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Number of items: 84.


Hanson, Kristin and Fabb, Nigel (2022) "Non-linguistic" Browning : meter and music in "Pietro of Abano". Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America, 7 (1). 5240. ISSN 2473-8689

Fabb, Nigel (2019) "Of" in Paradise Lost as evidence for the metrical line. Umanistica Digitale, 3 (6). pp. 1-25. ISSN 2532-8816

Jajdelska, Elspeth and Anderson, Miranda and Butler, Christopher and Fabb, Nigel and Finnigan, Elizabeth and Garwood, Ian and Kelly, Stephen and Kirk, Wendy and Kukkonen, Karen and Mullally, Sinead and Schwan, Stephan (2019) Picture this : a review of research relating to narrative processing by moving image versus language. Frontiers in Psychology, 10. 1161. ISSN 1664-1078

Fabb, Nigel (2018) Poetic parallelism and working memory. Oral Tradition, 31 (2). pp. 355-372. ISSN 1542-4308

Turpin, Myfany and Fabb, Nigel (2017) Brilliance as cognitive complexity in Aboriginal Australia. Oceania, 87 (2). pp. 209-230. ISSN 1834-4461

Fabb, Nigel (2016) Processing effort and poetic closure. International Journal of Literary Linguistics, 5 (4). pp. 1-22. ISSN 2194-5594

Fabb, Nigel (2014) The verse-line as a whole unit in working memory, ease of processing, and the aesthetic effects of form. Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement, 75. pp. 29-50. ISSN 1358-2461

Fabb, Nigel (2013) There is no psychological limit on the duration of metrical lines in performance : against Turner and Pöppel. International Journal of Literary Linguistics, 2 (1). pp. 1-29.

Fabb, Nigel (2012) Poetic form as meaning in Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass. Journal of Literary Semantics, 41 (2). pp. 105-119. ISSN 0341-7638

Fabb, Nigel (2010) The non-linguistic in poetic language. A generative approach. Journal of Literary Theory, 4 (1). pp. 1-18. ISSN 1862-5290

Fabb, Nigel (2010) Is literary language a development of ordinary language? Lingua, 120 (5). pp. 1219-1232. ISSN 0024-3841

Fabb, Nigel (2009) Teaching & Learning Guide for: Linguistics in the Study and Teaching of Literature. Language and Linguistics Compass, 3 (5). pp. 1349-1356. ISSN 1749-818X

Fabb, Nigel (2009) Symmetric and asymmetric relations, and the aesthetics of form in poetic language. European English Messenger, 18 (1). pp. 50-59.

Fabb, Nigel (2008) Linguistics in the Study and Teaching of Literature. Language and Linguistics Compass, 2 (6). pp. 1135-1147. ISSN 1749-818X

Fabb, N.A.J. and Halle, M. (2006) Metrical Complexity in Christina Rossetti's Verse. College Literature, 33 (2). pp. 91-114. ISSN 0093-3139

Fabb, Nigel and Halle, Morris (2006) Telling the numbers : a unified account of syllabo-tonic English and syllabic Polish and French verse. Research in Language, 4. pp. 5-30. ISSN 1731-7533

Fabb, Nigel and Hutchison, Ian (2005) And Rimmain yoor obeddeend omble zervand : the invented spelling system of William Baillie of Dunain (1789-1869). Transactions of the Philological Society, 103 (3). pp. 323-338. ISSN 0079-1636

Fabb, Nigel (2004) Form as fiction. Belgian Journal of English Language and Literature, New serie (2). pp. 63-73.

Fabb, Nigel (2003) Metrical rules and the notion of ‘maximum’ : a reply to Derek Attridge. Language and Literature, 12 (1). pp. 73-80. ISSN 0963-9470

Fabb, Nigel A.J. (2002) The metres of 'Dover Beach'. Language and Literature, 11 (2). pp. 99-117. ISSN 0963-9470

Fabb, N. (2001) Weak monosyllables in iambic verse and the communication of metrical form. Lingua, 111 (11). pp. 771-790. ISSN 0024-3841

Fabb, Nigel (1999) Verse constituency and the locality of alliteration. Lingua, 108 (4). pp. 223-245. ISSN 0024-3841

Fabb, Nigel (1992) Reduplication and object movement in Ewe and Fon. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics, 13 (1). pp. 1-40.

