Browse by Author or creator
Brand, Christian and Marsden, Greg and Anable, Jillian and Dixon, James and Barrett, John (2025) Achieving deep transport energy demand reductions in the United Kingdom. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 207. 114941. ISSN 1879-0690
Harrington, Deirdre M. and Bardid, Farid and Cory, Katherine and Dixon, James and Dodd, Sarah and Ferguson, Neil and Roberts, Jennifer J. and Bonner, James (2024) (Two) wheels on the bus : road user perceptions of a bike bus and how this links to addressing global health challenges. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. ISSN 1543-3080
Uzim, Emmanuel and Dixon, James (2024) Macroeconomic impacts of African transport transitions : on the case of electric two-wheelers in Kenya. African Transport Studies, 2. 100009. ISSN 2950-1962
Dixon, James and Pierard, Elena C. and Mwanzia, Patrick and Giki, Paschal and Oduor, Joshua and Maranga, Ignatius and Kemei, Dominic and Onjala, Joseph and Mwangi, Francis and Ondanje, Warren and Brand, Christian and Courtright, Thomas and Muhia, Paul and Bundi, Thomas and Balongo, Samuel and Oyuke, Abel and Li, Tang and Mitullah, Winnie and Sivakumar, Aruna and Dalkmann, Holger and Foster, Vivien and Da Silva, Izael and Hirmer, Stephanie A. (2024) How can emerging economies meet development and climate goals in the transport-energy system? : Modelling co-developed scenarios in Kenya using a socio-technical approach. Energy Strategy Reviews, 53. 101396. ISSN 2211-467X
McGarry, Connor and Dixon, James and Flower, Jack and Bukhsh, Waqquas and Brand, Christian and Bell, Keith and Galloway, Stuart (2024) Electrified heat and transport : energy demand futures, their impacts on power networks and what it means for system flexibility. Applied Energy, 360. 122836. ISSN 0306-2619
McGarry, Connor and Dixon, James and Elders, Ian and Galloway, Stuart (2023) A high-resolution geospatial and socio-technical methodology for assessing the impact of electrified heat and transport on distribution network infrastructure. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 35. 101118. ISSN 2352-4677
Dixon, James and Zhou, Zhaoqi and Phommachanh, Sounthisack and Kythavone, Sengratry and Inthavongsa, Phongsavanh and Hirmer, Stephanie (2023) Plugging into green growth : towards e-mobility and renewable energy integration in Lao PDR. Energy Strategy Reviews, 48. 101099. ISSN 2211-467X
Kondev, Bozhil and Dixon, James and Zhou, Zhaoqi and Sabyrbekov, Rahat and Sultanaliev, Kanat and Hirmer, Stephanie (2023) Putting the foot down : accelerating EV uptake in Kyrgyzstan. Transport Policy, 131. pp. 87-96. ISSN 0967-070X
Dixon, James and Bukhsh, Waqquas and Bell, Keith and Brand, Christian (2022) Vehicle to grid : driver plug-in patterns, their impact on the cost and carbon of charging, and implications for system flexibility. eTransportation, 13. 100180. ISSN 2590-1168
Dixon, James and Bell, Keith and Brush, Susan (2022) Which way to net zero? A comparative analysis of seven UK 2050 decarbonisation pathways. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Transition, 2. 100016. ISSN 2667-095X
Dixon, James and Koukoura, Sofia and Brand, Christian and Morgan, Malcom and Bell, Keith (2021) Spatially disaggregated car ownership prediction using deep neural networks. Future Transportation, 1 (1). pp. 113-133. ISSN 2673-7590
Edmunds, Calum and Galloway, Stuart and Dixon, James and Bukhsh, Waqquas and Elders, Ian (2021) Hosting capacity assessment of heat pumps and optimised electric vehicle charging on low voltage networks. Applied Energy. ISSN 0306-2619
Dixon, James and Bukhsh, Waqquas and Edmunds, Calum and Bell, Keith (2020) Scheduling electric vehicle charging to minimise carbon emissions and wind curtailment. Renewable Energy. ISSN 0960-1481
Dixon, James and Elders, Ian and Bell, Keith (2020) Evaluating the likely temporal variation in electric vehicle charging demand at popular amenities using smartphone locational data. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 14 (6). pp. 504-510. ISSN 1751-9578
Dixon, James and Bell, Keith (2020) Electric vehicles : battery capacity, charger power, access to charging and the impacts on distribution networks. eTransportation. 100059. ISSN 2590-1168
Dixon, James and Andersen, Peter Bach and Bell, Keith and Træholt, Chresten (2020) On the ease of being green : an investigation of the inconvenience of electric vehicle charging. Applied Energy, 258. 114090. ISSN 0306-2619
Conference or Workshop Item
McGarry, Connor and Hunter, Lewis and Dixon, James and Galloway, Stuart (2024) Electrifying railway station parking : enhancing Scotland's sustainable mobility. In: CIRED 2024 Vienna Workshop, 2024-06-19 - 2024-06-20.
Dixon, James and Bukhsh, Waqquas and Edmunds, Calum and Bell, Keith (2019) Keeping the car clean : smart EV charging to support renewables. In: ETP 8th Annual Conference 2019, 2019-11-14 - 2019-11-14.
Dixon, James and Elders, Ian and Bell, Keith (2019) Electric vehicle charging simulations on a real distribution network using real trial data. In: 2019 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, Asia Pacific, 2019-05-07 - 2019-05-10, International Convention Centre.
Dixon, James and Elders, Ian and Bell, Keith (2018) Characterization of electric vehicle fast charging forecourt demand. In: IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe 2018, 2018-10-21 - 2018-10-25, Sarajevo.
Dixon, James and Bell, Keith and Elders, Ian (2018) Electric vehicle destination charging characterisations at popular amenities. In: E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium 2018, 2018-10-15 - 2018-10-15, KTH.
Dixon, James and Gill, Simon (2017) Possible impact of electrification of heat and transport on a Scottish commuter town : a case study. In: HubNet Smart Grids Symposium 2017, 2017-09-19 - 2017-09-20, University of Bath.
Dixon, James and Bell, Keith and Elders, Ian (2017) Opportunities for interconnection of adjacent distribution feeders in GB networks. In: 52nd International Universities' Power Engineering Conference, 2017-08-29 - 2017-09-01, T.E.I. of Crete.
Dixon, James and Bell, Keith and Elders, Ian (2016) Distribution network reconfiguration for optimisation of reliability and losses. In: Hubnet Smart Grids Symposium 2016, 2016-09-13 - 2016-09-14, University of Strathclyde.
Sturgess, David and Mitullah, Winnie and Msoni, Malindi and Chivunga, Joyce and Dzisi, Emmanuel and Morrissey, Helen and Boateng, Festival and Nkurunziza, Alphonse and Agbevivi, Doris and Kadewa, Wilfred and Pierard, Elena and Orjuela Mendoza, Juan Pablo and Usher, Will and Dalkmann, Holger and Dixon, James (2024) Transport-energy modelling in sub-Saharan Africa : innovations and opportunities to support informed policymaking towards equitable, clean access for all. Zenodo.
Dixon, James and Dalkmann, Holger and Foster, Vivien (2023) Developing Fit-for-purpose Analytical Tools to Support Transport Sector Decarbonisation in LMICs. Climate Compatible Growth.
Dixon, James and Pierard, Elena and Mwanzia, Patrick and Onjala, Joseph and Ondanje, Warren and Giki, Paschal and Oduor, Joshua and Courtright, Thomas and Muhia, Paul and Maranga, Ignatius and Bundi, Thomas and Mwangi, Francis and Brand, Christian and Balongo, Samuel and Li, Tang and Oyuke, Abel and Mitullah, Winnie and Sivakumar, Aruna and Dalkmann, Holger and Hirmer, Stephanie (2023) Towards equitable climate-compatible transport pathways in Kenya : modelling co-created scenarios using a socio-technical approach. Zenodo, Geneva, Switzerland.
Brand, Christian and Anable, Jillian and Dixon, James (2020) Ending the Sale of New Petrol, Diesel and Hybrid Cars and Vans : Department for Transport and Office for Low Emission Vehicles Consultation. UKERC, London.
Dixon, James (2020) Keeping the Car Clean : on the Electrification of Private Transport : Summary Report. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Hannon, Matthew and Topham, Eva and Dixon, James and McMillan, David and Collu, Maurizio (2019) Offshore Wind, Ready to Float? Global and UK Trends in the Floating Offshore Wind Market. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.