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Number of items: 184.

Feliciotti, Alessandra and Fleischmann, Martin, eds. (2022) ISUF Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form : "Urban Form and the Sustainable and Prosperous City". University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow. ISBN 9781914241161

Abbasi, Saira and Lauri, Cristiana; (2022) Informal settlements and international migrants : the city of Rome (Italy) as case study. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1044-1051. ISBN 9781914241161

Al-Saffar, Mazin and Pastor, Antonio Blanco and Tezer, Zhale and Fang, Juntao and Sen, Hatice Livanur and Su, Zijun and Hussein, Malak; (2022) Towards a sustainable urban form : a comparative analysis on urban regeneration between Crewe (UK) and Barahona de Fresno (Spain). In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 391-398. ISBN 9781914241161

Altafini, Diego and da Costa Braga, Andrea and Cutini, Valerio; (2022) Twin-cities over the Messina Strait : a discussion on Reggio Calabria and Messina road-networks linkage. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 821-828. ISBN 9781914241161

Alvira, Ricardo; (2022) On the origin of Italian renaissance radio centric cities : a graphical review. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 125-135. ISBN 9781914241161

Amadei, Giorgio and Nicolini, Davide; (2022) Plan by evidence : targeting territory's talents. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 323-337. ISBN 9781914241161

Arruda, Beatriz Martins and Rutkowski, Emilia Wanda and Monteiro, Evandro Zigglatti; (2022) Urban morphology repertoire for the good living. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1099-1105. ISBN 9781914241161

Babalis, Dimitra; (2022) Balancing urban security, accessibility and urban quality in 'heritage open space in transformation'. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 534-541. ISBN 9781914241161

Bahale, Ar. Swati Madhukar; (2022) The urban form analysis through the morphological transformation study of the urban villages and city integration in Indian context. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1170-1177. ISBN 9781914241161

Bakeshloo, Afshar and Griffiths, Sam; (2022) A tale of "two streets" : changing land-uses and media contexts on Oxford Street, 1970 and 2019 compared. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 146-153. ISBN 9781914241161

Bao, Li and Trisciuoglio, Marco; (2022) "Transitional Morphologies" studies. An agenda for 2030 between Europe and China. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 48-54. ISBN 9781914241161

Barrett, Heather; (2022) Protecting the past and planning the future : conservation planning and urban change in historic city centres. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1439-1453. ISBN 9781914241161

Batkova, Yuliia and Chizzoniti, Domenico; (2022) The memory of architecture and its continuity behind the urban memory. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1415-1422. ISBN 9781914241161

Belibani, Rosalba and Lefosse, Deborah; (2022) Organic growth as a process to reach a resilient and sustainable city. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1588-1595. ISBN 9781914241161

Belova, Daria and Carlotti, Paolo; (2022) Comparative study of urban form of colonial cities as a method : case study of Quebec and Krasnoyarsk. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 115-124. ISBN 9781914241161

Bereczki, Zoltán and Lovra, Éva; (2022) Healing urban tissue damages using artificial morphogenesis. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 173-180. ISBN 9781914241161

Berk, Ikbal and Bilsel, Cânâ; (2022) Sustainability of the oldest squatter settlements of Bursa : a study on Mollafenari and İvazpaşa Neighbourhoods. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1353-1360. ISBN 9781914241161

Berlingieri, Fabrizia; (2022) Urban architectures : a design inquiry. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 25-30. ISBN 9781914241161

Bertyák, Ágnes and Kiassfazekas, Kornélia; (2022) The examination of land use and morphological characteristics of small settlements and the relationship between human presence through the example of the Őrség region of Hungary. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1062-1070. ISBN 9781914241161

Bognár, Melinda; (2022) Computable and incomputable patterns : the dialectics of urban form and urban life in Keszthely, Hungary. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 928-935. ISBN 9781914241161

Boyko, Dimitry and Zuev, Alexander and Parygin, Danila; (2022) Land plot data usage for urban transect zones delimitation in case of Tula. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 837-846. ISBN 9781914241161

Boz Günay, Melike and Kubat, Aayşe Sema; (2022) Morphological change of a republican capital : the case of Ankara, Turkey. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1071-1078. ISBN 9781914241161

Brown, Laura and Vialard, Alice; (2022) The triple legacy of Olympic cities : a morphological assessment of Olympic stadia. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1576-1587. ISBN 9781914241161

Bruyns, Gerhard and Hasdell, Peter and Sepulveda, Diego and Qu, Lei and Endemann, Henry and Nel, Darren and Gera, Krity and Wei, Huaxin and Sun, Choi Hee and Higgins, Christopher; (2022) The pedagogies of morphology and gamification : linking gamification with spatial concepts. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1481-1488. ISBN 9781914241161

Bucheli, Gonzalo Hoyos; (2022) Urban form related to historical patterns, morphogenesis, and transformations. The case of "La Tola" in the city of Quito, Ecuador. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1294-1301. ISBN 9781914241161

Buffa, Alessandra; (2022) Resilient urban form addressing pandemic crisis. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1199-1215. ISBN 9781914241161

Bulatov, Dimitri and May, Marie and Strauß, Eva and Mancini, Francesco and Kottler, Benedikt and Helmholz, Petra; (2022) Increasing level of detail of buildings for improved simulation of 4D urban digital twin. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 503-512. ISBN 9781914241161

Camiz, Alessandro; (2022) Cyclical inversion of limits and centres : the formation process of the Regio quartadecima, Constantinople. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 687-694. ISBN 9781914241161

Carlotti, Paolo; (2022) Continuity and discontinuity in the urban form. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 72-78. ISBN 9781914241161

Cataldi, Giancarlo and Cataldi, Giulia and Visentin, Laura; (2022) Forma Quadrata Britanniae : the case of Londinium. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 107-114. ISBN 9781914241161

Chaiwat, Pamanee and Neis, Hajo; (2022) RPL Cluster 8 : the refugee WORK and WORK-LEARNING. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1596-1604. ISBN 9781914241161

Chen, Liujun; (2022) Research on the micro-renewal of urban residential communities in the post-epidemic era. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1513-1521. ISBN 9781914241161

Chen, Po Nien and Karimi, Kayvan; (2022) Analysis and modelling of the multilevel transport network : the metro and railway system in greater London. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 354-362. ISBN 9781914241161

Chen, Yufan and Zhao, Jing; (2022) From reclamation to new city : a case study on the mechanism and development strategies of town spatial expansion in Hangzhou urban fringe. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1028-1035. ISBN 9781914241161

Chen, Yuyang and Song, Feng; (2022) Quantification is not enough : the analysis of the complexity and uncertainty of urban form evolution. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 31-38. ISBN 9781914241161

Chizzoniti, Domenico and Maruelli, Elisa; (2022) Horizontal densification : portraits of alternative cities. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 642-649. ISBN 9781914241161

Ciotoli, Pina; (2022) Hong Kong as a contemporary laboratory for the future scenarios of vertical growth. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 486-494. ISBN 9781914241161

Cooper, Jon and Kropf, Karl and Oskrochi, Gholamreza; (2022) Preference and visual texture as a measure of performance : articulating the principles of biophilia. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 443-450. ISBN 9781914241161

Crapolicchio, Martina; (2022) Urban coding in transition. A morphological perspective on contemporary Italian city : the case of Rimini. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1178-1188. ISBN 9781914241161

Crescencio, Diego and Drach, Patricia; (2022) Trans-disciplinary perspectives between people and environment : a case study of open public spaces in Rio de Janeiro. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 560-567. ISBN 9781914241161

Del Pinto, Monia and Palaiologou, Falli and Chmutina, Ksenia and Bosher, Lee; (2022) Urban morphology in support of disaster risk reduction : toward theory and methods for a spatial approach to tackling urban vulnerability to earthquakes. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 610-624. ISBN 9781914241161

Deng, Luchuan; (2022) Agency in the formation of West Lake landscape : the governance of Hangzhou 1949-2006. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 495-502. ISBN 9781914241161

Dijokiene, Dalia and Alistratovaite-Kurtinaitiene, Inesa and Cirtautas, Matas; (2022) Building height regulation : is it still relevant for the 21st century city? In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1120-1125. ISBN 9781914241161

Diniz, Mariana and Serra, Miguel; (2022) Towards a quantitative approach to morphological regions in GIS. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 381-390. ISBN 9781914241161

Djokic, Vladan and Djordjevic, Aleksandra and Pešić, Mladen and Milovanovic, Aleksandra; (2022) Urban morphology and urban design competitions in Serbia : between substantial and procedural aspects. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1080-1087. ISBN 9781914241161

Djokic, Vladan and Milojevic, Milica and Milovanovic, Aleksandra and Djordjevic, Aleksandra and Pešić, Mladen; (2022) Heritage awareness and sustainability of built environment in architectural and urban design education : between best practices and real conditions. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1373-1380. ISBN 9781914241161

