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Zahn, Rebecca and Busby, Nicole; Ness, Immanuel, ed. (2022) Trade unions, women's labour and the gig economy. In: The Routledge Handbook of the Gig Economy. Routledge, Abingdon-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, pp. 145-157. ISBN 9781000726589
Zahn, Rebecca and Busby, Nicole; Shaw, Jo and Fletcher-Watson, Ben and Ahmadzadeh, A, eds. (2022) Women's labour and trade unionism - a dangerous combination? In: Dangerous Women. Unbound Books, London. ISBN 9781800180642
Busby, Nicole and McDermont, Morag (2019) Fighting with the wind : claimants' experiences and perceptions of the Employment Tribunal. Industrial Law Journal. ISSN 0305-9332
Busby, Nicole and Weldon-Johns, Michelle (2019) Fathers as carers in UK law and policy : dominant ideologies and lived experience. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 41 (3). pp. 280-301. ISSN 1469-9621
Busby, Nicole and Zahn, Rebecca (2019) The Civil Society Brexit Project : Brexit and Employment Rights. Human Rights Consortium Scotland, Edinburgh.
Busby, Nicole (2018) The evolution of gender equality and related employment policies : the case of work– family reconciliation. International Journal of Discrimination and the Law, 18 (2-3). pp. 104-123. ISSN 2047-9468
Busby, Nicole and Zahn, Rebecca; (2018) Implications for equality, employment and Human Rights in Scotland. In: Bringing Human Rights Home? What's at Stake for Rights in the Incorporation of EU Law after Brexit. Liberty, London, pp. 44-46.
Rose, Emily and Busby, Nicole (2017) Power relations in employment disputes. Journal of Law and Society, 44 (4). pp. 674-701. ISSN 0263-323X
Busby, Nicole and Kirk, Eleanor (2017) Led up the tribunal path? Employment disputes, legal consciousness and trust in the protection of law. Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 7 (7). ISSN 2079-5971 (In Press)
Busby, Nicole and James, Grace; Lewis, Suzan and Anderson, Deidre and Lyonette, Claire and Payne, Nicola and Wood, Stephen, eds. (2017) Regulating work/care relationships in a time of austerity : a legal perspective. In: Work-Life Balance in Times of Recession, Austerity and Beyond. Routledge Research in Employment Relations . Routledge, London, pp. 78-92. ISBN 9781138926448
Rose, Emily and Kirk, Eleanor and Busby, Nicole and Sims, Rhiannon (2017) Inaccessible Justice : What Happens to Workers Who Don't Pursue Employment Claims? University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Busby, Nicole; Bogg, Alan and Costello, Cathryn and Davies, Anne, eds. (2016) The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. In: Research Handbook on EU Labour Law. Research Handbooks on Law . Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Cheltenham, pp. 150-173. ISBN 978783471126
Busby, Nicole; Kirwan, Samuel, ed. (2016) The costs of justice : barriers and challenges to accessing the employment tribunal system. In: Advising in Austerity. Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 79-90. ISBN 9781447334149
Busby, Nicole (2016) Recognition of (some) men's parental duties under EU law. International Labor Rights Case Law, 2. pp. 270-275. ISSN 2405-6901
Zahn, Rebecca and Busby, Nicole; Busby, Nicole and Brodie, Douglas and Zahn, Rebecca, eds. (2016) Collective labour rights in EU and international law : consolidation, reconciliation and beyond? In: The Future Regulation of Work. Socio-Legal Studies . Palgrave Macmillan Ltd..
Busby, Nicole and McDermont, Morag; Palmer, Ellie and Cornford, Tom and Marique, Yseult and Guinchard, Audrey, eds. (2016) Access to justice in the employment tribunal : private disputes or public concerns? In: Access to Justice. Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 175-196. ISBN 9781849467346
Busby, Nicole and James, Grace (2015) Regulating working families in the European Union : a history of disjointed strategies. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 37 (3). pp. 295-308. ISSN 1469-9621
Rose, Emily and McDermont, Morag and Busby, Nicole and Sales, Adam and Kirk, Eleanor (2015) Employment Tribunal Fees : Effect on clients of Citizens Advice Bureaux. University of Bristol and University of Strathclyde, Bristol.
Busby, Nicole (2015) Challenging employment tribunal fees : R (Unison) v Lord Chancellor and another (No.2). Edinburgh Law Review, 19 (2). pp. 254-259. ISSN 1364-9809
Sales, Adam and McDermont, Morag and Busby, Nicole and Rose, Emily and Kirk, Eleanor (2015) Citizens Advice Bureaux Clients and Advisers' Perceptions of Acas. University of Bristol and University of Strathclyde, Bristol.
Busby, Nicole (2015) Crumbs of comfort : pregnancy and the status of 'worker' under EU law's free movement provisions. Industrial Law Journal, 44 (1). pp. 134-145. ISSN 0305-9332
Busby, Nicole (2015) The price of justice in employment claims. LexisPSL. pp. 1-4.
Rose, Emily and McDermont, Morag and Busby, Nicole and Sales, Adam and Kirk, Eleanor (2014) Enforcement of Employment Tribunal Awards. University of Bristol and University of Strathclyde, Bristol.
Busby, Nicole (2014) Unpaid care, paid work and austerity : a research note. Feminists@Law, 4 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2046-9551
Busby, Nicole and Zahn, Rebecca (2014) The EU and the ECHR : collective and non-discrimination labour rights at a crossroad? International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 30 (2). pp. 153-174. ISSN 0952-617X
Busby, Nicole; Wallbank, Julie and Herring, Jonathan, eds. (2013) Labour Law, Family Law and Care : A Plea for Convergence. In: Vulnerabilities, Care and Family Law. Routledge, pp. 181-198. ISBN 978-0-415-85750-5
Busby, Nicole and McDermont, Morag and Rose, Emily and Sales, Adam and Kirk, Eleanor (2013) Citizens Advice Bureaux and Employment Disputes Interim Report. University of Bristol, Bristol.
Busby, Nicole and McDermont, Morag and Rose, Emily and Sales, Adam (2013) Access to Justice in Employment Disputes : Surveying the Terrain. Institute of Employment Rights. ISBN 978-1-906703-18-9
Busby, Nicole and Zahn, Rebecca (2013) European labour law in crisis : the demise of social rights. Contemporary Issues in Law, 12 (2). pp. 173-192. ISSN 1357-0374
Canetta, Emanuela and Kaltsouni, Styliani and Busby, Nicole (2012) Enforcement of Fundamental Workers’ Rights. European Parliament, Brussels.
Busby, Nicole and McDermont, Morag (2012) Workers, marginalised voices and the employment tribunal system : some preliminary findings. Industrial Law Journal, 41 (2). pp. 166-183. ISSN 0305-9332
Busby, Nicole (2011) A Right to Care? Unpaid Care Work in European Employment Law. Oxford Monographs on Labour Law . Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780199579020
Busby, Nicole (2011) Carers and the Equality Act 2010 : protected characteristics and identity. Contemporary Issues in Law, 11 (2). pp. 71-91. ISSN 1357-0374
Busby, Nicole; Busby, Nicole and James, Grace, eds. (2011) Unpaid care-giving and paid work within a rights framework : towards reconciliation? In: Families, care-giving and paid work. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Cheltenham, pp. 189-202. ISBN 9781849802628
Busby, Nicole and Macleod, Calum (2010) Rural identity in the twenty-first century : a community of crofters or crofting communities? Journal of Law and Society, 37 (4). pp. 592-619. ISSN 0263-323X