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Number of items: 60.

Shah, Anoop S V and Gribben, Ciara and Bishop, Jennifer and Hanlon, Peter and Caldwell, David and Wood, Rachael and Reid, Martin and McMenamin, Jim and Goldberg, David and Stockton, Diane and Hutchinson, Sharon and Robertson, Chris and McKeigue, Paul M and Colhoun, Helen M and McAllister, David A (2021) Effect of vaccination on transmission of SARS-CoV-2. New England Journal of Medicine, 385 (18). pp. 1718-1720. ISSN 0028-4793

King, Ruth and Bird, Sheila M and Overstall, Antony M. and Hay, Gordon and Hutchinson, Sharon J. (2014) Estimating prevalence of injecting drug users and associated heroin-related death rates in England by using regional data and incorporating prior information. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, 177 (1). pp. 209-236. ISSN 0964-1998

Corson, Stephen and Greenhalgh, David and Taylor, Avril and Palmateer, Norah Elizabeth and Goldberg, David and Hutchinson, Sharon (2013) Modelling the prevalence of HCV amongst people who inject drugs : an investigation into the risks associated with injecting paraphernalia sharing. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 133 (1). pp. 172-179. ISSN 0376-8716

Aspinall, Esther and Corson, Stephen and Doyle, Joseph and Grebely, Jason and Hutchinson, Sharon and Dore, Gregory and Goldberg, David and Hellard, Margaret (2013) Treatment of Hepatitis C virus infection among people who are actively injecting drugs : a systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 57 (2). S80-S89. ISSN 1058-4838

King, Ruth and Bird, Sheila M and Overstall, Antony and Hay, Gordon and Hutchinson, Sharon (2013) Injecting drug users in Scotland, 2006 : listing, number, demography, and opiate-related death-rates. Addiction Research and Theory, 21 (3). pp. 235-246. ISSN 1606-6359

Shepherd, Samantha J. and Keen, Joy and Hutchinson, Sharon and Cameron, Sheila O. and Goldberg, David J. and Carman, W. and Gunson, R.N. and Aitken, Celia (2013) A hepatitis C avidity test for determining recent and past infections in both plasma and dried blood spots. Journal of Clinical Virology, 57 (1). pp. 29-35. ISSN 1386-6532

McDonald, Scott and Hutchinson, Sharon and Palmateer, Norah Elizabeth and Allen, Elizabeth and Cameron, Sheila O. and David J., Goldberg and Taylor, Avril (2013) Decrease in health-related quality of life associated with awareness of hepatitis C virus infection among people who inject drugs in Scotland. Journal of Hepatology, 58 (3). pp. 460-466. ISSN 0168-8278

Rondy, E. and Wiessing, L. and Hutchinson, Sharon and Mathei, C. and Mathis, F. and Mravcik, V. and Norden, L. and Rosiriska, M. and Scutelniciuc, O. and Suliqoi, B. and Vallejo, F. and VAN Veen, M. and Kretzschmar, M. (2013) Hepatitis C prevalence in injecting drug users in Europe, 1990–2007 : impact of study recruitment setting. Epidemiology and Infection, 141 (03). pp. 563-572. ISSN 0950-2688

Palmateer, Norah Elizabeth and Hutchinson, Sharon and Innes, Hamish and Schnier, Christian and Wu, Olivia and David J., Goldberg and Hickman, Matthew (2013) Review and meta-analysis of the association between self-reported sharing of needles/syringes and hepatitis C virus prevalence and incidence among people who inject drugs in Europe. International Journal of Drug Policy, 24 (2). pp. 85-100. ISSN 0955-3959

Innes, Hamish and Hutchinson, Sharon and Barclay, S. and Cadzow, Elaine and Dillon, John F. and Fraser, Andrew and David J., Goldberg and Mills, Peter R. and McDonald, Scott and Morris, Judith and Stanley, Adrian J. and Hayes, Peter (2013) Quantifying the fraction of cirrhosis attributable to alcohol among chronic HCV patients: : implications for treatment cost-effectiveness. Hepatology, 57 (2). pp. 451-60. ISSN 0270-9139

Merrall, Elizabeth L.C. and Bird, Sheila M and Hutchinson, Sharon (2013) A record-linkage study of drug-related death and suicide after hospital discharge among drug treatment clients in Scotland, 1996-2006. Addiction, 108 (2). pp. 377-384. ISSN 0965-2140

Merrall, Elizabeth L.C. and Bird, Sheila M and Hutchinson, Sharon (2013) A record linkage study of hospital episodes for drug treatment clients in Scotland, 1996-2006. Addiction Research and Theory, 21 (1). pp. 52-61. ISSN 1606-6359

Allen, Elizabeth A. and Palmateer, Norah Elizabeth and Hutchinson, Sharon and Cameron, Sheila O. and Goldberg, David J. and Taylor, Avril (2012) Association between harm reduction intervention uptake and recent hepatitis C infection among people who inject drugs attending sites that provide sterile injecting equipment in Scotland. International Journal of Drug Policy, 23 (6). pp. 346-352. ISSN 0955-3959

Mcdonald, Scott and Hutchinson, Sharon and Cameron, S.O. and Innes, Hamish and McLeod, Allan and Goldberg, David J. (2012) Examination of the risk of reinfection with hepatitis C among injecting drug users who have been tested in Glasgow. International Journal of Drug Policy, 23 (5). pp. 353-357. ISSN 0955-3959

Corson, S and Greenhalgh, D and Hutchinson, S (2012) Mathematically modelling the spread of hepatitis C in injecting drug users. Mathematical Medicine and Biology, 29 (3). pp. 205-230. ISSN 1477-8599

Corson, Stephen and Greenhalgh, David and Hutchinson, Sharon (2012) A time since onset of injection model for hepatitis C spread amongst injecting drug users. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 66 (4-5). pp. 935-978. ISSN 0303-6812

Bennett, S. and Gunson, R.N. and McAllister, G.E. and Hutchinson, Sharon and Goldberg, David J. and Cameron, S. and Carman, W. (2012) Detection of hepatitis C virus RNA in dried blood spots. Journal of Clinical Virology, 54 (2). pp. 106-109. ISSN 1386-6532

Greenhalgh, David and Corson, Stephen and Hutchinson, Sharon (2012) Mathematical modelling of the spread of hepatitis C amongst injecting drug users. In: International Conference on Dynamical Systems, 2012-01-10 - 2012-01-14. (Unpublished)

Palmateer, Norah Elizabeth and Ramsay, Colin N. and Browning, Lynda and Goldberg, David J. and Hutchinson, Sharon (2012) Anthrax infection among heroin users in Scotland during 2009-2010 : a case-control study by linkage to a national drug treatment database. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 55 (5). pp. 706-710. ISSN 1058-4838

Turner, Katy and Hutchinson, Sharon and Vickerman, Peter and Hope, Vivian and Craine, Noel and Palmateer, Norah Elizabeth and May, Margaret and Taylor, Avril and De Angelis, Daniela and Cameron, Sheila and Parry, John and Lyons, Margaret and Goldberg, David J. and Allen, Elizabeth and Hickman, Matthew (2011) The impact of needle and syringe provision and opiate substitution therapy on the incidence of hepatitis C virus in injecting drug users : pooling of UK evidence. Addiction, 106 (11). pp. 1978-1988. ISSN 0965-2140

Merrall, E. and Bird, S. and Hutchinson, S. (2011) High drug-related death rate soon after hospital discharge for drug-treatment clients in Scotland. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 65 (Supple). A133-A133. P1-241. ISSN 0143-005X

McDonald, S. and Kretzschmar, M. and Hutchinson, S. and Goldberg, D. (2011) Reconstructing the historical incidence of hepatitis C infection among Scotland's IDUS. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 65 (Supple). A271-A271. P2-181. ISSN 0143-005X

Innes, H. and Hutchinson, S. and Allen, S. and Bhattacharyya, D. and Bramley, P. and Carman, B. and Delahooke, T. and Dillon, J. and Goldberg, D. and Kennedy, N. (2011) Response and predictors of response, to pegylated interferon and ribavirin for chronic hepatitis C patients in Scotland : alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) are valuable pre-treatment markers of an SVR in routine clinical practice. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 65 (Supple). A254-A254. P2-122. ISSN 0143-005X

McDonald, S. and Hutchinson, S. and Mills, P. and Bird, S. and Cameron, S. and Dillon, J. and Goldberg, D. (2011) The influence of hepatitis C and alcohol on liver-related morbidity and mortality in Glasgow. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 65 (Supple). A271-A271. ISSN 0143-005X

Martin, Natasha K and Vickerman, Peter and Foster, Graham R. and Hutchinson, Sharon and Goldberg, David J. and Hickman, Matthew (2011) Can antiviral therapy for hepatitis C reduce the prevalence of HCV among injecting drug user populations? : a modeling analysis of its prevention utility. Journal of Hepatology, 54 (6). pp. 1137-1144. ISSN 0168-8278

Mcdonald, Scott and Hutchinson, Sharon and Cameron, S. and Bird, Sheila M and Mills, P.R. and McLeod, A. and Goldberg, D.J. (2011) Uptake of hepatitis C antibody testing in patients with end-stage liver disease in Glasgow, 1993-2007. Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 18 (4). e61-5. ISSN 1352-0504

McDonald, S.A. and Hutchinson, Sharon and Mills, P.R. and S.M., Bird and Cameron, S. and Dillon, J.F. and Goldberg, D.J. (2011) The influence of hepatitis C and alcohol on liver-related morbidity and mortality in Glasgow's injecting drug user population. Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 18 (4). e104-e133.

Mcdonald, Scott and Hutchinson, Sharon and Bird, Sheila M and Mills, P. and Hayes, P. and Dillon, J.F. and Goldberg, David J. (2011) Excess morbidity in the hepatitis C-diagnosed population in Scotland, 1991-2006. Epidemiology and Infection, 139 (3). pp. 344-353.

Corson, Stephen and Greenhalgh, David and Palmateer, Norah Elizabeth and Weir, Amanda and Hutchinson, Sharon (2011) Risk of Hepatitis C virus re-infection following spontaneous viral clearance in injecting drug users: A systematic review. International Journal of Drug Policy, 22 (2). pp. 102-108. ISSN 0955-3959

Greenhalgh, David and Corson, Stephen and Hutchinson, Sharon (2011) Mathematically modelling the spread of hepatitis C amongst injecting users. In: Second Workshop on Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences, 2011-02-03. (Unpublished)

Palmateer, N. and Allen, E. and Taylor, A. and Hutchinson, S. and Goldberg, D. (2011) Application of a novel method to estimate incidence of hepatitis C among injecting drug users in Scotland. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 65 (Supple). A79-A79. P1-44. ISSN 0143-005X

McDonald, S.A. and Hutchinson, S.J. and Bird, S.M. and Robertson, C. and Mills, P. and Dillon, John and Goldberg, D.J. (2011) Hospitalisation for an alcohol-related cause among injecting drug users in Scotland: increased risk following diagnosis with hepatitis C infection. International Journal of Drug Policy, 22 (1). pp. 63-69.

Gillies, Michelle and Palmateer, Norah and Hutchinson, Sharon and Ahmed, Syed and Taylor, Avril and Goldberg, David (2010) The provision of non-needle/syringe drug injecting paraphernalia in the primary prevention of HCV among IDU : a systematic review. BMC Public Health, 10. 721. ISSN 1471-2458

Merrall, Eliabeth L.C. and Kariminia, Azar and Binswanger, Ingrid A. and Hobbs, Michael S. and Farrell, Michael and Marsden, John and Hutchinson, Sharon J. and Bird, Sheila M (2010) Meta-analysis of drug-related deaths soon after release from prison. Addiction, 105 (9). pp. 1545-1554.

Baldacchino, A. and Crome, I. and Zador, D. and McGarrol, S. and Taylor, A. and Hutchinson, S.J. and Fahey, T. and Hickman, M. and Kidd, B. (2010) Recording of clinical information in a Scotland-wide drug deaths study. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 24 (9). pp. 1289-1298. ISSN 1461-7285

Bird, Sheila M. and Robertson, Roy and Beresford, Hannah and Hutchinson, Sharon J. (2010) Targets for Hepatitis C virus test uptake and case-finding among injecting drug users : in prisons and general practice. Addiction Research and Theory, 18 (4). pp. 421-432. ISSN 1606-6359

Bird, Sheila M and Hutchinson, Sharon J. and Hay, Gordon and King, Ruth (2010) Commentary : missing targets on drugs-related deaths, and a Scottish paradox. International Journal of Drug Policy, 21 (3). pp. 155-159. ISSN 0955-3959

Palmateer, N. and Kimber, J. and Hickman, M. and Hutchinson, S.J. and Rhodes, T. and Goldberg, D.J. (2010) Evidence for the effectiveness of sterile injecting equipment provision in preventing hepatitis C and human immunodeficiency virus transmission among injecting drug users : a review of reviews. Addiction, 105 (5). pp. 844-859. ISSN 0965-2140

Kimber, Jo and Palmateer, Norah and Hutchinson, Sharon and Hickman, Matthew and Goldberg, David and Rhodes, Tim; Rhodes, Tim and Hedrich, Dagmar, eds. (2010) Harm reduction among injecting drug users - evidence of effectiveness. In: Harm reduction. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 115-163. ISBN 978929168419

McDonald, S.A. and Hutchinson, S.J. and Mills, P.R. and Bird, S.M. and Robertson, C. and Dillon, J.F. and Springbett, A. and Goldberg, D.J., Chief Scientist Office (Funder), Medical Research Council (Funder) (2010) Diagnosis of hepatitis C virus infection in Scotland's injecting drug user population. Infection and Epidemiology, 138. pp. 393-402. ISSN 0950-2688

McDonald, S.A. and Hutchinson, S.J. and Bird, S.M. and Mills, P.R. and Robertson, C. and Dillon, John and Williams, T. and Goldberg, D.J., Chief Scientist Office (Funder), Medical Research Council (Funder) (2010) Hospitalisation of hepatitis C diagnosed persons in Scotland for decompensated cirrhosis: a population-based record-linkage study. European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 22 (1). pp. 49-57. ISSN 0954-691X

Bird, Sheila M. and Hutchinson, S.J. (2010) Over 1200 drugs-related deaths and 190,000 opiate-user-years of follow-up : relative risks by sex and age-group. Addiction Research and Theory, 18 (2). pp. 194-207. ISSN 1606-6359

McDonald, S.A. and Hutchinson, S.J. and Bird, S.M. and Robertson, C. and Mills, P.R. and Graham, L. and Dillon, J.F. and Goldberg, D.J. (2010) The growing contribution of hepatitis C virus infection to liver-related mortality in Scotland. Eurosurveillance, 15 (18). ISSN 1560-7917

Anderson, E.M. and Mandeville, R.P. and Hutchinson, S.J. and Cameron, S.O. and Mills, P.R. and Fox, R. and Ahmed, S. and Taylor, A. and Spence, E. and Goldberg, D.J., Schering Plough (Funder) (2009) Evaluation of a general practice based Hepatitis C virus screening intervention. Scottish Medical Journal, 54 (3). pp. 3-7. ISSN 0036-9330

King, R. and Bird, S.M. and Hay, G. and Hutchinson, S.J. (2009) Estimating current injectors in Scotland and their drug-related death rate by sex, region and age-group via Bayesian capture-recapture methods. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 18 (4). pp. 341-359. ISSN 0962-2802

McDonald, S.A. and Donaghy, M. and Goldberg, D.J. and Hutchinson, S.J. and Robertson, C. and Bird, S.M. and Mills, P.R. and Dillon, J. and Bloor, M. and Hayes, P. and Graham, L., Chief Scientist Office (Funder), Medical Research Council (Funder) (2009) A population-based record linkage study of mortality in hepatitis C-diagnosed persons with or without HIV coinfection in Scotland. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 18 (3). pp. 271-283. ISSN 0962-2802

McDonald, S.A. and Hutchinson, S.J. and Bird, S.M. and Graham, L. and Robertson, C. and Mills, P.R. and Hayes, P. and Dillon, J.F. and Goldberg, D.J., Chief Scientist Office (Funder), Medical Research Council (Funder) (2009) Association of self-reported alcohol use and hospitalization for an alcohol-related cause in Scotland: a record-linkage study of 23 183 individuals. Addiction, 104 (4). pp. 593-602. ISSN 0965-2140

Corson, Stephen and Greenhalgh, David and Hutchinson, Sharon (2009) Mathematical modelling of the spread of hepatitis C in injecting drug users. In: 35'th Young Statisticians Meeting, 2009-04-07 - 2009-04-08.

McDonald, S.A. and Hutchinson, S.J. and Bird, S.M. and Robertson, C. and Mills, P.R. and Dillon, J.F. and Goldberg, D.J., Chief Scientist Office (Funder), Medical Research Council (Funder) (2008) A record-linkage study of the development of hepatocellular carcinoma in persons with hepatitis C infection in Scotland. British Journal of Cancer, 99. pp. 805-810. ISSN 1532-1827

Goldberg, David and Brown, G. and Hutchinson, Sharon and Dillon, J. and Taylor, A. and Howie, G. and Ahmed, S. and Roy, Kirsty and King, M. (2008) Hepatitis C action plan for Scotland : phase II (May 2008 - March 2011). Eurosurveillance, 13 (4-6). pp. 1-2. ISSN 1560-7917

Taylor, Avril and Hutchinson, Sharon J. and Gilchrist, Gail and Cameron, Sheila and Carr, Susan and Goldberg, David J. (2008) Prevalence and determinants of hepatitis C virus infection among female drug injecting sex workers in Glasgow. Harm Reduction Journal, 5 (11). pp. 1-5. ISSN 1477-7517

McDonald, S.A. and Hutchinson, S.J. and Bird, S.M. and Mills, P. and Dillon, J.F. and Hayes, P. and Robertson, C. and Goldberg, D. (2008) Hospitalisation of hepatitis C diagnosed persons in Scotland for decompensated cirrhosis : a population-based record-linkage study. Gut, 57 (Suppl ). A38-A39. ISSN 0017-5749

Palmateer, Norah and Anderson, Niall and Wadd, Sarah and Hutchinson, Sharon and Taylor, Avril and Goldberg, David (2008) Exploring associations between perceived HCV status and injecting risk behaviors among recent initiates to injecting drug use in Glasgow. Substance Use and Misuse, 43 (3). pp. 375-388. ISSN 1082-6084

Hutchinson, S.J. and Weir, A. and Bird, S.M. and Goldberg, D.J. (2008) Modelling the impact of antiviral therapy on the future health and economic burden of chronic hepatitis C in Scotland. Journal of Hepatology, 48 (Supple). S297-S297. ISSN 0168-8278

Hutchinson, S. and Bird, S.M. and Taylor, A. and Goldberg, D.J. (2006) Modelling the spread of hepatitis c virus infection among injecting drug users in Glasgow: implications for prevention. International Journal of Drug Policy, 17 (3). pp. 211-221. ISSN 0955-3959

Hutchinson, S. and Bird, S.M. and Goldberg, D.J. (2005) Modeling the current and future disease burden of hepatitis C among injection drug users in Scotland. Hepatology, 42 (3). pp. 711-723. ISSN 0270-9139

Hutchinson, S. and Bird, S. and Goldberg, D.J. (2005) Influence of alcohol on the progression of hepatitis C virus infection: a meta-analysis. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 3. pp. 1150-1159. ISSN 1542-3565

Hutchinson, S. and Goldberg, D.J. and King, M. and Cameron, S.O. and Shaw, L.E. and Brown, A. and MacKenzie, J. and Wilson, K. and MacDonald, L. (2004) Hepatitis C virus among childbearing women in Scotland: prevalence, deprivation and diagnosis. Gut, 53. pp. 593-598. ISSN 0017-5749

Champion, J.K. and Taylor, A. and Hutchinson, S. and Cameron, S. and McMenamin, J. and Mitchell, A. and Goldberg, D.J. (2004) Incidence of hepatitis C virus infection and associated risk factors among Scottish prison inmates: a cohort study. American Journal of Epidemiology, 159 (5). pp. 514-519. ISSN 0002-9262

Bird, S. and Hutchinson, S. (2003) Male drugs-related deaths in the fortnight after release from prison: Scotland, 1996-99. Addiction, 98 (2). pp. 185-190. ISSN 0965-2140

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