The Routledge International Handbook of philosophy for children. Edited by Maughn Rollins Gregory, Joanna Haynes and Karin Murris. Pp 266. London: Routledge. 2017. £140.00 (hbk). ISBN 978-1-138-84767-5

Cassidy, Claire (2017) The Routledge International Handbook of philosophy for children. Edited by Maughn Rollins Gregory, Joanna Haynes and Karin Murris. Pp 266. London: Routledge. 2017. £140.00 (hbk). ISBN 978-1-138-84767-5. [Review] (

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This book offers a critical insight into issues relating to the theory and practice of Philosophy for Children (P4C). It is international in flavour, written by a range of authors from the academic and practice communities, some of whom are leading figures in the field of P4C/ The editors, Gregory, Haynes and Murris, have succeeded in presenting a text that is comprehensive in scope and dense in content, with each chapter having the potential to be a book in its own right. Given that P4C is reaching its half-century, this is a timely volume.