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Number of items: 17.


George, Susan M. and Gaylor, John D.S. and Leadbitter, Jason and Grant, M.Helen (2011) The effect of beta-cyclodextrin and hydroxypropyl beta-cyclodextrin incorporation into plasticised poly(vinyl chloride) on its compatibility with human monocytes. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 96B (2). pp. 310-315.


Griffiths, S. and MacGregor, S.J. and Anderson, J.G. and Maclean, M. and Gaylor, J.D.S. and Grant, M.H.; Teck Lim, Chewee and Goh, James C.H., eds. (2009) Inactivation of problematic micro-organisms in collagen based media by pulsed electrical field treatment (PEF). In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering. IFMBE Proceedings, 23 (Track ). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 1320-1324. ISBN 978-3-540-92840-9


Alnaqbi, A.H. and Gaylor, J.D.S. (2008) Mathematical model of oxygen transfer rate in the fibre-in-fibre bioartificial liver (fif- bal). International Journal of Artificial Organs, 31 (7). p. 654. ISSN 0391-3988

Afolaranmi, G.A. and Tettey, J.N.A. and Gaylor, J.D.S. and Murray, H.M. and Meek, R.M.D. and Grant, M.H. (2008) Uptake of chromium into red blood cells does not affect the ability of haemoglobin to bind oxygen. Toxicology, 253 (1-3). pp. 15-16. ISSN 0300-483X


Afolaranmi, G.A. and Tettey, J.N.A. and Gaylor, J.D.S. and Murray, H.M. and Meek, R.M.D. and Grant, M.H. (2007) The effect of chromium on the oxygen uptake capacity of blood. In: Life Sciences 2007, 2007-07-09 - 2007-07-10, SECC.


Hilal-alnaqbi, A.A.S. and Gaylor, J.D.S. (2006) Bioartificial liver : review of science requirements and technology. World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 3 (1). pp. 80-97. ISSN 1741-2242

George, S.M. and Gaylor, J.D.S. and Leadbitter, J. and Grant, M.H. (2006) Evaluation of toxicity of modified PVC materials using a human monocyte cell line. In: BioScience 2006: Bioscience in the 21st Century, 2006-07-23 - 2006-07-27.

George, S.M. and Gaylor, J.D.S. and Leadbitter, J. and Grant, M.H. (2006) The interaction of plasticised PVC materials with u937 human monocyte cell line and human platelets. In: 26th Meeting of the European Biomaterials Society, 1900-01-01.


Owen, H.L.H. and Rouse, J.J. and Courtney, J.M. and Smith, E.M. and Howell, C.A. and Sandeman, S.R. and Phillips, G.J. and Lloyd, A.W. and Mikhalovsky, S.V. and Tennison, S.R. and Rawlinson, A.P. and Gaylor, J.D.S. (2005) A novel system for combined plasmapheresis and adsorption in the treatment of sepsis, based on activated carbon. In: The British Carbon Group Workshop - Carbon Materials: Science and Art, 2005-03-21 - 2005-03-22.

Sandeman, S.R. and Howell, C.A. and Phillips, G.J. and Lloyd, A.W. and Davies, J.A. and Mikhalovsky, S.V. and Tennison, S.R. and Rawlinson, A.P. and Kozynchenko, O.P. and Owen, H.L.H. and Gaylor, J.D.S. and Rouse, J.J. and Courtney, J.M. (2005) Assessing the in vitro biocompatibility of a novel carbon device for the treatment of sepsis. Biomaterials, 26 (34). pp. 7124-7131. ISSN 1878-5905

Farovych, D. and Smith, E.M. and Courtney, J.M. and Gaylor, J.D.S. and Mikhalovsky, S.V. (2005) The evaluation of novel activated carbons for artificial liver support. In: The British Carbon Group Workshop - Carbon Materials: Science and Art, 2005-03-21 - 2005-03-22.


Sandeman, S.R. and Howell, C.A. and Phillips, G.J. and Lloyd, A.W. and Mikhalovsky, S.V. and Davies, J.G. and Murphy, M.C. and Melillo, M. and Barnes, L.M. and Tennison, S.R. and Kozynchenko, O.P. and Gaylor, J.D.S. and Courtney, J.M. (2004) Towards a novel carbon device for the treatment of sepsis. In: The American Carbon Society, 2004-07-11 - 2004-07-16.

Owen, H.L.H. and Courtney, J.M. and Smith, E.M. and Howell, C.A. and Sandeman, S.R. and Phillips, G.J. and Lloyd, A.W. and Mikhalovsky, S.V. and Tennison, S.R. and Rawlinson, A.P. and Gaylor, J.D.S. (2004) Development of an activated carbon-based system for combined plasmapheresis and adsorption in the treatment of sepsis. In: 31st Annual Congress of the European Society for Artificial Organs (ESAO), 2004-09-08 - 2004-09-11.


Hay, P.D. and Veitch, A. and Gaylor, J.D.S. (2001) Oxygen transfer in a convection-enhanced hollow fiber bioartificial liver. Artificial Organs, 25 (2). pp. 119-130. ISSN 0160-564X

Catapano, G. and Euler, M. and Gaylor, J.D.S. and Gerlach, J. (2001) Characterization of the distribution of matter in hybird liver support devices where cells are cultured in a 3-D membrane network or on flat substrata. International Journal of Artificial Organs, 24 (2). pp. 102-109. ISSN 0391-3988

Hickey, S. and Quasim, I. and Gaylor, J.D. (2001) In vitro variability in propofol absorption by different membrane oxygenators. In: 18th Spring Meeting of the Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthetists, 2001-06-22.

Ryan, C.J. and Anilkumar, T. and Ben-Hamida, A.J.A. and Khorsandi, S.E. and Pusey, C.D. and Gaylor, J.D.S. and Courtney, J.M. and Aslam, M. (2001) Multisorbent plasma perfusion in fulminant hepatic failure: effects of duration and frequency of treatment in rats with grade III hepatic coma. Artificial Organs, 25 (2). pp. 109-118. ISSN 0160-564X

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