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Number of items: 17.

Daly, Angela and Miyake, Esperanza and Porter, Andy and Berti Suman, Anna and Nic Daéid, Niamh and Switzer, Stephanie and Tetley-Brown, Lucille and Valero, Julián (2024) Valuing Public Sector Data in Scotland and Europe : Data Governance for Economic, Environmental and Social Development. Leverhulme Research Centre for Forensic Science.

Miyake, Esperanza (2024) We are living in a 'digital dark age' - here's how to protect your photos, videos and other data. The Conversation.

Miyake, Esperanza; Cowgill, Rachel and Scott, Derek B., eds. (2023) Mancunian Pride : The city, lesbian and gay culture, and local music-making practices. In: Music and the Idea of the North. Routledge. ISBN 9781409422914

Daly, Angela and Sorbie, Annie and Shah, Ruchir and Miyake, Esperanza and Birchenall, Colin and Mayor, Charlie and Young, Carol and Weir, Alexander and Kelly, Ronnie (2023) Final Report of the Independent Expert Group for the Unlocking the Value of Data Programme. Scottish Government, Edinburgh.

Miyake, Esperanza; (2023) (En)forcing the Tokyo 2020 Olympics : Japan and racialized digital disengagement. In: Digital Disengagement. Bristol University Press, Bristol. ISBN 9781529234657

Miyake, Esperanza (2023) I am a virtual girl from Tokyo : virtual influencers, digital-Orientalism and the (im)materiality of race and gender. Journal of Consumer Culture, 23 (1). pp. 209-228. ISSN 1469-5405

Tetley-Brown, Lucille and Daly, Angela and Miyake, Esperanza and Sorbie, Annie (2022) Unlocking public value from personal data? Brokering citizen-centred data-use spaces for the private sector – the Scottish Example. Other. Zenodo, Geneva, Switzerland.

Miyake, Esperanza and Kuntsman, Adi (2022) Paradoxes of Digital Disengagement : In Search of the Opt-Out Button. University of Westminster Press, London. ISBN 9781914386336

Mavroeidi, Alexandra and Innes, Ryan and Miyake, Esperanza and Rasmussen Pennington, Diane (2022) Why were Twitter users obsessed with Vitamin D during the first year of the pandemic? Other. medRxiv, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.

Miyake, Esperanza and Martin, Sam (2021) Long Covid : online patient narratives, public health communication and vaccine hesitancy. Digital Health, 7. ISSN 2055-2076

Miyake, Esperanza (2021) Are the digital tools we’ve got used to during the pandemic subject to misuse? EachOther.

Miyake, Esperanza (2021) Why binge-watching TV might not replace weekly instalments. The Conversation.

Kuntsman, Adi and Miyake, Esperanza and Martin, Sam (2019) Re-thinking digital health : data, appisation and the (im)possibility of 'opting out'. Digital Health, 5. pp. 1-16.

Kuntsman, Adi and Miyake, Esperanza (2019) The paradox and continuum of digital disengagement : denaturalising digital sociality and technological connectivity. Media, Culture and Society, 41 (6). pp. 901-913. ISSN 0163-4437

Miyake, Esperanza (2016) Politicising motorcycles : racialised capital of technology, techno-orientalism and Japanese spatio-temporality. East Asian Journal of Popular Culture, 2 (2). pp. 209-224. ISSN 2051-7084

Kuntsman, Adi and Miyake, Esperanza (2016) A digital future for children? LSE, London.

Miyake, Esperanza (2004) My, is that Cyborg a little Queer? : (essay competition winner). Journal of International Women’s Studies, 5 (2). 6. ISSN 1539-8706

This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 17:46:30 2025 BST.