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Number of items: 70.

Polverari, Laura and Domorenok, Ekaterina and Graziano, Paolo (2022) Empowerment via delegation? The administrative capacity-building potential of Cohesion Policy urban development strategies. Regional Studies, 58 (4). pp. 733-744. ISSN 0034-3404

Ferry, Martin and Polverari, Laura (2018) Research for REGI Committee - Control and Simplification of Procedures within ESIF - Study. European Union, Brussels.

Polverari, Laura and Bachtler, John and Van Der Zwet, Arno (2018) Evaluating the Effectiveness of Regional Policy. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Bachtler, John and Begg, Iain and Charles, David and Polverari, Laura; Bachtler, John and Berkowitz, Peter and Hardy, Sally and Muravska, Tatjana, eds. (2016) The long-term effectiveness of EU cohesion policy : assessing the achievements of the ERDF, 1989-2012. In: EU Cohesion Policy. Regions and Cities (1st). Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon., pp. 11-20. ISBN 978-1-138-22464-3

Polverari, Laura (2016) The new ambitions for 2014-2020 European structural and investment funds evaluation : pouring water in a leaking container? European Structural and Investment Funds Journal, 4 (2). pp. 59-67. ISSN 2196-8268

Polverari, Laura; Piattoni, Simona and Polverari, Laura, eds. (2016) Cohesion policy in the southern periphery. In: Handbook on Cohesion Policy in the EU. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, pp. 231-249. ISBN 9781784715663

Giovannini, Arianna and Polverari, Laura and Seddone, Antonella (2016) Visions of Europe : emerging challenges for the European project in the aftermath of the 2014 European Parliament elections. Italian Political Science Review, 46 (02). pp. 115-130. ISSN 2057-4908

Bachtler, John and Begg, Iain and Charles, David and Polverari, Laura (2016) EU Cohesion Policy in Practice : What Does it Achieve? Policy Impacts . Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., London. ISBN 1783487224

Polverari, Laura (2016) 2014-2020 EU cohesion policy : results-orientation through better monitoring. European Structural and Investment Funds Journal, 4 (1). pp. 26-34. ISSN 2196-8268

Davies, Sara and Ferry, Martin and Vironen, Heidi and Polverari, Laura (2016) Obiettivi, strumenti e governance della politica di sviluppo regionale nei Paesi Ue. In: Le politiche di coesione in Europa (Cohesion policies in Europe) - one day conference, 2016-03-31 - 2016-03-31, SVIMEZ. (Unpublished)

Polverari, Laura (2015) Does devolution increase accountability? Empirical evidence from the implementation of European Union cohesion policy. Regional Studies. ISSN 0034-3404

Polverari, Laura (2015) The Monitoring and Evaluation of the 2014-20 Cohesion Policy Programmes. European Policies Research Centre, Glasgow.

Bachtler, John and Begg, Iain and Charles, David and Polverari, Laura (2015) What have structural and cohesion funds done for us? Assessing the long-term achievements of cohesion policy, 1989-2012. In: 2nd Joint EU Cohesion Policy Conference ‘Challenges for the New Cohesion Policy 2014-2020: An Academic and Policy Debate’, 2015-02-04 - 2015-02-06, University of Latvia.

Musiakowska, Ida and Dabrowski, Marcin and Polverari, Laura (2015) EU-China and EU-Brazil cross-national policy transfer and learning : the case of regional development Policy. In: RSA Cohesion Policy Network Workshop on Cross-National Policy Transfer in Regional and Urban Policy, 2015-01-19 - 2015-01-19, TU Delft.

Musialkowska, Ida and Dabrowski, Marcin and Polverari, Laura (2014) EU-China and EU-Brazil cross-national policy transfer and learning : the case of regional development policy. In: Regional Studies Association's Global Conference 2014, 2014-04-27 - 2014-04-30, Brazil.

Musiakowska, Ida and Dabrowski, Marcin and Polverari, Laura (2014) EU-China and EU-Brazil policy transfer and learning in regional development policy. Regions, 296 (1). pp. 13-15. ISSN 1367-3882

Polverari, Laura and Miller, Stephen and Charles, David and Bachtler, John (2014) The long term achievements (1989-to present) of cohesion policy in 15 European regions : did institutional settings make a difference? In: PSA Annual conference 2014, 2014-04-14 - 2014-04-16.

