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Number of items: 32.

Morris, Alan (2019) Shadow play : Patrick Modiano and the legacy of the Holocaust. French Forum, 44 (1). pp. 13-28. ISSN 0098-9355

Morris, Alan (2019) One man in his time plays many parts : Ariane Mnouchkine's Molière. [Review]

Morris, Alan (2018) Waiting for Godot : Jo Baker, A Country Lane, A Tree. [Review]

Morris, Alan (2017) Julia Holter, Le Clair-obscur 'extrême contemporain': Pierre Bergounioux, Pierre Michon, Patrick Modiano et Pascal Quignard. [Review]

Morris, Alan (2017) Review: Les Salauds vont en enfer: pièce en deux actes by Frédéric Dard; Hugues Galli, Thierry Gautier, and Dominique Jeannerod. [Review]

Morris, Alan (2017) Forgetting is easy, remembering is murder : Didier Daeninckx, Meurtres pour mémoire (1983). [Review]

Morris, Alan (2016) In praise of folly : Didier Daeninckx, Caché dans la maison des fous. [Review]

Morris, Alan (2015) Into the Heart of Darkness : Patrick Modiano, The Occupation Trilogy (2015). [Review]

Morris, Alan (2015) An ever-present past : Didier Daeninckx and the Manouchian resistance group. Journal of War and Culture Studies, 8 (3). pp. 254-268. ISSN 1752-6272

Morris, Alan (2015) Patrick Modiano : 'A Marcel Proust of our time’? French Studies Bulletin, 36 (134). pp. 1-3. ISSN 0262-2750

Morris, Alan (2012) Texte à images, images de textes : Dieu prend-il soin des bœufs? de Patrick Modiano et Gérard Garouste. French Cultural Studies, 23 (4). pp. 319-328. ISSN 0957-1558

Morris, Alan; Atack, Margaret and Lloyd, Christopher, eds. (2012) 'Un passé qui ne passe pas' : Patrick Modiano’s Accident nocturne and Dans le café de la jeunesse perdue. In: Framing narratives of the Second World War and Occupation in France, 1939-2009. Durham Modern Languages Series . Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp. 232-241. ISBN 978-0-7190-8755-4

Morris, Alan; Heck, Maryline and Guidée, Raphaëlle, eds. (2012) Patrick Modiano et le fait divers. In: Modiano. Cahiers de l'Herne, Paris, pp. 61-66. ISBN 9782851971678

Morris, A.I.; Milne, Lorna and Orr, Mary, eds. (2011) The Mémoires of Doctor Lamballe and Mister Swing Troubadour : Echoes of Vidocq and Robert Louis Stevenson in Patrick Modiano's La Ronde de nuit. In: Narratives of French Modernity. Modern French Identities . Peter Lang AG, Oxford, pp. 123-138. ISBN 9783039110513

Morris, A.I.; Julien, Anne-Yvonne, ed. (2010) Des dimanches pas si doux : La mémoire de l'Occupation dans Dimanches d'août (1986). In: Modiano ou les Intermittences de la Mémoire. Éditions Hermann, Paris, pp. 111-128. ISBN 978-2-7056-6954-6

Morris, A.I. (2009) From social outcasts to stars of the mainstream : the combatants of the collaboration in postwar France. Journal of War and Culture Studies, 2 (2). pp. 167-179. ISSN 1752-6272

Morris, A.I.; Charnley, Joy and Moreau, C and Morris, A.I., eds. (2009) 'Les Fourberies de ce calepin': puns, wordplay and allusion in the French polar. In: Words and Things: Essays in Memory of Keith Foley. Glasgow University French and German Publications, Glasgow, pp. 13-35. ISBN 0852618387

Morris, A.I. (2009) Words and Things: Essays in Memory of Keith Foley. Glasgow University French and German Publications, Glasgow. ISBN 0852618387

Morris, A.I.; Flower, J.E., ed. (2007) And the 'Bande' played on: an intertext for Patrick Modiano's Les Boulevards de ceinture. In: Patrick Modiano. Rodopi, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 33-48. ISBN 9042023161

Morris, A.I.; Gascoigne, D.J., ed. (2007) Roman noir, années noires: the French Néo-Polar and the Occupation's legacy of violence. In: Violent Histories. Peter Lang AG, pp. 131-154. ISBN 3039103171

Morris, A.I. (2006) 'Avec Klarsfeld, contre l'oubli': Patrick Modiano's Dora Bruder. Journal of European Studies, 36 (3). pp. 269-293. ISSN 0047-2441

Morris, Alan (2005) Collaboration and resistance in occupied France : representing treason and sacrifice. [Review]

Morris, Alan (2005) Autour de la 'Lettre aux directeurs de la résistance' de Jean Paulhan. [Review]

Morris, A.I. (2005) Un chien (de) perdu, deux de retrouvés: Patrick Modiano's Chien de printemps and Joseph Losey's Mr. Klein. French Studies Bulletin, 26 (97). pp. 4-7. ISSN 0262-2750

Morris, A.I. (2002) Review of Gellings, Paul, Poésie et mythe dans l'œuvre de Patrick Modiano: le fardeau du nomade. [Review]

Morris, A.I. (2000) Patrick Modiano. Rodopi, Amsterdam and Atlanta. ISBN 9042013613

Morris, A.I.; Peitsch, H. and Burdett, C. and Gorrara, C., eds. (1999) A Child in Time: Patrick Modiano and the Memory of the Occupation. In: European Memories of the Second World War. Berghahn Books, New York and Oxford, pp. 230-237. ISBN 1571819363

Morris, Alan; Guyot-Bender, M. and Vander Wolk, W., eds. (1998) A Photographic Memory : Ambiguity in Chien de printemps. In: Paradigms of Memory. Currents in comparative romance languages and literatures . Peter Lang AG, New York, pp. 73-87. ISBN 9780820438641

Morris, Alan (1996) Patrick Modiano. New Directions in European Writing . Berg, Oxford, Washington DC. ISBN 1-85973-098-1

Morris, Alan (1992) Collaboration and Resistance Reviewed: Writers and the "Mode retro" in Post-Gaullist France. Berg French Studies Series . Berg, Oxford and New York. ISBN 0-85496-634-X

Morris, Alan; Tilby, M.J., ed. (1990) Patrick Modiano. In: Beyond the 'Nouveau Roman'. Berg, Oxford, pp. 177-200. ISBN 9780854966110

Morris, Alan; Higgins, I.R.W, ed. (1986) Attacks on the Gaullist "Myth" in French Literature since 1969. In: The Second World War in Literature. Scottish Academic Press, Edinburgh, pp. 71-83. ISBN 0-7073-0427-X

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