Philosophieren mit Kindern ist aktive Demokratie

Conrad, Sarah-Jane and Mathis, Christian and Cassidy, Claire; Ziegler, Béatrice and Waldis, Monika, eds. (2018) Philosophieren mit Kindern ist aktive Demokratie. In: Politische Bildung in der Demokratie. Springer, Wiesbaden, Germany, pp. 137-154. ISBN 9783658189327 (

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Philosophy with Children is Democracy in Action and thus part and parcel of Civic Education. This slogan canbe supported, first, because the respective methods of Philosophy with Children and Civic Education are very similar: namely, by the fact that political socialisation is driven substantially by developing communication competences, a concern at the heart of Philosophy with Children. Second, reflecting the basic concepts and values of civic education is first and foremost a philosophical issue. Data recently collected amongst children and teenagers aged 4 to 17 in Scotland and Switzerland on the question "In what kind of society do you want to live?" used Catherine McCalI's "Community of Philosophical Inquiry" (CoPI) to corroborate these assumptions and to contribute to understanding how Philosophy with Children complements Civic Education in terms of its methodology and its content: the discussions on justice lay the foundations upon which society can act politically.