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Items where subject is "Museums (General). Collectors and collecting (General)"

Group by: No Grouping | Authors | Publication Date | Item type
Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2019 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2008
Number of items at this level: 20.


Kistler, Jordan and Tattersdill, Will (2025) Eclectic collections : un-disciplining the museum. Museum Worlds. ISSN 2049-6737 (In Press)


Economou, Maria and Kist, Cassandra (2024) Practice architectures for bridging the semantic gap in museum documentation. Museum Management and Curatorship. pp. 1-20. ISSN 0964-7775

Ellis, Catriona (2024) Imagining other childhoods : dolls and the Museum of Childhood as an imperial space. American Behavioral Scientist. pp. 1-19. ISSN 1552-3381

Kist, Cassandra (2024) Discursive AI infrastructures : envisioned and overlooked museum futures. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 61 (1). pp. 194-204. ISSN 2373-9231


Kistler, Jordan and Tattersdill, Will (2019) 'What's your dinosaur?' Or, imaginative reconstruction and absolute truth in the museum space. Museum & Society, 17 (3). pp. 377-389. ISSN 1479-8360

Mahey, Mahendra and Al-Abdulla, Aisha and Ames, Sarah and Bray, Paula and Candela, Gustavo and Chambers, Sally and Derven, Caleb and Dobreva, Milena and Gasser, Katrine and Karner, Stefan and Kokegei, Kristy and Laursen, Ditte and Potter, Abigail and Straube, Armn and Wagner, Sophie-Carolin and Wilms, Lotte (2019) Open a GLAM Lab. Qatar University, Doha. ISBN 9789927139079


Bryce, Derek and Murdy, Samantha and Alexander, Matthew (2017) Diaspora, authenticity and the imagined past. Annals of Tourism Research, 66. pp. 49-60. ISSN 0160-7383


Damala, Areti and Hornecker, Eva and van der Vaart, Merel and van Dijk, Dick and Ruthven, Ian (2016) The Loupe : tangible augmented reality for learning to look at Ancient Greek art. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 16 (5). pp. 73-85. ISSN 2241-8121

Damala, Areti and van der Vaart, Merel and Clarke, Loraine and Hornecker, Eva and Avram, Gabriela and Kockelkorn, Hub and Ruthven, Ian (2016) Evaluating tangible and multisensory museum visiting experiences : lessons learned from the meSch project. In: Museums and the Web 2016, 2016-04-06 - 2016-04-09.

Fleming, Rod and Damala, Areti (2016) Finding the voice : planning and evaluation of social media in cultural institutions. In: Museums and the Web 2016, 2016-04-06 - 2016-04-09.

Tonner, Philip (2016) Museums, ethics and truth : why museums' collecting policies must face up to the problem of testimony. Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement, 79. pp. 159-177. ISSN 1358-2461


Ciolfi, Luigina and Damala, Areti and Hornecker, Eva and Lechner, Monika and Maye, Laura and Petrelli, Daniela; (2015) Cultural heritage communities : technologies and challenges. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Communities and Technologies (C&T '15). ACM, New York, NY, IRL, pp. 149-152. ISBN 9781450334600


Damala, Areti and Hornecker, Eva and Ruthven, Ian and Ciolfi, Luigina and Petrelli, Daniela (2014) Forging memorable and multisensory museum visiting experiences : tangible interaction, co-design, digital fabrication and do-it-yourself approaches. In: Digital Heritage 2014 : Digital Communities in Action, 2014-07-12, University of York.


Damala, Areti and Astic, Isabelle and Rovedakis, Stéphane and Gressier-Soudan, Eric; (2013) La réalité augmentée adaptative : vers une nouvelle éxperience de visite au musée. In: Pratiques et Usages Numériques. Hermès Science Publications, Paris, pp. 205-220. ISBN 9782746245792

McKinley, Roger and Damala, Areti; Proctor, N. and Cherry, R., eds. (2013) ARtSENSE and Manifest.AR : revisiting museums in the public realm through emerging art practices. In: MW2013. Archives and Museum Informatics, Silver Spring.


Hornecker, Eva and Nicol, Emma; (2012) What do lab-based user studies tell us about in-the-wild behavior? : insights from a study of museum interactives. In: Proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems (DIS'12). ACM, New York, pp. 358-367. ISBN 978-1-4503-1210-3

Innocenti, Perla; Peressut, Luca Basso and Pozzi, Clelia, eds. (2012) Bridging European communities : investigating networks and collaborations models for museums, libraries and public cultural institutions. In: Museums in an Age of Migrations. Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, pp. 173-185. ISBN 9788895194325


Candela, L. and Athanasopoulos, G. and Castelli, D. and Raheb, K. El and Innocenti, P. and Ioannidis, Y. and Katifori, A. and Nika, A. and Vullo, G. and Ross, S. (2011) DL.org Digital Library Manifesto. Preprint / Working Paper. DL.org, Italy.

Candela, L. and Athanasopoulos, G. and Castelli, D. and Raheb, K. El and Innocenti, P. and Ioannidis, Y. and Katifori, A. and Nika, A. and Vullo, G. and Ross, S. (2011) Digital Library Reference Model - In a Nutshell. Preprint / Working Paper. DL.org, Italy.


Pilcher, Jeremy and Vermeylen, Saskia (2008) From loss of objects to recovery of meanings : online museums and indigenous cultural heritage. M/C Journal, 11 (6). ISSN 1441-2616

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