Polverari, Laura and Bachtler, John (2014) Balance of Competences Cohesion Review : Literature Review on EU Cohesion Policy. Department for Business Innovation and Skills.

Polverari, Laura; Etges, Virginia E. and Arend, Silvio C., eds. (2014) The European Union’s cohesion policy between continuity, reform and the challenges of the economic crisis. In: Crises do Capitalismo, Estado e Desenvolvimento Regional. EDUNISC - Santa Cruz do Sul, Brazil, pp. 112-149.

Polverari, Laura and Tagle, Laura (2013) Territorial disparities in Italy and the case of Campania : appraising the successes and failures of 25 years of cohesion policy support. In: APSA Annual Conference 2013, 2013-08-29 - 2013-09-01.

Polverari, Laura (2013) Policy rhetoric versus political reality : has the Italian state given up on the Mezzogiorno? Regional and Federal Studies, 23 (5). pp. 571-590. ISSN 1359-7566

Polverari, Laura (2013) Berlusconi’s longevity and the stale Italian political system at a critical juncture : another lost opportunity? In: PSA Annual Conference 2013, 2013-03-25 - 2013-03-27.

Bachtler, John and Begg, Iain and Polverari, Laura and Charles, David (2013) Evaluation of the Main Achievements of Cohesion Policy Programmes over the Longer Term in 15 Selected Regions : From 1989-1993 Programme Period to the Present. European Commission, Luxembourg.

Bachtler, John and Begg, I and Polverari, Laura and Charles, David (2013) Evaluation of the main achievements of cohesion policy programmes and projects over the longer term in 15 selected regions, 1989-2012 : final report to the European Commission. European Commission.

Polverari, Laura and Tagle, Laura (2013) Territorial disparities in Italy : the case of Campania. Appraising the successes and failures of 25 years of cohesion policy support. Italian Politics and Society, 72-73. pp. 38-52. ISSN 2291-143X

Polverari, Laura (2012) The Italian political system at a critical juncture and its incapability of renewal. In: One-day conference on ‘Silvio Berlusconi and Post-Modern Politics', organised by the Italian Politics Specialist Group of the PSA, 2012-12-14 - 2012-12-14.

Polverari, Laura (2012) Representation and renewal? Rather deception and stagnation : the Italian political system caught up between lack of ideas and barriers to new entrants. In: APSA Annual Conference 2012, 2012-08-30 - 2012-09-02.

Polverari, Laura and Mitchell, James (2012) Italian and UK devolutions compared : does bringing the design and delivery of policy 'closer to the people' really increase accountability? In: PSA Annual Conference 2012, 2012-04-03 - 2012-04-05.

Polverari, Laura (2011) Italy at 150 : still a divided society - has the italian state given up on the Mezzogiorno? In: APSA Annual Conference 2011, 2011-09-01 - 2011-09-04.

Polverari, Laura and Michie, Rona (2011) Complementarity or conflict? The (in)coherence of cohesion policy. European Policy Research Papers No. 78, Glasgow.

Polverari, Laura (2011) The effectiveness of cohesion policy implementation : conflicting accountabilities and accountability/efficiency trade-offs. In: Regional Studies Association Conference 2011, 2011-03-16 - 2011-03-18.

Polverari, Laura (2011) Alcune riflessioni sull’accountability della politica di coesione europea, sul trade-off tra diversi tipi di accountability e sul trade-off tra accountability ed efficacia. Rivista Giuridica del Mezzogiorno (4). ISSN 1120-9542

Davies, Sara and Polverari, Laura (2011) Financial accountability and European Union Cohesion policy. Regional Studies, 45 (5). pp. 695-706. ISSN 0034-3404

Tödtling–Schönhofer, H and Hamza, C and Resch, A and Polverari, Laura and Bachtler, John and Mendez, Carlos (2010) Impact and effectiveness of the structural funds and EU policies aimed at SMEs in the regions. European Parliament Committee on Regional Development.

