajes entre compromiso político y visión literaria en los últimos cuentos de Cortázar. Neophilologus, 101 (1). pp. 93-108. ISSN 0028-2677
Hugueny-Léger, Elise and Verdier, Caroline, eds. (2015) Solitaires, Solidaires : Conflict and Confluence in Women's Writings in French. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. ISBN 9781443880251
Caballero Rodriguez, Beatriz (2015) Génesis y desarrollo de Antígona en el pensamiento de María Zambrano. Thémata : Revista de Filosofia, 51 (June). pp. 105-123. ISSN 0212-8365
Cooke, Philip; Bragança, Manuel and Tame, Peter, eds. (2015) Italian resistance writing in the years of the Second Republic. In: The Long Aftermath. Studies in Contemporary European History . Berghahn, Oxford, pp. 269-284. ISBN 9781782381549
Hugueny-Léger, Elise and Verdier, Caroline; Verdier, Caroline and Hugueny-Léger, Elise, eds. (2015) Introduction : Women, solidarity and solitude. In: Solitaires, Solidaires. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, GBR, pp. 1-6. ISBN 978-1-4438-8025-1
Kinloch, David; Crinquand, Sylvie and Bravo, Paloma, eds. (2015) A Personal Orpheus. In: Au plus profond de soi. "Proximites-Litteratures" . EME editions, Louvain-la Neuve, pp. 155-177. ISBN 9782806635068
Mitchell, Katharine; Babini, Valeria P. and Beccalossi, Chiara and Riall, Lucy, eds. (2015) Literary and epistolary figurations of female desire in early post-Unification Italy, 1861-1914. In: Italian Sexualities Uncovered, 1789-1914. Gender and Sexualities in History . Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., Basingstoke, Hampshire. ISBN 9781137396976
Morris, Alan (2015) Into the Heart of Darkness : Patrick Modiano, The Occupation Trilogy (2015). [Review]
Morris, Alan (2015) An ever-present past : Didier Daeninckx and the Manouchian resistance group. Journal of War and Culture Studies, 8 (3). pp. 254-268. ISSN 1752-6272
Caballero Rodriguez, Beatriz (2014) Cartas inéditas (a Gregorio del Campo). [Review]
Caballero Rodriguez, Beatriz (2014) MARÍA ZAMBRANO, La tumba de Antígona: y otros textos sobre el personaje trágico. Edición, introducción y notas de Virginia Trueba Mira. [Review]
Caballero Rodriguez, Beatriz; Augusto, Sara and Dotras Bravo, Alexia and Santos Sánchez, Diego, eds. (2014) Zambrano y la reescritura de Antígona. In: Literatura y Re/escritura. Centro de Literatura Portuguesa, Coimbra, pp. 515-526.
Mitchell, Katharine (2014) Italian Women Writers : Gender and Everyday Life in Fiction and Journalism, 1870-1910. University of Toronto Press, Toronto. ISBN 9781442646414
Valenzisi, Alessandro (2014) Uccellacci e uccellini : what makes an ideo-comic fable? Mise en Abyme. International Journal of Comparative Literature and Arts, 1 (1). pp. 6-29. ISSN 2284-3310
Mitchell, Katharine and Sanson, Helena, eds. (2013) Women and Gender in Post-Unification Italy : Between Private and Public Spheres. Peter Lang Pub Inc, Oxford. ISBN 9783034309967
Caballero Rodriguez, Beatriz (2013) Leopoldo Panero a la luz de la historia : reseña de En lo Oscuro Leopoldo Panero, Javier Huerta Calvo (ed.), Cátedra, Madrid, 2011. [Review]
Charnley, Joy and Verdier, Caroline; Charnley, Joy and Verdier, Caroline, eds. (2013) Introduction - As Time Goes By: Portraits of Age. In: As Time Goes By. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 1-5. ISBN 978-1-4438-4245-7
Mitchell, Katharine; Mitchell, Katharine and Sanson, Helena, eds. (2013) 'Sorelle in arte (e politica)' : The 'Woman Question' and Female Solidarity at the Fin de Siècle. In: Women and Gender in Post-Unification Italy. Italian Modernities . Peter Lang Pub Inc, Oxford, pp. 197-224. ISBN 9783034309967
Rodero, Jesus (2013) Paradigmas culturales y configuración de la identidad : lo fantastico socio-político en dos cuentos de Rosario Ferré. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, 19 (1). pp. 77-92. ISSN 1470-1847
Rodero, Jesus (2013) Políticas de lo fantástico : compromiso intelectual y olvido en dos cuentos de José Emilio Pacheco. Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 90 (7). pp. 1139-1157. ISSN 1475-3820
Verdier, Caroline (2013) 'De la science dans la fiction' : Elisa Brune's Petite révision du ciel and Les Jupiters chauds. MHRA Working Papers in the Humanities, 7. pp. 16-23.
