The Civil Society Brexit Project : Brexit and the Immigration Bill

Zahn, Rebecca and Snowden, Mhairi (2019) The Civil Society Brexit Project : Brexit and the Immigration Bill. Human Rights Consortium Scotland, Edinburgh.

[thumbnail of Zahn-Snowden-CSBP-2022-Brexit-and-the-immigration-bill]
Text. Filename: Zahn_Snowden_CSBP_2022_Brexit_and_the_immigration_bill.pdf
Final Published Version
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This briefing summarises the Immigration Bill which was introduced to Parliament in December 2018. This Bill makes provision for immigration rules for EU nationals in the UK in the event of 'no deal' between the UK and the EU, and enables immigration rules to be made that will include EU nationals in the UK after Brexit and any agreed transition period (see briefing on the transition period here: -briefing-apr-18-transition.pdf).