Polverari, Laura and Michie, R. (2010) Il partenariato orizzontale: chimera, specchio per le allodole o reale strumento di policy? Rivista Giuridica del Mezzogiorno (1). pp. 75-105.

Polverari, Laura (2010) Mammone A and Veltri G A (2010) Italy Today : The Sick Man of Europe, Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon. [Review]

Polverari, Laura and Vitale, R (2010) Riflessioni sulla riforma della politica di coesione per il periodo 2014-2020: stato del dibattito e prospettive per l’Italia. Rivista Giuridica del Mezzogiorno (4). 1211 - 1252. ISSN 1120-9542

Polverari, Laura (2009) Da stato unitario a stato federale : territorializzazione della politica, devoluzione e adattamento istituzionale in Europa. [Review]

Polverari, Laura (2009) Devolution and the governance of cohesion policy: reflections on changes in accountability. In: Italian Political Society (SISP), 2009-09-17. (Unpublished)

Polverari, Laura and McMaster, Irene and Bachtler, John (2009) The Added Value of Cohesion Policy : Literature Review. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Bachtler, John and Polverari, Laura and Oraže, H and Clement, K. and Todtling-Schonhofer, H. and Gross, Frederike and Naylon, I. (2009) Ex post evaluation of Cohesion policy programmes 2000-2006 co-financed by the ERDF (objective 1 and 2), Work Package 11: Management and implementation systems for Cohesion policy. European Commission (DG Regio),.

Polverari, Laura (2009) Il dibattito sul bilancio UE 2014+ e le implicazioni per la future poilitica di coesione: la bozza di comunicazione della commissione Europea al parlamento Europeo e al consiglio su 'un programma di riforma per un'Europa globale - riformare il bilancio, cambiare l'Europa'. Rivista Giuridica del Mezzogiorno, 23 (4). pp. 1435-1437.

IQ-Net (Funder); Polverari, L. and Michie, R.. (2009) New partnership dynamics in a changing cohesion policy context. Unknown Publisher.

Polverari, Laura (2008) Devolution and the governance of regional policy: reflections on changes in accountability in Italy and Scotland. In: EPRC EU Cohesion policy workshop, 2008-12-05.

European Commission, Brussels (Funder); Bachtler, J.F. and Polverari, Laura and Oraze, H. and Clement, K. and Gross, F. and McMaster, I. and Todtling-Schonhofer, H. and Naylon, I.. (2008) Ex post evaluation of the management and implementation of cohesion policy 2000-06 (ERDF). European Policies Research Centre.

Davies, Sara and Gross, Frederike and Polverari, Laura; (2008) The financial management, control and audit of EU Cohesion policy. In: Paper to the IQ Net Structural funds network, Green 19-21 November. IQ-Net Themaic Paper. (Unpublished)

IQ-Net (Funder); Davies, S. and Gross, F. and Polverari, Laura. (2008) The financial management, control and audit of EU cohesion policy: contrasting views on challenges, idiosyncrasies and the way ahead, IQ-Net thematic paper 23(2). EPRC. (Unpublished)

Polverari, Laura and Michie, Rona (2007) Gender equality in local economic development in Scotland, case study for the international project W.IN D. - Women in Development. IRS Research Institute, Italy.

Bachtler, John and Polverari, Laura; Faludi, Andreas, ed. (2007) Delivering territorial cohesion : European cohesion policy and the European model of society. In: Territorial Cohesion and the European Model of Society. Lincoln Institute Books, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, pp. 105-128. ISBN 9781558441668

Polverari, Laura and Mendez, Carlos and Gross, Frederike and Bachtler, John (2007) Making sense of European Cohesion Policy : 2007-13 ongoing evaluation and monitoring arrangements. In: 23rd IQ-Net Conference, 2007-11-14 - 2007-11-16.

Bachtler, John and Polverari, Laura; Faludi, A, ed. (2007) Territorial cohesion and the European model of society. In: Delivering Territorial Cohesion: European Cohesion Policy and the European Model of Society. Lincoln Institute Books, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Cambridge, Ms (US).