Caballero Rodriguez, Beatriz and López Fernández, Laura (2012) Exilio e Identidad en el Mundo Hispánico : Reflexiones y Representaciones. Biblioteca Virtual Cervantes, Alicante. ISBN 9788415548034
Farrell, J. (2012) Il gattopardo. [Review]
Mitchell, Katharine (2012) "Making the world weep"? Decapitation/Castration in Puccini's Turandot. Romance Studies, 30 (2). 97–106.
Morris, Alan; Heck, Maryline and Guidée, Raphaëlle, eds. (2012) Patrick Modiano et le fait divers. In: Modiano. Cahiers de l'Herne, Paris, pp. 61-66. ISBN 9782851971678
Morris, Alan; Atack, Margaret and Lloyd, Christopher, eds. (2012) 'Un passé qui ne passe pas' : Patrick Modiano’s Accident nocturne and Dans le café de la jeunesse perdue. In: Framing narratives of the Second World War and Occupation in France, 1939-2009. Durham Modern Languages Series . Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp. 232-241. ISBN 978-0-7190-8755-4
Rodero, Jesus; Posso, Karl, ed. (2012) The fantastic short stories of Adolfo Bioy Casares. In: Adolfo Bioy Casares. University of Wales Press. ISBN 9780708325377
Cordier, A. (2011) Comment parler de la societe : artistes, ecrivains, chercheurs et representations sociales. [Review]
Farrell, J. (2011) Io, Jean Gabin. [Review]
Farrell, J. (2011) Temporary perfections. [Review]
Lawless, G. (2011) Unknown Futures: Nineteenth-Century Science Fiction in Spain. Science Fiction Studies, 38 (2). pp. 253-269.
Mitchell, Katharine; Bayman, Louis, ed. (2011) Febo mari's Cenere (1916). In: Directory of world cinema: Italy. Directory of World Cinema . Intellect Books, London. ISBN 1841504009
Morris, A.I.; Milne, Lorna and Orr, Mary, eds. (2011) The Mémoires of Doctor Lamballe and Mister Swing Troubadour : Echoes of Vidocq and Robert Louis Stevenson in Patrick Modiano's La Ronde de nuit. In: Narratives of French Modernity. Modern French Identities . Peter Lang AG, Oxford, pp. 123-138. ISBN 9783039110513
Parafita Couto, Maria Del Carmen and Carter, Diana and Davies, Peredur and Deuchar, Margaret (2011) Factors determining code-switching patterns in Spanish-English and Welsh-English communities. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada. ISSN 0213-2028
Rodero, J. (2011) Miradas oblicuas en la narrativa latinoamericana contemporanea : limites de lo real, fronteras de lo fantastico. [Review]
Varley, K. (2011) Gender and justice : violence, intimacy, and community in fin-de-siècle Paris. [Review]
Verdier, Caroline; Allison, Maggie and Kershaw, Angela, eds. (2011) Trajectories of two women's libraries : a comparative study of Bibliotheque Leonie La Fontaine and Bibliotheque Marguerite Durand. In: Parcours de femmes. Modern French Identities . Peter Lang AG, Bern, pp. 23-38. ISBN 9783034302081
Verdier, Caroline and Bainbrigge, Susan and Charnley, Joy, eds. (2010) Francographies : Identité et altérité dans les espaces francophones européens. Belgian Francophone Library . Peter Lang AG, New York. ISBN 9781433103483
Mitchell, Katharine and Ramsey-Portolano, Catherine, eds. (2010) Rethinking Neera : supplement to The Italianist. Italianist, 30 (Suppl-). pp. 1-156. ISSN 1748-619X
Lawless, Geraldine (2010) The meanings of a name: Antonio Ros de Olano's 'Maese Cornelio Tácito'. Hispanic Research Journal, 11 (1). pp. 48-58. ISSN 1468-2737
Mitchell, Katharine (2010) Narrativizing women's experiences in late nineteenth-century Italy through domestic fiction. Rethinking History: The Journal of Theory and Practice, 14 (4). pp. 483-501. ISSN 1364-2529
Mitchell, Katharine (2010) Neera's refiguring of hysteria as nervosismo in Teresa (1886) and L'Indomani (1890). Italianist, 30 (supple). pp. 101-122. ISSN 1748-619X
Mitchell, Katharine (2010) Recent work in Italian opera studies. [Review]
Morris, A.I.; Julien, Anne-Yvonne, ed. (2010) Des dimanches pas si doux : La mémoire de l'Occupation dans Dimanches d'août (1986). In: Modiano ou les Intermittences de la Mémoire. Éditions Hermann, Paris, pp. 111-128. ISBN 978-2-7056-6954-6
Varesi, Valerio and Farrell, J. (2010) The River of Shadows by Valerio Varesi (translated by Joseph Farrell). MACLEHOSE PRESS, London. ISBN 1906694273
Verdier, Caroline and Charnley, Joy and Bainbrigge, Susan; Bainbrigge, Susan and Charnley, Joy and Verdier, Caroline, eds. (2010) Introduction : [Francographies]. In: Francographies. Belgian Francophone Library . Peter Lang AG, New York, pp. 1-5. ISBN 9781433103483
Caballero Rodriguez, Beatriz (2009) Becoming and Consumption. The Contemporary Spanish Novel, by Candice L. Bosse, Lexington Books, USA, 2007. [Review]
Farrell, J. (2009) The crossroads. [Review]
Farrell, J. and Musarra, Franco (2009) Ugo Betti Today/L'attualità di Ugo Betti. Quaderni della Rassegna . Franco Cesati editore., Firenze. ISBN 978-88-7667-372-6
Morris, A.I. (2009) From social outcasts to stars of the mainstream : the combatants of the collaboration in postwar France. Journal of War and Culture Studies, 2 (2). pp. 167-179. ISSN 1752-6272
Morris, A.I.; Charnley, Joy and Moreau, C and Morris, A.I., eds. (2009) 'Les Fourberies de ce calepin': puns, wordplay and allusion in the French polar. In: Words and Things: Essays in Memory of Keith Foley. Glasgow University French and German Publications, Glasgow, pp. 13-35. ISBN 0852618387
Morris, A.I. (2009) Words and Things: Essays in Memory of Keith Foley. Glasgow University French and German Publications, Glasgow. ISBN 0852618387
O'Flaherty, Angela; Fell, Alison, ed. (2009) La résistance féminine: an analysis of the representation of women in selected wartime texts by Edith Thomas and Elsa Triolet. In: French and Francophone Women facing war/Les femmes face à la Guerre. Peter Lang, Modern French Identities, Bern, Germany, pp. 141-157. ISBN 9783039113323
O'Flaherty, Angela (2009) Oeuvre Lazaréenne: Anna Langfus's Holocaust Writing 1960-65. In: Concentrationary Memories: The Politics of Representation 1945-1985, 1900-01-01.
Pender, M. (2009) Swiss literary history. [Review]
Rodero, J. (2009) Lo fantástico feminista : metamorfosis y trasgresión en Rosario Ferré y Rima de Vallbona. Neophilologus, 93 (2). pp. 263-277. ISSN 0028-2677
Farrell, J. (2008) The 'wrong door' - the complete plays of natalia ginzburg. [Review]
Farrell, Joseph (2008) The duel and the code of honour in Pirandello. Pirandello Studies, 28. pp. 100-110. ISSN 1471-9363
Macklin, J. (2008) Kwang Hee Kim, El cine y la novelística de Juan Marsé. Anales de la literatura espanola contemporanea, 33 (1). pp. 199-202. ISSN 0272-1635
McCulloch, J.A. (2008) The poetics of abstraction: Antonio Obregón's Efectos navales (1931) and the Spanish surrealist novel. Neophilologus, 92 (3). pp. 443-455. ISSN 0028-2677
Mitchell, Katharine (2008) La Marchesa Colombi, Matilde Serao, Neera : forging a female solidarity in late nineteenth-century journals for women. Italian Studies, 63 (1). pp. 63-84. ISSN 0075-1634
O'Flaherty, Angela (2008) Book review: Marc Levitch, Panthéon de la Guerre: Reconfiguring a panorama of the Great War. [Review]
Rodero, J. (2008) Mutaciones trasgresoras : el cuerpo fantástico en dos cuentos de Myriam Bustos y Carmen Naranjo. Anales - Instituto Ibero Americano, 11. pp. 243-260.