Endemann, Henry and Bruyns, Gerhard and Buehring, Joern; (2022) The compact city and contemporary urbanization processes : discussing alternative interpretations of urban compactness. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 414-423. ISBN 9781914241161

Eskidemir, Kahraman and Kubat, Ayse Sema; (2022) The visual structure of fictional space in video games : a wayfinding research in games based on real world cities. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 542-550. ISBN 9781914241161

Eun Kim, Young and Kim, Saehoon and Lee, Jae Seung; (2022) Assessing the types of urban growth and shrinkage based on indicators of population and economic activity. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1630-1637. ISBN 9781914241161

Falsetti, Marco; (2022) The "hidden" city : morphological developments and knotting phenomena in the commercial fabric from the passage to the mall. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 477-485. ISBN 9781914241161

Felstead, Aimee Louise and Thwaites, Kevin; (2022) Grounded patterns : creating a socio-spatial language for residents’ participation in cohousing landscapes. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 732-744. ISBN 9781914241161

Fleischmann, Martin and Arribas-Bel, Daniel; (2022) Classifying urban form at national scale : the British morphosignatures. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 895-905. ISBN 9781914241161

Foadmarashi, Momen and Serdoura, Francisco; (2022) The effect of new urban design action on promoting the public space vitality in the inner city. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1253-1260. ISBN 9781914241161

Fusco, Giovanni and Araldi, Alessandro and Perez, Joan; (2022) The city and the metropolis : urban form through multiple fabric assessment in Marseille, France. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 884-894. ISBN 9781914241161

Gohaud, Emillen and Lee, Sanghyun and Schuetze, Thorsten; (2022) How can morphology contribute to urban management – a case of Daegu city, South Korea. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1134-1141. ISBN 9781914241161

Gohaud, Emillen and Schuetze, Thorsten; (2022) Assessing urban grain fineness and density potential – a case study for Korean urban regeneration. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 679-686. ISBN 9781914241161

Goudsmit, Inge; (2022) Urban identity in Hong Kong's New Town : a case study of Tung Chung's urban morphology. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1126-1133. ISBN 9781914241161

Gregori, Ludovica; (2022) Learning urban morphology from emergencies. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1261-1276. ISBN 9781914241161

Guerton, Javier Barros and Domínguez, José María Ezquiaga; (2022) Urban digital twins, morphology and open data : an initial analysis in Madrid. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 847-854. ISBN 9781914241161

Gugliotta, Rossella and Trisciuoglio, Marco; (2022) Typology, topography, tectonics. Urban forms in transition. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 728-731. ISBN 9781914241161

Guyot, Madeleine and Thomas, Isabelle and Vanwambeke, Sophie O.; (2022) Is illegal dumping associated with some urban designs? Evidence from fix my street data, Brussels. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 802-809. ISBN 9781914241161

Gómez-Escoda, Eulàlia and Crosas, Carles; (2022) Anatomy of the critical urban mixedness : the Barcelona Eixample grid during the lockdown 2020. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 768-775. ISBN 9781914241161

Gómez-Escoda, Eulàlia and Fuertes, Pere; (2022) Market halls as activators of public space. Barcelona's metropolitan food system. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 211-218. ISBN 9781914241161

Güngör, Ezgi Nur and Acar, Yiğit and Gasco, Giorgio; (2022) The study of urban form as an Archipelago : the case of Ankara. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 246-253. ISBN 9781914241161

Han, Jiawen and Zhang, Zixuan; (2022) The temporary and typological potential for new interaction and publicness. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1088-1098. ISBN 9781914241161

Han, Yikuan and Li, Xiaoxi; (2022) Impact of heterogeneous reuse on heritage value under the perspective of scale subdivision - Two modern theatres in Nanjing as examples. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1381-1388. ISBN 9781914241161

Han, Yun and Ye, Yu and Qin, Chunpeng; (2022) Nonlinear relationship between the urban form and street vitality : a data informed approach involving twelve Chinese cities. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 371-380. ISBN 9781914241161

Hanzl, Małgorzata and Gajek, Maria; (2022) Urban strips : the case of two streets in Łódź, Poland. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 165-172. ISBN 9781914241161

Hassani, Elham Karbalaei; (2022) Investigating the role of urban morphology in designing resilient cities. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1216-1223. ISBN 9781914241161

Hoskara, Sebnem and Comert, Nevter Zafer and Koc, Ozge Selen; (2022) Urban morphology within architecture and urban planning curricula : the case of educational programs in Turkey and Northern Cyprus. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1489-1503. ISBN 9781914241161

Ji, Huimin and Ding, Wowo; (2022) A quantitative study of urban form and its spatial character. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 261-268. ISBN 9781914241161

Jiang, Jiayao; (2022) Comparative urban morphological study of Rome and Leuven. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 282-289. ISBN 9781914241161

Jiang, Min; (2022) Transformation of municipal squares in early reform-era China, 1994-2006. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 946-933. ISBN 9781914241161

Jochem, Warren C. and Tatem, Andrew J.; (2022) Multi-scale gridded urban morphometrics for settlement classification and population mapping. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 876-883. ISBN 9781914241161

Karabey, Ferdag Gocek and Kurtulus, Irem and Kubat, Ayse Sema; (2022) The tales of two sacred buildings in urban pattern of a transportation hub : the case of Üsküdar, İstanbul. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 970-978. ISBN 9781914241161

Kautsky, Matilde; (2022) Quantitative variations of schoolyard sizes. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1638-1645. ISBN 9781914241161

Kayvan, Karimi and Rico, Eduardo and Neri, Iacopo; (2022) Morphological characterization of landscape using context-rich geometrical features extracted from path centre lines. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 229-238. ISBN 9781914241161

Kesarovski, Todor and Palacio, Fabio Hernández; (2022) Urban density, accessibility, and proximities : mapping and understanding the relationship between urban densities and cycling accessibility to grocery shops in the 10-minute city in the context of Stavanger metropolitan area. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 810-820. ISBN 9781914241161

Kickert, Conrad and Borges, Heraldo; (2022) Infrastructure landscapes : automobility and granularity in São Paulo and Detroit. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 97-106. ISBN 9781914241161

Kingsley, Maggie Ma; (2022) Adaptability in the invisible urban slum : a case study of sub-divided units in Hong Kong. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1542-1549. ISBN 9781914241161

Krenz, Kimon and Penn, Alan and Varoudis, Tasos; (2022) A taxonomy of towns : an unsupervised machine learning approach to classify towns in England and Wales. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 906-918. ISBN 9781914241161

Kristjánsdóttir, Sigríður and Elíasson, Lúðvík; (2022) Urban landscape in relation to building cycles and bid-rent curves. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 664-669. ISBN 9781914241161

Kubat, Ayse Sema and Eskidemir, Kahraman; (2022) Evaluating the impacts of possible outcomes on urban design projects : three layers of Taksim Square and Gezi Park, Istanbul. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1142-1150. ISBN 9781914241161

Kubin, Stefan Johannes and Psenner, Angelika; (2022) Camillo and Siegfried Sitte – a father-son relationship in urban planning theory. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 79-87. ISBN 9781914241161

Kukina, Irina; (2022) Tendencies of the city structure development (case of Krasnoyarsk). In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 254-260. ISBN 9781914241161

Küçük Çalışkan, Ezgi and Sivrikaya, Özge and Argın, Görsev and Kurtuluş, İrem; (2022) The invisible morphology of the loss : convergence of urban forms and divergence of ecology. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 719-727. ISBN 9781914241161

Leung, T.M.; (2022) A parametric urban design model to optimize life cycle carbon footprint of green open spaces. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 424-431. ISBN 9781914241161

Li, Ang; (2022) Sharing historical districts under limitation : an acupuncture renewal design on a block in Hengshan Road-Fuxing Road urban conservation area. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1423-1430. ISBN 9781914241161

Li, Jia and Dai, Xiaoling; (2022) Urban transformation of Fotang town in the recent 20 years - a sample in small city fostering program of Zhejiang Province, China. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 432-442. ISBN 9781914241161

Li, Meichen and Deng, Hao; (2022) Study on the morphological evolution of Chinese urban cemeteries in the process of rapid urbanization : a case study of Nanjing. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 181-191. ISBN 9781914241161

Li, Ningcongying; (2022) Study on traditional gardening methods in "sharing boundary" of community -taking Changli garden as an example. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1241-1244. ISBN 9781914241161

Li, Xiaoming and Sailer, Kerstin; (2022) Spatial network morphology and social integration of the elderly : the socio-spatial 'embeddedness' of community-based elderly care facilities. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 936-945. ISBN 9781914241161

Liang, Ying and Liu, Quan; (2022) The influence of water form on urban fabric - A case study in Nanjing Baguazhou. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 338-345. ISBN 9781914241161

Lin, Yang; (2022) Playable urban form - a framework of building play-friendly neighborhoods for children. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 954-961. ISBN 9781914241161