Polverari, Laura (2006) La nuova politica di coesione dell'Unione europea e i Quadri di Riferimento Strategici Nazionali dell'UE a 27. Rivista economica del Mezzogiorno (3-4). pp. 705-732. ISSN 1120-9534

Polverari, Laura and McMaster, Irene and Gross, Frederike and Bachtler, John and Ferry, Martin and Yuill, Douglas (2006) Strategic planning for structural funds in 2007-2013. A review of strategies and programmes. In: 20th IQ-Net Conference, 2006-06-25 - 2006-06-27.

Polverari, Laura (2005) Multi-level governance and institutional change : the Europeanization of regional policy in Italy. [Review]

Polverari, Laura and Bachtler, John (2005) The contribution of European Structural Funds to territorial cohesion. Town Planning Review, 76 (1). pp. 29-42. ISSN 0041-0020

Polverari, Laura (2005) Delivering territorial cohesion: European cohesion policy and the European model of society. In: Lincoln Seminar on Territorial Cohesion and the Euuropean Model of Society, 2005-07-12.

Polverari, Laura and McMaster, Irene (2005) Territorial cohesion and new cohesion policy : challenges for old and new member states. In: 1st ESPON Scientific Conference, 2005-10-01.

Polverari, Laura (2005) Territorial cohesion and structural funds programmes : urban development and territorial cooperation. IQ-Net Themaic Paper.

Polverari, Laura and Quiogue, Nina and Gross, Frederike and Novotný, V (2005) Territorial cohesion and structural funds programmes: urban development and territorial cooperation. In: 18th IQ-Net Conference, 2005-05-23 - 2005-05-25.

Polverari, Laura and McMaster, Irene and Gross, Frederike (2005) A strategic approach to cohesion? Developing 2007-2013 strategies. In: 19th IQ-Net Conference, 2005-11-30 - 2005-12-02.

Polverari, Laura and Bachtler, John; Romero González, Joan and Joaquin, Farinos Dasi, eds. (2004) La dimension territorial de la cohesion economica y social : politica regional y planificacion territorial en Europa. In: Ordenacion del territorio y desarrollo territorial. El gobierno del territorio en Europa. Ediciones Trea, Gijon. ISBN 9788497041331

Polverari, Laura (2004) European regional policy and territorial cohesion : cconomic and social cohesion across space or balanced territorial development? In: ECPR Spatial Poliics or Spatial Policy for Europe?, 2004-04-13 - 2004-04-18.

Polverari, Laura and Bachtler, John (2004) Assessing the evidence : the evaluation of regional policy in Europe. European Policies Research Papers.

Polverari, Laura and Davies, S. and Michie, Rona (2004) Programmes at the turning point. Challenges, activities and developments for partner regions : September 2003-March 2004. In: 16th IQ-Net Conference, 2004-04-25 - 2004-04-27.

Polverari, Laura (2004) Valutare il 'gender mainstreaming'. Alcune notazioni su esperienze irlandesi e britanniche. Rassenga Italiana di Valutazione.

Ferry, Martin and Mendez, Carlos and Polverari, Laura; Taylor, Sandra, ed. (2003) Monitoring interreg IIIA programmes : international case studies. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Polverari, Laura and Bachtler, John and Michie, Rona (2003) Taking stock of structural funds implementation : current challenges and future opportunities. In: 13th IQ-Net Conference, 2003-02-12 - 2003-02-19.

Polverari, Laura and Taylor, Sandra (2001) Mainstreaming equal opportunities and environmental sustainability in the new structural fund programmes. In: 11th IQ-Net conference, 2001-12-05 - 2001-12-07.

Bachtler, John and Polverari, Laura and Taylor, Sandra (2000) Culture, commitment and capacity : a comparative review of structural fund evaluation in the European Union. In: Fourth European Conference on Evaluation of the Structural Funds, 2000-09-19.

Bachtler, John and Polverari, Laura and Taylor, Sandra and Ashcroft, B and Swales, K. (2000) Methodologies used in the evaluation of the effectiveness of European structural funds : a comparative assessment. Scottish Executive Development Department.

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