Fabb, Nigel (1992) The licensing of Fon verbs. Journal of West African Languages, 21. pp. 1-9.

Fabb, Nigel (1990) The difference between English restrictive and nonrestrictive clauses. Journal of Linguistics, 26 (1). pp. 57-77. ISSN 0022-2267

Fabb, Nigel (1988) English suffixation is constrained only by selectional restrictions. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 6 (4). pp. 527-539.

Fabb, Nigel (1988) Saussure and literary theory : from the perspective of linguistics. Critical Quarterly, 30 (2). pp. 58-72. ISSN 0011-1562

Fabb, Nigel (1987) Dreaming Shakespeare : locating Gregory's Girl. Critical Quarterly, 29 (2). pp. 100-107. ISSN 0011-1562

Fabb, Nigel and Durant, Alan (1987) Ten years on in the linguistics of writing. Prose Studies, 10 (1). pp. 51-71. ISSN 0144-0357

Book Section

Sykäri, Venla and Fabb, Nigel; Sykäri, Venla and Fabb, Nigel, eds. (2022) Preface. In: Rhyme and Rhyming in Verbal Art, Language, and Song. Studia Fennica Folklorista . The Finnish Literature Society (SKS), Helsinki, pp. 7-10. ISBN 9789518585896

Fabb, Nigel; Sykäri, Venla and Fabb, Nigel, eds. (2022) Rhyme and alliteration are significantly different as types of sound patterning. In: Rhyme and Rhyming in Verbal Art, Language, and Song. Studia Fennica Folklorista . The Finnish Literature Society (SKS), Helsinki, pp. 155-171. ISBN 9789518585896

Fabb, Nigel and Sykäri, Venla; Sykäri, Venla and Fabb, Nigel, eds. (2022) Rhyme in the languages and cultures of the world : an introduction. In: Rhyme and Rhyming in Verbal Art, Language, and Song. Studia Fennica Folklorista . The Finnish Literature Society (SKS), Helsinki, pp. 11-44. ISBN 9789518585896

Fabb, Nigel; Ahrens, Rüdiger and Klaeger, Florian and Stierstorfer, Klaus, eds. (2022) When words stop : omission in songs. In: Symbolism. Symbolism: An International Annual of Critical Aesthetics, 22 . De Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 33-48. ISBN 9783110756456

Fabb, Nigel; Ifantidou, Elly and de Saussure, Louis and Wharton, Tim, eds. (2021) Experiences of ineffable significance. In: Beyond Meaning. John Benjamins Publishing, Amsterdam, 134–150. ISBN 9789027259592

Fabb, Nigel; Aronoff, Mark and Rees-Miller, Janie, eds. (2016) Linguistics and literature. In: Blackwell Handbook of Linguistics (second edition). Handbooks in Linguistics . Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford. (In Press)

Fabb, Nigel; Ginsburgh, Victor and Weber, Shlomo, eds. (2016) Linguistic theory, linguistic diversity and Whorfian economics. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Economics and Language. Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., Houndmills Basingstoke, pp. 17-60. ISBN 978-1-137-32504-4

Fabb, Nigel; Sotirova, Violeta, ed. (2015) Verse. In: The Bloomsbury Companion to Stylistics. Bloomsbury Companions . Bloomsbury, London, pp. 523-536. ISBN 978-1-4411-6005-8

Fabb, Nigel; Wright, James, ed. (2015) Language and literature. In: International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier, Oxford, pp. 266-271. ISBN 9780080970868

Fabb, Nigel and Halle, Morris; Jaén, Isabel and Simon, Julien Jacques, eds. (2012) Counting in metrical verse. In: Cognitive literary studies. University of Texas Press, Austin, pp. 163-182. ISBN 978-0-292-73558-3

Fabb, Nigel and Halle, Morris; Torrego, Esther, ed. (2012) Dylan Thomas's meters. In: Of Grammar, Words, and Verses. Language Faculty and Beyond . John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, pp. 67-86. ISBN 9789027274564