Lipovka, Alexei and Fedchenko, Irina; (2022) Morphogenesis of residential development units of Krasnoyarsk : density, form, function. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 962-969. ISBN 9781914241161

Liu, Lixu and Palaiologou, Falli and Schmidt-Ill, Robert; (2022) Exploring the relationship between compact urban form and green infrastructure. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 576-583. ISBN 9781914241161

Liu, Qian and Pezzetti, Laura; (2022) Tourism-boosting rebuilding of historic buildings and urban form : the case study of Yanghe Tower and its urban morphology in Zhengding, China. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 634-641. ISBN 9781914241161

Liu, Xinyu and Wang, Xiaojun; (2022) Morphological transformation of Boston park system during 19th century and its reasons. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 239-245. ISBN 9781914241161

Liu, Yuqiu; (2022) "Sharing Mosaic" : study on regeneration strategy of industrial heritage in urban design ——take Hanyang iron factory as an example. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1407-1414. ISBN 9781914241161

Logunova, Elena; (2022) Fringe belts structure and transition economy : morphological patterns and present-day changes. A case study of Krasnoyarsk, Russia. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 290-295. ISBN 9781914241161

Lovra, Éva and Bereczki, Zoltán; (2022) Form and configuration, as the universal language in teaching urban morphology theory and practice. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1464-1471. ISBN 9781914241161

Lu, Mingyang and Zhang, Ye; (2022) Exploring urban street types and their impact on spatial people's aggregation in Nanjing. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 746-754. ISBN 9781914241161

Maia, Hortênsia and Cardoso, Daniel and Brasil, Aléxia; (2022) Analysis and classification of open public spaces, a method using perception and measurable indexes. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 451-458. ISBN 9781914241161

Maiullari, Daniela and Pijpers-van Esch, Marjolein and Aldakheelallah, Abdullah and Cannatella, Daniele; (2022) The microclimate performance of urban form : a quantitative morphological approach. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 625-633. ISBN 9781914241161

Malabarba, Alberto and Pezzetti, Laura A.; (2022) Urban strata interpretation : Xi'an's fragile urban form inside the Ming City Wall. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1454-1462. ISBN 9781914241161

Maretto, Marco and Finizza, Chiara and Monacelli, Alice and Gherri, Barbara and Naboni, Emanuele and Maiullari, Daniela and Iannantuono, Marco; (2022) Regenerative design processes in urban morphology. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 296-305. ISBN 9781914241161

Martire, Augustina and Madden, Aisling; (2022) Billy's Sailortown stories : unpacking the dense and compact city through graphic anthropology. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1020-1027. ISBN 9781914241161

Michieletto, Manlio; (2022) Towards a sustainable urban development : the satellite city project of Kigali, Rwanda. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1606-1613. ISBN 9781914241161

Micocci, Fabiano; (2022) The stadium as generator of urban form. The case of the Panthessaliko stadium in Volos. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1245-1252. ISBN 9781914241161

Migliorisi, Ambra; (2022) Urban morphology and temporary uses : exploring the relation between reading and designing. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1302-1309. ISBN 9781914241161

Misiak, Jakub and Hanzl, Malgorzata; (2022) Evaluation of the quality of life. Case studies of modernist housing estates in Baluty, Lodz. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 755-767. ISBN 9781914241161

Mun, Jihun and Kim, Saehoon and Lee, Jae Seung; (2022) Remote sensing the urban sprawl in South Korea : the effects of sprawl on spatial inequality. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 786-793. ISBN 9781914241161

Nadon-Roger, Maxime; (2022) Industrialisation and its urban impact : morphological analysis of the pulp and paper industrial landscape in Quebec (1880-1930). In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1224-1232. ISBN 9781914241161

Narciso, José and Sampayo, Mafalda; (2022) How to rediscover the public square in the contemporary city : the experience of Lisbon. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1189-1198. ISBN 9781914241161

Nascimento, Adriana and Faria, Ana Cristina; (2022) The pattern in The social logic of space (1984) and in A pattern language (1977). In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 315-322. ISBN 9781914241161

Nascimento, Adriana and Nolasco, Camila; (2022) Intersectoral debate on urban mobility on a medium scale. Some guidelines. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 979-986. ISBN 9781914241161

Natividade, Verônica and Rivas, Ana and Büttner, Benjamin and Stojanovski, Todor; (2022) The morphology of placemaking – from urban guerrilla and formal street experiments to mobility and metropolitan regions. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1335-1343. ISBN 9781914241161

Neglia, Giulia Annalinda; (2022) The sustainable Mediterranean city : perspectives for prosperous urban landscapes. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1550-1557. ISBN 9781914241161

Neis, Hajo and Chaiwat, Pamanee; (2022) RPL Cluster 6 : Buildings & support facilities, in cities, streets and neighbourhoods. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1567-1575. ISBN 9781914241161

Netto, Vinicius and Brigatti, Edgardo and Cacholas, Caio; (2022) Built form and cultural identity : exploring spatial information to understand different spatial cultures. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 650-657. ISBN 9781914241161

Niković, Ana and Manić, Božidar; (2022) Urban morphology and the sustainable development of cultural heritage in Serbia – between wishful thinking and reality. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1663-1672. ISBN 9781914241161

Omer, Khalafalla and Moustaka, Athina and Watts, Gregory; (2022) Transforming slums through urban intensification. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 514-525. ISBN 9781914241161

Palominos, Nicolas; (2022) Street morphology analysis citywide : a bi-dimensional approach. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1344-1352. ISBN 9781914241161

Peng, Yixuan and Nel, Darren and Bruyns, Gerhard and Wang, Ping and Qu, Lei and Chen, Chen; (2022) Evolution of the block morphology : comparative case study of the block scale between Chinese megablock and other area. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 399-405. ISBN 9781914241161

Peng, Zhikai and Bardhan, Ronita and Steemers, Koen; (2022) The effects of urban morphology on enriching thermal experience : microclimates of courtyard spaces in Cambridge. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1522-1529. ISBN 9781914241161

Peres, Otavio M and Saboya, Renato T; (2022) Urban form and socio-spatial segregation in Santa Catarina Brazilian Cities. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 269-281. ISBN 9781914241161

Perez, Joan and Araldi, Alessandro and Bridier, Sébastien and Decoupigny, Fabrice and Fusco, Giovanni and Laperrière, Vincent and Risi, Florian and Trémélo, Marie-Laure; (2022) Ageing and urban form in Aix-Marseille-Provence metropolis. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 855-863. ISBN 9781914241161

Pietrogrande, Enrico and Dalla Caneva, Alessandro; (2022) The ancient village of Sottomarina in the Venetian lagoon and the demolished Church of Saint Martin Bishop. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1389-1397. ISBN 9781914241161

Pilka, Donatas and Dijokiene, Dalia; (2022) Risks and strategies in tackling pedestrianisation process in the development of future sustainable cities. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 920-927. ISBN 9781914241161

Primas, Urs; (2022) Nested networks. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 219-228. ISBN 9781914241161

Qiang, Dan and Liu, Yue and Zhao, Liwen and Zeng, Yiying and Han, Yizhou and Zhang, Kexin and Li, Hengjeia and Zhou, ZiHao and Ye, Yu; (2022) Evaluating Shanghai new towns' maturity of urban form : an exploration index based on new urban data. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 89-96. ISBN 9781914241161

Racine, François; (2022) The influence of urban design practice in the transformation of the built environment of Montreal : the contribution of three recent projects associated with sustainable development. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 306-314. ISBN 9781914241161

Rathod, Dhruti and Wagner, Cesar; (2022) The condition of public spaces : the role of sensory experience design. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 154-164. ISBN 9781914241161

Ricchiardi, Ana; (2022) Mapping transitional urban forms from afar. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 776-785. ISBN 9781914241161

Ricchiardi, Ana and Trisciuoglio, Marco; (2022) TO-NJ round trip (into a foom). A comparative urban morphology based design teaching experience between China and Italy at Politecnico di Torino. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1472-1480. ISBN 9781914241161

Santos, Luiza and Dufaux, François; (2022) Place Royale in Quebec City : preservation by morphological inaptitude. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1233-1240. ISBN 9781914241161

Santos, Thiago Luiz Salvadeo and Degreas, Helena Napoleon; (2022) Civil society participation in building resilient cities : Ipiranga neighbourhood, city of São Paulo, Brazil. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1310-1317. ISBN 9781914241161

Saraiva, Miguel and Amante, Ana; (2022) Of form and feeling : correlating urban form and feelings of insecurity in Porto, Portugal. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1326-1334. ISBN 9781914241161

Scheer, Brenda Case; (2022) Generic tissues in the US : developing a systematic classification based on endurance. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 192-200. ISBN 9781914241161

Schroeder, Stella and Abanto Sánchez, Elizabeth; (2022) Incremental production of the informal urban landscape : a typology in intermediate cities of the Peruvian coastal area. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 526-533. ISBN 9781914241161

