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Number of items: 66.

Zahn, Rebecca and Kullmann, Miriam (2025) Discovering the contributions of academic wives to the development of labour law : Liesel Kahn-Freund. Industrial Law Journal, 54 (1). pp. 1-23. ISSN 0305-9332

Fahey, Elaine and Terpan, Fabien and Zahn, Rebecca (2025) Introduction : Special Issue: EU law in the era of digitisation: on strategic litigation causes, actors and processes. Nordic Journal of European Law, 7 (3). pp. 1-7.

Zahn, Rebecca (2024) The status of European Works Councils in UK law post-Brexit : a commentary on EasyJet PLC v EasyJet European Works Council and Olsten (UK) Holdings Limited v Adecco Group European Works Council. Industrial Law Journal, 53 (4). pp. 746-761. ISSN 0305-9332

Busby, Nicole and Zahn, Rebecca (2024) Less than zero? The fragmentation of worker protection in UK employment law. Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal, 44 (1). pp. 1-22.

Da Lomba, Sylvie and Zahn, Rebecca (2024) Post-enlargement (free) movement in the EU : who really counts as EU CITIZEN? understanding Dano through the lens of Orientalism. Griffith Law Review, 32 (4). pp. 387-409. ISSN 1839-4205

Zahn, Rebecca; Blackham, Alysia and Cooney, Sean, eds. (2024) Historical methods. In: Research Methods in Labour Law. Edward Elgar, pp. 166-184. ISBN 978 1803 925 257

Zahn, Rebecca (2023) Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill. Edinburgh Law Review, 27 (3). pp. 420-426. ISSN 1364-9809

Zahn, Rebecca (2023) "Taking back control"? Explaining post-Brexit legislative developments in the UK. SciencesPo, Grenoble.

Zahn, Rebecca; Ryan, Bernard and Zahn, Rebecca, eds. (2023) New labour laws in old member states : the impact of the EU enlargements on national labour law systems in Europe. In: Migrant Labour and the Reshaping of Employment Law. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781509919154

Ashiagbor, Diamond and Barilla, Salvatore and van de Beeten, Jacob and Meislová, Monika Brusenbauch and Canihac, Hugo and Chen, Xuechen and Copeland, Paul and Fahey, Elaine and Fichera, Massimo and Gao, Xinchuchu and Gentile, Giulia and Ionescu, Danai Petropoulou and Kowalski, Giulio and Lonardo, Luigi and Madsen, Mikael Rask and Ovádek, Michal and Perry-Kessaris, Amanda and Polomarkakis, Konstantinos Alexandris and Schiek, Dagmar and Terpan, Fabien and Yong, Adrienne and Zahn, Rebecca and Zglinski, Jan (2023) Understanding EU legal integration/disintegration : in search of new perspectives. Preprint / Working Paper. City University of London, London.

Zahn, Rebecca (2022) Industrial democracy in the UK : precursors to the Bullock Report. Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History, Rg 30. pp. 161-171. ISSN 1619-4993

Zahn, Rebecca and Busby, Nicole; Ness, Immanuel, ed. (2022) Trade unions, women's labour and the gig economy. In: The Routledge Handbook of the Gig Economy. Routledge, Abingdon-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, pp. 145-157. ISBN 9781000726589

Zahn, Rebecca and Da Lomba, Sylvie (2022) Post-enlargement solidarity and free movement in the European Union. In: UACES 2022 Annual Conference, 2021-08-05 - 2022-09-08, Universite Catholique de Lille.

Zahn, Rebecca; (2022) The Lisbon Treaty. In: Oxford Encyclopaedia of EU Law. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Zahn, Rebecca (2022) [Book review] : Walter Citrine. Forgotten Statesman of the Trades Union Congress by Jim Moher [JGM Books, 2021, pp xxii + 377, ISBN 978 09557 107 28]. [Review]

Zahn, Rebecca and Busby, Nicole; Shaw, Jo and Fletcher-Watson, Ben and Ahmadzadeh, A, eds. (2022) Women's labour and trade unionism - a dangerous combination? In: Dangerous Women. Unbound Books, London. ISBN 9781800180642

Zahn, Rebecca; (2022) Collective rights. In: Oxford Encyclopaedia of EU Law. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Zahn, Rebecca (2021) The Civil Society Brexit Project Information : Employment Rights After UK Withdrawal from the EU. Human Rights Consortium Scotland, Edinburgh.

Zahn, Rebecca (2021) [Book review] Filip Dorssemont, Klaus Lörcher, Stefan Clauwaert and Mélanie Schmitt (Eds.), The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the Employment Relation. Oxford: Hart Publishing. xx + 685 pages. ISBN 9781509922659. GBP 125. [Review]

Zahn, Rebecca (2021) Does stand-by time count as working time? The Court of Justice gives guidance in DJ v Radiotelevizija Slovenija and RJ v Stadt Offenbach am Main. European Papers, 6 (1). pp. 121-124. ISSN 2499-7498

Zahn, Rebecca (2020) Book Review- European Labour Law, by Teun Jaspers, Frans Pennings and Saskia Peters. [Review]

Zahn, Rebecca (2020) What future for the European social model? The relevance of early intellectual concepts of social integration. Journal of International and Comparative Law, 7 (2). pp. 351-369. ISSN 2313-3775

Zahn, Rebecca (2020) Finding new ways of "doing" socio-legal labor law history in Germany and the UK : introducing a "minor comparativism". German Law Journal, 21 (7). pp. 1378-1392. ISSN 2071-8322

Zahn, Rebecca; Cardwell, Paul James and Granger, Marie-Pierre, eds. (2020) The politics of European labour law. In: Research Handbook on the Politics of EU Law. Research Handbooks in Law and Politics . Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, U.K.. ISBN 9781788971270

Zahn, Rebecca; Blackham, Alysia and Kullmann, Miriam and Zbyszewska, Ania, eds. (2019) Trade unions, the gig economy and the feminisation of work : lessons from the past? In: Theorising Labour Law in a Changing World. Hart Publishing, West Sussex, pp. 107-123. ISBN 9781509921553

Zahn, Rebecca (2019) Do employers need to record working time? The Court of Justice gives guidance in Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras (CCOO) v. Deutsche Bank SAE. European Papers (8 July). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2499-7498

Zahn, Rebecca; Adorf, Philipp and Bitzegeio, Ursula and Decker, Frank, eds. (2019) The consequences of ‘Brexit’ for the UK and Scotland’s constitutional landscape. In: Ausstieg, Souveränität, Isolation. J.H.W. Dietz, Bonn, Germany. ISBN 9783801242640

Busby, Nicole and Zahn, Rebecca (2019) The Civil Society Brexit Project : Brexit and Employment Rights. Human Rights Consortium Scotland, Edinburgh.

Da Lomba, Sylvie and Fletcher, Maria and Zahn, Rebecca (2019) Scottish legal education after Brexit. Law Teacher, 53 (2). pp. 138-147. ISSN 0306-9400

Zahn, Rebecca and Snowden, Mhairi (2019) The Civil Society Brexit Project : Brexit and the Immigration Bill. Human Rights Consortium Scotland, Edinburgh.

Cabrelli, David and Zahn, Rebecca; Collins, Hugh and Lester, Gillian and Mantouvalou, Virginia, eds. (2018) Civic republican political theory and labour law. In: Philosophical Foundations of Labour Law. Philosophical Foundations of Law . Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780198825272

Zahn, Rebecca (2018) Brexit deal series : the draft withdrawal agreement and citizens' rights. Scottish Centre on European Relations.

Zahn, Rebecca (2018) The 'European Social Model' and the UK : from Europeanization to Anglicization. Historical Studies in Industrial Relations, 39. pp. 169-204. ISSN 2049-4459

Busby, Nicole and Zahn, Rebecca; (2018) Implications for equality, employment and Human Rights in Scotland. In: Bringing Human Rights Home? What's at Stake for Rights in the Incorporation of EU Law after Brexit. Liberty, London, pp. 44-46.

Zahn, Rebecca (2018) The impact of Brexit on employment law in Scotland. Edinburgh Law Review, 22 (1). pp. 160-165. ISSN 1364-9809

Zahn, Rebecca (2017) Revision of the posted workers' directive : a europeanisation perspective. Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, 19. pp. 187-201. ISSN 2049-7636

Zahn, Rebecca (2017) Employment law and Brexit in Scotland. Greens Employment Law Bulletin, 142. pp. 2-4. ISSN 1352-2159

Cabrelli, David and Zahn, Rebecca (2017) Guest editors' introduction : [Theories of domination and labour law: a new conception for legal intervention?]. International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 33 (3). pp. 331-337. ISSN 0952-617X

Cabrelli, David and Zahn, Rebecca (2017) Theories of domination and labour law : an alternative conception for intervention? International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 33 (3). 339–364. ISSN 0952-617X

Zahn, Rebecca and Fletcher, Maria; Hassan, Gerry and Gunson, Russell, eds. (2017) Brexit, the UK and Scotland : the story so far: a constitutional drama in four acts. In: Scotland, the UK and Brexit. Luath Press Limited, Edinburgh. ISBN 9781912147182

Zahn, Rebecca (2017) New Labour Laws in Old Member States : Trade Union Responses to European Enlargement. Studies in European Law and Policy . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9781107037335

Fletcher, Maria and Zahn, Rebecca (2017) What options are available to Scotland to remain within the EU given the 'Brexit' referendum result? Edinburgh Law Review, 21 (1). pp. 98-103. ISSN 1364-9809

Zahn, Rebecca (2016) Transfer of undertakings and Brexit. Greens Employment Law Bulletin, 136. pp. 2-3. ISSN 1352-2159

Zahn, Rebecca (2016) Employment Law. Scottish Universities' Legal Network on Europe, Glasgow.