Halle, Morris and Fabb, Nigel; Rebuschat, Patrick and Rohrmeier, Martin and Hawkins, John and Cross, Ian, eds. (2011) Grouping in the stressing of words, in metrical verse, and in music. In: Language and Music as Cognitive Systems. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 4-21. ISBN 978-0-19-955342-6

Fabb, Nigel; Hogan, Patrick Colm, ed. (2011) Art, languages of. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences. Cambridge University Press, New York, pp. 106-108. ISBN 9780521866897

Fabb, Nigel and Halle, Morris; Hogan, Patrick Colm, ed. (2011) Meter. In: The cambridge encyclopedia of the language sciences. Cambridge University Press, New York, pp. 495-497. ISBN 9780521866897

Fabb, Nigel; Hogan, Patrick, ed. (2011) Poetic form, universals of. In: The Cambridge encyclopedia of the language sciences. Cambridge University Press, New York, pp. 624-627. ISBN 9780521866897

Fabb, Nigel; Blackings, Mairi, ed. (2011) Spirit possession in Ma’di culture. In: Narrating Our Future. Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society, Cape Town, pp. 120-145. ISBN 978-1-920287-09-2

Fabb, Nigel; Hogan, Patrick, ed. (2011) Verse Line. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences. Cambridge University Press, New York, pp. 908-909. ISBN 978-0-521-86689-7

Fabb, Nigel and Versace, Stefano; Austin, Peter and Bond, Oliver and Nathan, David and Marten, Lutz, eds. (2011) A database as a method of raising typological questions about poetic form. In: Proceedings of conference on language documentation & linguistic theory 3. School of Oriental and African Studies, GBR, pp. 289-296. ISBN 9780728603981

Fabb, Nigel and Halle, Morris; Aroui, Jean-Louis and Arleo, Andy, eds. (2009) Pairs and triplets : A theory of metrical verse. In: Towards a typology of poetic forms. John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, pp. 167-192. ISBN 9027208190

Fabb, Nigel; (2009) Why is verse poetry? In: Poetry Nation Review. Carcanet Press, pp. 52-57. ISBN 1847770282

Fabb, Nigel; Dewey, Tonya Kim and Frog, eds. (2009) Formal interactions in poetic meter. In: Versatility in Versification: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Metrics. Berkeley Insights in Linguistics and Semiotics, 74 . Peter Lang AG, New York, pp. 147-165. ISBN 9781433105784

Fabb, Nigel; Dresher, B. Elan and Friedberg, Nila, eds. (2006) Generated metrical form and implied metrical form. In: Formal Approaches to Poetry. Phonology and Phonetics . Mouton De Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 77-91. ISBN 978-3-11-018522-5

Fabb, Nigel; Brown, Keith, ed. (2006) Linguistics: Approaches. In: Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier, pp. 240-245. ISBN 0-08-044299-4

Fabb, Nigel; Hansen, Hans Lauge, ed. (2002) Complex implied form, leisure pursuits, and cultural studies. In: Changing Philologies. Museum Tusculanum Press, pp. 105-120. ISBN 87 7289 790 2

Fabb, Nigel; (2001) Language and literature. In: International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioural Sciences. Elsevier, pp. 8282-8287. ISBN 0080430767

Fabb, Nigel; Aronoff, Mark and Rees-Miller, Janie, eds. (2000) Linguistics and literature. In: The Handbook of Linguistics. Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics . Blackwell, Malden MA, pp. 446-465. ISBN 978-1405102520

Fabb, Nigel; Brown, Keith and Miller, J, eds. (1999) Relative clauses. In: Concise Encyclopedia of Grammatical Categories. Elsevier, pp. 319-323. ISBN 008043164X

Fabb, Nigel; Spencer, Andrew and Zwicky, Arnold, eds. (1998) Compounding. In: The Handbook of Morphology. Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 66-83. ISBN 0-631-18544-5

Fabb, Nigel; Payne, Jonathan, ed. (1995) The density of response : a problem for literary criticism and cognitive science. In: Linguistic Approaches to Literature. English Language Research, Birmingham, pp. 143-157. ISBN 0 7044 1581 X