Sevik, Ebru and Efeoglu, Hulusi Eren; (2022) The effect of urban form on functional organization of space : a critical perspective on the role of configuration in urban planning by comparing three districts in Ankara, Turkey. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1361-1371. ISBN 9781914241161

Shang, Chuan; (2022) Simulating the impact of urban morphology on energy demand in blocks- A case study of dwellings in Nanjing. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1505-1512. ISBN 9781914241161

Slivinskaya, Liudmila; (2022) Thinking places : towards application of place-based GIS in urban morphology. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 658-663. ISBN 9781914241161

Song, Wenying and Gharsallah, Anis; (2022) Towards a networked open space for seismic resilience : a case study of Sulmona, a historic city in Italy. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1530-1541. ISBN 9781914241161

Stojanovski, Todor; (2022) Urban form and sustainable mobility choices - analyzing energy use and carbon emissions from transportation in typical Swedish neighborhoods. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1106-1119. ISBN 9781914241161

Stojanovski, Todor and Zhang, Hui and Peters, Christopher and Parthanen, Jenni and Sanders, Paul and Samuels, Ivor; (2022) City information modelling (CIM) - morphological conceptualizations and digitizing urban design practices. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 584-597. ISBN 9781914241161

Sun, Yichang and Bao, Li; (2022) Towards diversified street life : the social-spatial research of central inner city's mixed district, Nanjing c.1900s-2018. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1052-1061. ISBN 9781914241161

Talha Farooqi, Abu and Raswant, Simran; (2022) Understanding form beyond form-alization : problematizing the culture of teaching [urban] form in the design studio. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 467-476. ISBN 9781914241161

Teixeira, Maria Cristina and Costa, Stäel and Andrade, Elisabete and Lopes, Giovanna and Ferreira, Rogério and Teixeira, Henrique and Costa, Aline and Maciel, Laiza; (2022) The influence of rainwater drainage related to legislation in the configuration of the urban landscape in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1558-1566. ISBN 9781914241161

Tessari, Alessandro and Benatti Alvin, Angelica; (2022) The form of the informal : a type-morphological analysis of the urban fabric of Paraisopolis favela. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 695-702. ISBN 9781914241161

Thornberg, Josep Muntañola and Carulla, Magda Saura and García, Regina and Martínez, Nathan and Beltrán, Julia; (2022) The dialogical genesis of city forms. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 55-62. ISBN 9781914241161

Tong, Chu and Yan, Pro Zuo; (2022) Study on spatial form types of industrial remains in high-density cities : a case study of Suzhou Creek area in Shanghai. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 136-145. ISBN 9781914241161

Toprak, Ilgi and Ekdi, Fatma Pelin; (2022) A diachronic investigation of social inequality and spatial segregation in the District of Columbia. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1003-1011. ISBN 9781914241161

Tulumen, Zeynep; (2022) Reading the change in local urban forms under global processes. Towards the definition of a hybrid lens. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 551-559. ISBN 9781914241161

Tumturk, Onur and Karakiewicz, Justyna and De Haan, Fjalar; (2022) Adaptability of urban grids : patterns of morphological change and persistence in Midtown Manhattan, 1884-2011. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 201-210. ISBN 9781914241161

Técher, Magalie and Haddou, Hassan Ait and Aguejdad, Rahim; (2022) Characterization of urban heat islands based on the treatment of the urban planning regulations of the French local urban plan. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1277-1284. ISBN 9781914241161

Unagaeva, Natalia; (2022) Justification of the optimal landscape and planning structure of Krasnoyarsk through the study of territorial and planning development of the city. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 39-47. ISBN 9781914241161

Usui, Hiroyuki; (2022) Measuring variations in streetscape skeletons under zoning regulations of the building coverage ratio : a theoretical approach. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 346-353. ISBN 9781914241161

Utzig, Lukas and Misselwitz, Philipp and Vaughan, Laura; (2022) Urban form and the resilience of Chinese villages during rapid rural-to-urban transformation. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1614-1621. ISBN 9781914241161

Venerandi, Alessandro and Zamani, Vahid and Porta, Sergio; (2022) Diachronic investigation of the urban form of Qom (Iran) through morphometric approach. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 864-875. ISBN 9781914241161

Vialard, Alice; (2022) Intelligibility of French historical towns : assessing the impact of 19th century urban interventions. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 598-609. ISBN 9781914241161

