Improving outcomes for children living in poverty through home-school partnerships in the early years: final report
Save the Children (Funder); Sime, Daniela and Seagraves, Liz and Sheridan, Marion and Spohrer, Konstanze. (2009) Improving outcomes for children living in poverty through home-school partnerships in the early years: final report. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
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This project was commissioned by Save the Children to inform the planning of a long termprogramme of activities in West Dunbartonshire Council. Save the Children has identified in2008 the improvement of the educational experiences and life chances of children andyoung people living in severe poverty as one of its main objectives. As part of this initiative,this study was commissioned in March 2009, to identify the priority areas in relation to Savethe Children's future contribution in West Dunbartonshire to inform future interventions in thefield of home-school partnership that will improve educational outcomes for children living insevere and persistent poverty.This research was designed as a qualitative study aimed toreport on current initiatives and practice in relation to home-school partnerships and servicedelivery for the poorest families and to identify programming opportunities that could formpart of a long term collaborative programme of activities between West Dunbartonshire Council and Save the Children.
Sime, Daniela

Item type: Report ID code: 26643 Dates: DateEventSeptember 2009PublishedSubjects: Education > Education (General) Department: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (HaSS) > Social Work and Social Policy > Sociology
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (HaSS) > Strathclyde Institute of Education > Education
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (HaSS) > Humanities > EnglishDepositing user: Mr Alan Slevin Date deposited: 17 Aug 2010 09:02 Last modified: 30 Nov 2024 14:29 URI: