Internationalisation and modern languages in Scottish Further and Higher Education
Subject Centre Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies (Funder); Doughty, Hannah. (2009) Internationalisation and modern languages in Scottish Further and Higher Education. The Higher Education Academy: Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies.
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This scoping study investigated the impact of internationalisation strategies on modern language provision in Scottish further and higher education and was commissioned by the Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It follows on from the report by Footitt (2005), which explored issues of internationalisation and modern languages in England. The present investigation had the following aims: to identify the main policy documents related to internationalisation strategies and modern languages in Scottish further and higher education and explore to which extent internationalisation initiatives support or encourage the development of students' language and to explore the explicit and implicit messages given by institutional websites about international student support and about modern language study; to explore the views of selected stakeholders in Scottish further and higher education with regard to internationalisation strategies and in what ways international activities at selected institutions offer opportunities for language learning.
Doughty, Hannah
Item type: Report ID code: 20104 Dates: DateEvent2009PublishedSubjects: Education > Theory and practice of education > Higher Education
Language and Literature > Modern European LanguagesDepartment: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (HaSS) > Strathclyde Institute of Education > Education Depositing user: Dr H Doughty Date deposited: 20 May 2010 10:29 Last modified: 18 Jan 2025 01:58 URI: