Developing the conditions for education for citizenship in higher education (CiCe network report)

European Commission (Funder); Essomba, Miquel Angel and Karatzia-Stavlioti, Eleni and Maitles, H. and Zalieskiene, Irena. (2008) Developing the conditions for education for citizenship in higher education (CiCe network report). Unknown Publisher.

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The key questions surrounding education for citizenship in higher education are what is education for, what are universities for, and what values should education systems aim to develop in young people? These raise complex issues. As these are such challenging questions and asthere is little agreement about them, this raises for the public,students, academics and educationists, as many issues as definitiveanswers. Nearly all of us who chose education as a career did so tomake a difference; not just degree results, but to the lives andaspirations of young people and society as a whole. Thus, althoughwe champion the development of critical abilities, the skills ofenquiry and questioning, activity based approaches to learning andthe notion of rights as something to be cherished, this is not in itselfmerely a chronicle. It is to suggest that a mixture of creativecontent, ethos and a participatory, consultative, democratic approachin the framework of macro and micro improvements can lead tobetter, deeper learning and crucially a fairer and more just society.