Zahn, Rebecca (2016) Revision of the Posted Workers' Directive : Equality at Last? Preprint / Working Paper. Centre of European and Transnational Legal Studies, Belfast.

Zahn, Rebecca (2016) Ruth Dukes, The Labour Constitution. The Enduring Idea of Labour Law (Oxford University Press: 2014), 244pp, £60, ISBN 978-0-19-960169-1. [Review]

Zahn, Rebecca (2016) Trade unions and the challenges of EU enlargement : the kind of laws the unions ought to want. European Labour Law Journal, 7 (3). pp. 387-403.

Zahn, Rebecca and Busby, Nicole; Busby, Nicole and Brodie, Douglas and Zahn, Rebecca, eds. (2016) Collective labour rights in EU and international law : consolidation, reconciliation and beyond? In: The Future Regulation of Work. Socio-Legal Studies . Palgrave Macmillan Ltd..

Zahn, Rebecca (2015) 'Common sense' or a threat to EU integration? The court, economically inactive EU citizens and social benefits. Industrial Law Journal, 44 (4). pp. 573-585. ISSN 0305-9332

Zahn, Rebecca (2015) German codetermination without nationalization, and British nationalization without codetermination : retelling the story. Historical Studies in Industrial Relations, 36. pp. 1-27. ISSN 2049-4459

Zahn, Rebecca (2015) The Court of Justice of the European Union and transfers of undertakings : implications for collective labour rights. European Labour Law Journal, 6 (1). pp. 72-85.

Zahn, Rebecca and Mangan, David (2015) Guest editorial - Labour standards and sustainable development : unpicking the EU's approach. International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 31 (3). pp. 233-241. ISSN 0952-617X

Hardy, Jane and Shelley, Steven and Calveley, Moira and Kubisa, Julia and Zahn, Rebecca (2015) Scaling the mobility of health workers in an enlarged Europe : an open political-economy perspective. European Urban and Regional Studies. ISSN 0969-7764

Zahn, Rebecca (2014) Recent developments in blacklisting. Greens Employment Law Bulletin, 124. pp. 4-6.

Zahn, Rebecca (2014) The regulation of healthcare in the European Union : member states' discretion or a widening of EU law? Femarbel and Ottica New Line. Common Market Law Review, 51 (5). pp. 1521-1538.

Busby, Nicole and Zahn, Rebecca (2014) The EU and the ECHR : collective and non-discrimination labour rights at a crossroad? International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 30 (2). pp. 153-174. ISSN 0952-617X

Cabrelli, David and Zahn, Rebecca (2013) The elective and automatic theories of termination in the common law of the contract of employment : conundrum resolved? Modern Law Review, 76 (6). pp. 1106-1119. ISSN 1468-2230

Busby, Nicole and Zahn, Rebecca (2013) European labour law in crisis : the demise of social rights. Contemporary Issues in Law, 12 (2). pp. 173-192. ISSN 1357-0374

Zahn, Rebecca (2013) European enlargement and the economic crisis : impact and lasting effects. Preprint / Working Paper. European Trade Union Institute.

Cabrelli, David and Zahn, Rebecca (2012) The elective and automatic theories of termination at common law : resolving the conundrum? Industrial Law Journal, 41 (3). pp. 346-357. ISSN 0305-9332

Zahn, Rebecca and de Witte, Bruno (2011) La prospettiva dell'Unione europea : dare preminenza al mercato interno o rivedere la dottrina Laval? Giornale di diritto del lavoro e di relazioni industriali (131). pp. 433-446. ISSN 1972-5507

Zahn, Rebecca (2011) Trade unions and new member state workers in Germany and the UK. International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 27 (2). pp. 139-164. ISSN 0952-617X

Zahn, Rebecca (2010) "British Jobs for British workers" : the problem of collective agreements in the UK. Juridical Review (3). pp. 181-194. ISSN 0022-6785

Cabrelli, David and Zahn, Rebecca (2010) Challenging unfair terms : some recent developments. Juridical Review (2). pp. 115-137. ISSN 0022-6785

Zahn, Rebecca (2010) The ‘Europeanisation’ of labour law – can comparative law solve the problem? Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 61 (1). pp. 79-92. ISSN 0029-3105

Zahn, Rebecca (2008) The Viking and Laval Cases in the context of European enlargement. Web Journal of Current Legal Issues, 2008 (3). ISSN 1360-1326

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