Charnley, J.; Chevillot, Frédérique and Norris, Anna, eds. (2007) Alice Rivaz et Yvette Z'Graggen: l'invivable neutralite helvetique. In: Les Femmes ecrivent la guerre. Complicites, Paris, pp. 11-25. ISBN 2910721698
Cooke, P.E. (2007) Oggi in Italia: the voice of truth and peace in cold war Italy. Modern Italy, 12 (2). pp. 251-266. ISSN 1469-9877
Farrell, J. (2007) The Voices of Carlo Levi. Peter Lang AG. ISBN 3039109448
Farrell, J. (2007) The ethics of science: Leonardo Sciascia and the majorana case. Modern Language Review, 102 (3). pp. 1021-1034. ISSN 0026-7937
MacKlin, J. (2007) Conformismo y disidencia: realismo, género y novela negra en España. Moenia. Revista Lucense de Lingüistica and Literatura, 12. pp. 485-504. ISSN 1137-2346
Macklin, J. (2007) Spirituality and society : Aspects of religion in early twentieth-century Spanish fiction. NUI Maynooth Papers in Spanish, Portuguese and Latin-American Studies, 15. p. 26.
McCulloch, J.A. (2007) The dilemma of modernity; Ramon Gomez de la Serna and the Spanish modernist novel. Peter Lang AG, Oregon, USA. ISBN 978-0-8204-8183-8
Morris, A.I.; Flower, J.E., ed. (2007) And the 'Bande' played on: an intertext for Patrick Modiano's Les Boulevards de ceinture. In: Patrick Modiano. Rodopi, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 33-48. ISBN 9042023161
Morris, A.I.; Gascoigne, D.J., ed. (2007) Roman noir, années noires: the French Néo-Polar and the Occupation's legacy of violence. In: Violent Histories. Peter Lang AG, pp. 131-154. ISBN 3039103171
Charnley, J. (2006) Les écrits d'Yvette Z'Graggen: romancière suisse contemporaine. Mellen, Ceredigion, UK. ISBN 0773457674
Cooke, P.E.; Cento Bull, A. and Giorgio, A., eds. (2006) A riconquistare la rossa primavera: the Neo-Resistance in the 1970s. In: Speaking Out and Silencing: Culture, Society and Politics in Italy in the 1970s. MHRA and Maney Publishing, Oxford, UK, pp. 172-184. ISBN 1904350720
Farrell, J. and Puppa, P. (2006) A history of Italian theatre. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. ISBN 0521802652
Farrell, Joseph; (2006) Variations on a theme respecting Dario Fo. In: Contemporary Literary Criticism. Gale. ISBN 9780787679972
Fischer, D.; Morris, Penelope, ed. (2006) Strong Women and Nontraditional Mothers: The Female Figures in Napoli Milionaria! and Filumena Marturano by Eduardo de Filippo. In: Women in Italy 1945-60. Palgrave/Macmillan, New York. ISBN 1403970998
Fischer, D.; Farrell, Joseph, ed. (2006) The march of the avant-garde. In: A History of Italian Theatre. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521802659
Lange, C. (2006) The Reworking of the Caudillo Myth in Los relámpagos de agosto. In: Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland, 2006-04-24 - 2006-04-26.
Morris, A.I. (2006) 'Avec Klarsfeld, contre l'oubli': Patrick Modiano's Dora Bruder. Journal of European Studies, 36 (3). pp. 269-293. ISSN 0047-2441
Rodero, J. (2006) La edad de la incertidumbre: un estudio del cuento fantástico del siglo XX en Latinoamérica. Peter Lang AG, New York, USA. ISBN 9780820481562
Charnley, J. (2005) La remise en question de la grossesse et de la maternité chez Anne Cuneo, Marie-Claire Dewarrat et Anne-Lise Grobéty. Etudes Francaises, 41 (2). pp. 135-147. ISSN 1492-1405
Morris, A.I. (2005) Un chien (de) perdu, deux de retrouvés: Patrick Modiano's Chien de printemps and Joseph Losey's Mr. Klein. French Studies Bulletin, 26 (97). pp. 4-7. ISSN 0262-2750
Morris, Alan (2005) Autour de la 'Lettre aux directeurs de la résistance' de Jean Paulhan. [Review]
Morris, Alan (2005) Collaboration and resistance in occupied France : representing treason and sacrifice. [Review]
Rodero, J. (2005) Concerning angels: evolution of the fantastic latin-american story in the 20th century. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 82 (1). pp. 85-101. ISSN 1475-3839
Rodero, Jesus (2005) Sobre los ángeles: evolución del cuento fantástico latinoamericano del siglo XX. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 82 (1). pp. 73-91. ISSN 1475-3839
Stewart, M.M.; (2005) Feedback y cortesía lingüistica: sinceridad y conveciones textuales'. Actos de habla y cortesía en distintas variedades de española: Perspectivas teóricas y metodológicas. In: Estudios del Discurso de la Cortesía en Español. EDICE, pp. 419-433.
Farrell, J.; Farrell, J., ed. (2004) Darkness to light: Primo Levi man of letters. In: Primo Levi - the austere humanist. Peter Lang AG, pp. 117-140. ISBN 3-03910-069-6
Fischer, D.; Keen, C. and Richardson, B. and Gilson, S., eds. (2004) Farsa e polemica in storie di poveri attori: La bohème dei comici di Raffaele Viviani. In: Theatre, Opera, and performance in Italy from the Fifteenth Century to the Present, Essays in Honour of Richard Andrews, The Society for Italian Studies, Occasional Papers No.6, edited by Brian Richardson, Simon Gilson an Catherine Keen. Maney Publishing, Leeds, UK, pp. 273-284. ISBN 0952590166
Rodero, Jesus (2004) Morirás lejos de José; Emilio Pacheco: el presente desrealizado. Hispanic Journal, 23 (1). pp. 161-171. ISSN 0271-0986
Charnley, Joy (2003) Bayle, Dos Santos et Ludolf: limage de lEthiopie au 17e siècle. Papers on French seventeenth century literature, 58. pp. 157-165. ISSN 0343-0758
Fischer, D. (2003) La grande inchiesta sociale nell'ultima opera di Raffaele Viviani: 'I dieci comandamenti'. Forum Italicum, 37 (2). pp. 345-371. ISSN 0014-5858
Lange, C. (2003) The fantastical resurrection of Fray Servando Teresa de Mier in Reinaldo Arenas' El mundo alucinante. In: Latin American Identities: Legacies and Possibilities, 2003-10-17 - 2003-10-18.
Millan, G. (2003) Documents Stephane Mallarme : nouvelle serie 3. Nizet. ISBN 2707812803
Macklin, J.; Blasco, Javier and Gullón, Germán, eds. (2002) La recepción de la literatura de la cultura inglesas en la Espana y del fin de siglo. In: Enciclopedia Fin-de-Siglo. Fin-de-Siglo, Montevideo.
Morris, A.I. (2002) Review of Gellings, Paul, Poésie et mythe dans l'œuvre de Patrick Modiano: le fardeau du nomade. [Review]
Morris, A.I. (2002) Review of Kawakami, Akane, A Self-Conscious Art: Patrick Modiano's Postmodern Fiction. [Review]
Morris, Alan (2002) Review of Kawakami, Akane: A self-conscious art : Patrick Modiano's postmodern fiction. [Review]
Farrell, J. (2001) Dario Fo and Franca Rame: harlequins of the revolution. Methuen, London, UK. ISBN 00-413-7090-8
Lange, Charlotte (2001) Why Don Quijote's battle continues in contemporary Cuban literature: Tres tristes tigres and El mundo alucinante [In press]. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies. ISSN 1470-1847
Morris, A.I. (2000) Patrick Modiano. Rodopi, Amsterdam and Atlanta. ISBN 9042013613
Morris, A.I.; Peitsch, H. and Burdett, C. and Gorrara, C., eds. (1999) A Child in Time: Patrick Modiano and the Memory of the Occupation. In: European Memories of the Second World War. Berghahn Books, New York and Oxford, pp. 230-237. ISBN 1571819363
Cooke, P.E. (1996) The flavors of modernity: food and the novel. Modern Language Review, 91 (3). pp. 762-763.
Cooke, P.E. (1996) The red and the blue - the depiction of the italian partisan resistance in fenoglio il 'partigiano johnny'. Modern Language Review, 91 (2). pp. 365-381.
Morris, Alan (1996) Patrick Modiano. New Directions in European Writing . Berg, Oxford, Washington DC. ISBN 1-85973-098-1
Cooke, P.E. (1995) Romanze e racconti. Modern Language Review, 90 (1). pp. 219-220.
Morris, Alan (1992) Collaboration and Resistance Reviewed: Writers and the "Mode retro" in Post-Gaullist France. Berg French Studies Series . Berg, Oxford and New York. ISBN 0-85496-634-X
Morris, Alan; Higgins, I.R.W, ed. (1986) Attacks on the Gaullist "Myth" in French Literature since 1969. In: The Second World War in Literature. Scottish Academic Press, Edinburgh, pp. 71-83. ISBN 0-7073-0427-X
Farrell, Joseph; (1985) Eleonora Duse nei paesi anglosassoni. In: Eleonora Duse e il suo mito. Bulzoni, Rome.