Fabb, Nigel; Hobsbaum, Philip and Lyons, Paddy and McGhee, Jim, eds. (1992) Things to make and do : some new ways of teaching undergraduate literature. In: Channels of Communication. University of Glasgow, pp. 203-212. ISBN 0-85-261335-0

Fabb, Nigel; Crofton, Ian, ed. (1990) The language of signs. In: The Guinness Encyclopedia. Guinness World Records Limited, pp. 610-611. ISBN 9780851123134

Fabb, Nigel; Everaert, Martin and Evers, Arnold and Huybregts, Riny and Trommelen, Mieke, eds. (1988) Doing affixation in the GB syntax. In: Morphology and Modularity. Publications in language sciences . Foris Publications, Dordrecht, pp. 129-145. ISBN 90-6765-394-2

Fabb, Nigel; Archangeli, D. and Barss, A. and Sproat, R., eds. (1983) Linguistics for 10-year olds. In: MIT working papers in linguistics. MIT linguistics department, pp. 45-61.


Fabb, Nigel (2022) A Theory of Thrills, Sublime and Epiphany in Literature. Anthem Press, London. ISBN 9781839984815

Fabb, Nigel (2015) What is poetry? Language and memory in the poems of the world. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781107001855

Blackings, Mairi and Fabb, Nigel (2015) An Introduction to the Grammar of Màdí. Noble Printers & Graphics Design Limited, Juba, South Sudan.

Fabb, Nigel and Halle, Morris (2008) Meter in poetry : A new theory. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. ISBN 978-0-521-88564-5

Fabb, Nigel and Furniss, Thomas and Durant, Alan and Montgomery, Martin and Mills, Sara (2007) Ways of Reading : Advanced Reading Skills for Students of English Literature. Routledge, London. ISBN 978-0-415-34634-4

Fabb, Nigel and Durant, Alan (2005) How to Write Essays and Dissertations : A guide for English literature students. Pearson Education, Harlow. ISBN 9780582784550

Fabb, Nigel (2005) Sentence Structure. Language Workbooks (2nd). Routledge, London. ISBN 978-0-415-34182-0

Blackings, Mairi and Fabb, Nigel (2003) A grammar of Ma'di. Mouton Grammar Library [MGL] . Mouton De Gruyter, Berlin. ISBN 9783110179408

Fabb, Nigel (2002) Language and literary structure : the linguistic analysis of form in verse and narrative. Cambridge University Press, UK. ISBN 9780521792943

Montgomery, Martin and Durant, Alan and Mills, Sara and Fabb, Nigel and Furniss, Thomas (2000) Ways of Reading : Advanced reading skills for students of English literature. Routledge, London. ISBN 0415222060

Fabb, Nigel (1997) Linguistics and literature : language in the verbal arts of the world. Blackwell, Oxford. ISBN 0631192433

Fabb, Nigel (1994) Sentence Structure. Routledge, London. ISBN 0-415-08569-1

Fabb, Nigel and Durant, Alan (1993) How to write essays, dissertations and theses in literary studies. Longman, Harlow. ISBN 0-582-08977-8

Fabb, Nigel and Furniss, Thomas and Montgomery, Martin and Mills, Sara and Durant, Alan (1992) Ways of Reading : Advanced reading skills for students of English literature. Routledge, London. ISBN 0-415-05320-X

Fabb, Nigel and Durant, Alan (1990) Literary Studies in Action. Interface . Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-02945-2


Fabb, N. (2004) Review of Ian MacKenzie paradigms of reading : relevance theory and deconstruction. [Review]


Fabb, Nigel (2024) Endings are created by interpretations which exploit our knowledge of what came before. University of Connecticut, Connecticut.

Fabb, Nigel (2017) Arbitrary innovations and literary universals. University of Connecticut, Storrs.

Fabb, Nigel (2017) Poetic Line Length. University of Connecticut.

Fabb, Nigel (2016) Rhythm requires poetic sections. University of Connecticut, Storrs.

Fabb, Nigel (2015) Literature and linguistics. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Walker, David and Fabb, Nigel (2013) Digitisation of Recordings: Linguistics of Writing Conference, July 1986. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

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