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Items where department is "Creative Writing"

Group by: No Grouping | Publication Date | Authors | Item type
Number of items at this level: 46.

Sledmere, Maria (2024) Sexting the billions : on post-internet sonnets. Cambridge Humanities Review (18).

Sledmere, Maria (2023) Meadowing in common : towards a poetics of overgrowth. Postmodern Culture, 33 (1).

Sledmere, Maria Rose (2023) Super lyrical sunshine : playing solar imaginaries in contemporary poetics. The Journal of British and Irish Innovative Poetry, 15 (1).

Sledmere, Maria and Veitch, Karen (2023) Recycling the Repository : a Zine Exploring Strathprints through Creative Practice. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Sledmere, Maria (2022) Visions & Feed. HVTN Press, London. ISBN 9781838311834

Sledmere, Maria and Veitch, Karen (2022) Recycling the repository : workshop materials. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Meehan, Andrew (2022) Instant Fires. New Island Books, Dublin. ISBN 9781848408371

Sledmere, Maria (2022) 'kissing / configuration' : notes on Eleanor Perry’s Unspeakable Patterns of the House. [Review]

Sledmere, Maria and spoliar, fred (2022) Sans Soleil. Mermaid Motel, Glasgow. ISBN 9781913010690

Sledmere, Maria (2022) String Feeling. Erotoplasty Editions, Seoul/Bucheon. ISBN 9781458338846

Sledmere, Maria (2021) I, cloud : staging atmospheric imaginaries in anthropocene lyric. Moveable Type, 13 (1). 5.

Sledmere, Maria and Herd, Colin (2021) "Just to distract you like the inside" : a correspondence wrapped up in Bernadette Mayer's poetry. Post45: Contemporaries.

Dougall, Mara (2021) 'What Does a Socialist Woman Do?' Birth control and the body politic in Naomi Mitchison's We Have Been Warned. The Cambridge Quarterly, 50 (1). pp. 18-37. ISSN 1471-6836

Sledmere, Maria (2021) Hypercritique : a sequence of dreams for the Anthropocene. Coils of the Serpent (8). pp. 54-79. ISSN 2510-3059

Sledmere, Maria and Williams, Rhian, eds. (2020) The Weird Folds : Everyday Poems from the Anthropocene. Dostoyevsky Wannabe, Manchester. ISBN 9781838015619

Meehan, Andrew (2020) The Mystery of Love. Head of Zeus, London. ISBN 9781789544879

Sledmere, Maria and Bonetti, Denise (2019) Allowing one's metaphors to mix : performances and perspectives at the Peter Manson Symposium, University of Glasgow, 27th to 28th October 2017. Journal of British and Irish Innovative Poetry, 11 (1). ISSN 1758-972X

Dougall, Mara (2018) Writing the artist's gaze : ethics and ekphrasis in early twentieth century historical fiction. FORUM: University of Edinburgh Postgraduate Journal of Culture & the Arts (27). ISSN 1749-9771

Fletcher, Ashleigh and Boon, Stuart; Savin-Baden, Maggi and Tombs, Gemma, eds. (2018) Threshold concepts in chemical engineering design. In: Threshold Concepts in Problem-based Learning. Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN 9789004375116

Kinloch, David (2018) Hermes and other poetry. Disclaimer Magazine, London.

Kinloch, David (2018) Natural. The Dark Horse, Glasgow.

Colin, Beatrice (2018) The Vital Spark : The Driver's Seat. BBC, London.

Colin, Beatrice (2017) Benmore and the history of Scottish plant hunters. Collected.

Colin, Beatrice (2017) The Ferryman's Apprentice. [Performance]

Kinloch, David (2017) In Search of Dustie-Fute. Carcanet Press, Manchester. ISBN 9781784103965

Kinloch, David (2017) Two poems. PN Review, 43 (3). ISSN 0144-7076

Kinloch, David (2017) Visitation. Ambit, 228. ISSN 0002-6972

Colin, Beatrice (2017) Hide. Scottish Film Talent Network.

Kinloch, David (2017) A Veesion. Scotia Extremis, online.

Colin, Beatrice (2016) To Capture What We Cannot Keep. Macmillan, New York. ISBN 9781250138774

Colin, Beatrice (2016) How to make your stories exciting. Scottish Book Trust, Edinburgh.

Kinloch, David; Herbert, W. N. and Jackson, Andy, eds. (2016) Bear's Breeks. In: New Boots and Pantisocracies. Smokestack Books. ISBN 0993454755

Kinloch, David (2016) Akési ženy. FACE, Kosice. ISBN 9788089763085

Kinloch, David (2016) Ancestral Pastries. Atlanta Review, 22 (2). ISSN 1073-9696

Kinloch, David; Riach, Alan, ed. (2015) Balances in The Hunterian Poems. In: Hunterian Poems. Freight Books, Glasgow. ISBN 1908754788

Kinloch, David; Crinquand, Sylvie and Bravo, Paloma, eds. (2015) A Personal Orpheus. In: Au plus profond de soi. "Proximites-Litteratures" . EME editions, Louvain-la Neuve, pp. 155-177. ISBN 9782806635068

Kinloch, David; Riach, Alan, ed. (2015) Full flourish : major collections of the 1960s and 1970s. In: The International Companion to Edwin Morgan. Scottish Literature International, Glasgow, pp. 40-58. ISBN 978-1908980144

Kinloch, David (2015) A portrait of Walt Whitman. Glasgow Review of Books. ISSN 2053-0560

Colin, Beatrice (2015) The Ice Wife. [Performance]

Bertola, Volfango and Haw, Mark D. (2015) Impact of concentrated colloidal suspension drops on solid surfaces. Powder Technology, 270 (Part B). pp. 412-417. ISSN 0032-5910

Colin, Beatrice; (2014) Home. In: Stories of Home. Scottish Book Trust, Edinburgh.

Taylor, Stewart J. and Haw, Mark D. and Sefcik, Jan and Fletcher, Ashleigh J. (2014) Gelation mechanism of resorcinol-formaldehyde gels investigated by dynamic light scattering. Langmuir, 30 (34). pp. 10231-10240. ISSN 0743-7463

Colin, Beatrice (2014) The bandleader. Glasgow Life, Glasgow.

Nisbet, Jolan T. and Haw, Mark D. and Fletcher, Ashleigh J. (2014) The role of tutors in peer led teaching. Education for Chemical Engineers, 9 (1). e15–e19. ISSN 1749-7728

Fletcher, Ashleigh and Boon, Stuart (2013) Proposed vertical integration of prior learning to support students undertaking chemical engineering design. Education for Chemical Engineers, 8 (2). e27-e85. ISSN 1749-7728

Colin, Beatrice (2011) The Suffragettes' Party : Three Shorts. BBC.

This list was generated on Sat Mar 29 03:35:05 2025 GMT.