Vititneva, Ekaterina and Shi, Zhongming and Herthogs, Pieter and König, Reinhard and von Richthofen, Aurel and Schneider, Sven; (2022) Integrating energy and wind performance reasoning in urban form type design for an educational district in Singapore. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 670-677. ISBN 9781914241161

Wang, Jiong and Fleischmann, Martin and Venerandi, Alessandro and Kuffer, Monika and Porta, Sergio; (2022) Earth observation + morphometrics : towards a systematic understanding of cities in challenging contexts. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 363-370. ISBN 9781914241161

Wang, Xiaoyang and Li, Xiaomu and Li, Wenzhu; (2022) Public service facilities implantation mode research for existing communities based on ArcGIS analysis. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1318-1325. ISBN 9781914241161

Wang, Xinrui and Zheng, Ying; (2022) Three-dimensional morphological research on the alley space of Lilong Housing — A comparative study of Japanese and French Concession in Tianjin, China. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 995-1002. ISBN 9781914241161

Wang, Yang and Zhao, Ranting; (2022) Promotion of education with temple property - Study on the influence of Confucianism and Buddhism on the spatial morphology of temple-hosted academy in Hanyang Town. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1151-1161. ISBN 9781914241161

Wang, Zitong; (2022) The study of public escalator/elevator and its surrounding as a micro-urban form on a hillside city. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1398-1406. ISBN 9781914241161

Wei, Xaio and Wang, Xiaojun; (2022) How urban form influence urban heat island : perspectives and strategies from different scales and disciplines. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 568-575. ISBN 9781914241161

Wen, Lin and Liu, Quan; (2022) Integrated design strategy of building water-green environment based on urban form. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1285-1293. ISBN 9781914241161

Wu, Mingbo and Chen, Yishan; (2022) Gourmet and vitality : analysing the restaurant and urban vitality in the old city of Beijing based on multi-source big data. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 987-994. ISBN 9781914241161

Yang, Jiao and Lu, Andong; (2022) A study of Chinese traditional Duotian settlement combining morphological analysis. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1646-1653. ISBN 9781914241161

Yang, Shuya and Tian, Yinsheng; (2022) Typological research on the spatial forms of small towns in the Pearl River Delta, China. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 829-836. ISBN 9781914241161

Yang, Yufeng; (2022) From enclave urbanism to sustainable cities : comparing gated and non-gated housings form in China from syntactical and morphological perspectives. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1622-1629. ISBN 9781914241161

Yu, Wencheng and Sun, Ziyun and Gao, Na and Zhang, Xiaodong; (2022) Application framework of urban morphology in planning practice : a case study of Beijing. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 63-71. ISBN 9781914241161

Zaiter, Hassan; (2022) Vulnerability and resilience : a framework of development for poor urban communities. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 459-466. ISBN 9781914241161

Zamani, Vahid and Ghalehnoee, Mahmoud and Mohammadi, Mahmoud; (2022) Exploring the urban form of Qom (Iran) at the local scale : movement-activity pattern versus network centrality. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 794-801. ISBN 9781914241161

Zhan, Zixin and Shu, Yeshuo and Song, Feng; (2022) Morphology development of Chinese danwei under marketization process : the case of Wuhan iron and steel company. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1654-1662. ISBN 9781914241161

Zhang, Dixin and He, Yong and Jia, Chenchen and Wang, Weiran; (2022) The morphological evolution of high-rise residential building plan in Shanghai under urban social changes. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 703-710. ISBN 9781914241161

Zhao, Jiaqi and Lee, Kyungchan; (2022) Effects of the modern railways construction on the change of area and urban function in Wuhan. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1431-1438. ISBN 9781914241161

Zhao, Jing and Chen, Yufan; (2022) Space and social life : morphological self-evolution of urban villages in Hangzhou. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1036-1043. ISBN 9781914241161

Zhao, Liang; (2022) The evolution of urban morphology in the creative industry-driven renewal of existing residential areas - taking the urban design of Anshan new village in Shanghai as an example. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1012-1019. ISBN 9781914241161

Zhao, Mengmeng and Zhang, Jian and Cai, Jun; (2022) A study on the urban form of landmark buildings in Shanghai based on visual preference evaluation. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 406-413. ISBN 9781914241161

Zhao, Qianhui and Song, Feng; (2022) Evolution of Danwei system and urban landscape in China's socialist practice after 1949 : a case study in SUNCUN, Shandong province. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1162-1169. ISBN 9781914241161

Özkuvancı, Özge and Camiz, Alessandro; (2022) The typological plan of Zaragoza for the typological process of the medieval city. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 711-718. ISBN 9781914241161

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