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Zhang, Yu and Lassalle, Paul (2024) Entrepreneurial well-being of expatriate entrepreneurs : self and world. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 30 (10). pp. 2782-2801. ISSN 1355-2554
Yamamura, Sakura and Lassalle, Paul (2024) Transnational networks and mobilities of IT migrant entrepreneurs in a globalizing world. Globalizations, 21 (3). pp. 531-551. ISSN 1474-7731
Imiren, Efe and Lassalle, Paul and Mwaura, Samuel and Nicolopoulou, Katerina (2023) Understanding legitimacy building in contexts through digital entrepreneurship. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research.
Yamamura, S. and Lassalle, P. and Shaw, E. (2022) Intersecting where? The multi-scalar contextual embeddedness of intersectional entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 34 (9-10). pp. 828-851. ISSN 0898-5626
Yamamura, Sakura and Lassalle, Paul (2022) Borders of immersive fieldwork - a methodological critique of entrepreneurship. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 23 (3). pp. 215-224. ISSN 1465-7503
Yamamura, Sakura and Lassalle, Paul (2022) Extending mixed embeddedness to a multi-dimensional concept of transnational entrepreneurship. Comparative Migration Studies, 10. 14. ISSN 2214-594x
Lassalle, Paul and Shaw, Eleanor (2021) Trailing wives and constrained agency among women migrant entrepreneurs : an intersectional perspective. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 45 (6). pp. 1496-1521. ISSN 1042-2587
Korede, Tayo and Al Mamun, Abdullah and Lassalle, Paul and Giazitzoglu, Andreas (2021) Exploring innovation in challenging contexts : the experiences of ethnic minority restaurant owners during COVID-19. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 24 (1). pp. 19-31. ISSN 1465-7503
Pattinson, Steven and Lassalle, Paul and Heinonen, Jarna and Scott, Jonathan M and Preece, David (2021) Exploring ideas generation through a shared artifact : the case of GasTec. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 23 (1). pp. 58-68. ISSN 1465-7503
Lassalle, Paul and Johanson, Martin and Nicholson, John D. and Ratajczack-Mrozek, Milena (2020) Migrant entrepreneurship and markets : the dynamic role of embeddedness in networks in the creation of opportunities. Industrial Marketing Management, 91. pp. 523-536. ISSN 0019-8501
Yamamura, Sakura and Lassalle, Paul (2020) Approximating entrepreneurial superdiversity : reconceptualizing the superdiversity debate in ethnic minority entrepreneurship. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46 (11). pp. 2218-2239. ISSN 1369-183X
Masango, Shingairai and Lassalle, Paul (2020) What entrepreneurs do? Entrepreneurial action guided by entrepreneurial opportunities and entrepreneurial learning in early internationalising firms. International Marketing Review, 37 (6). pp. 1083-1119. ISSN 0265-1335
Yamamura, Sakura and Lassalle, Paul (2019) Proximities and the emergence of regional industry : evidence of the liability of smallness in Malta. European Planning Studies. ISSN 0965-4313
Lassalle, Paul (2018) Opportunity recognition among migrant entrepreneurs : household, community and the haphazard nature of migrants' entrepreneurial decisions. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. ISSN 1465-7503
Lassalle, Paul and Scott, Jonathan M. (2017) Breaking-out? A reconceptualisation of the business development process through diversification : the case of Polish new migrant entrepreneurs in Glasgow. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. ISSN 1369-183X
Lassalle, Paul and McElwee, Gerard (2016) Polish entrepreneurs in Glasgow and entrepreneurial opportunity structure. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 22 (2). pp. 260-281. ISSN 1355-2554
Book Section
Shaw, Eleanor and Sahasranamam, Sreevas and Lall, Saurabh and Mwaura, Samuel and Ates, Aylin and Lassalle, Paul; (2024) Scotland narrative. In: The Gender Index Report 2024. The Gender Index, [s.l], pp. 17-20.
Vershinina, Natalia and Rodgers, Peter and Xheneti, Mirela and Brzozowski, Jan and Lassalle, Paul; Vershinina, Natalia and Rodgers, Peter and Xheneti, Mirela and Brzozowski, Jan and Lassalle, Paul, eds. (2021) Global migration, entrepreneurship and society : setting the new research agenda. In: Global Migration, Entrepreneurship and Society. Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research, 13 . Emerald, Bingley, West Yorkshire, pp. 1-7. ISBN 9781839820960
Yamamura, Sakura and Lassalle, Paul; Vershinina, Natalia and Rodgers, Peter and Xheneti, Mirela and Brzozowski, Jan and Lassalle, Paul, eds. (2021) Notions and practices of differences : an epilogue on the diversity of entrepreneurship & migration. In: Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research. Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research, 13 . Emerald, Bingley, West Yorkshire, pp. 195-211. ISBN 9781839820960
Johnston, Andrew and Lassalle, Paul and Yamamura, Sakura; Gråsjö, Urban and Karlsson, Charlie and Bernhard, Iréne, eds. (2018) Re-conceptualising entrepreneurial ecosystems : a theoretical exploration. In: Geography, Open Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Edward Elgar, Northampton, MA, pp. 221-235. ISBN 9781786439895
Lassalle, Paul and Johnston, Andrew; O'Connor, Allan and Stam, Erik and Sussan, Fiona and Audretsch, David B., eds. (2018) Where are the spiders? Proximities and access to the entrepreneurial ecosystem : the case of Polish migrant entrepreneurs in Glasgow. In: Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. International Series in Entrepreneurship, 38 . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 131-152. ISBN 9783319655309
Shaw, Eleanor and Sahasranamam, Sreevas and Lall, Saurabh and Mwaura, Samuel and Ates, Aylin and Lassalle, Paul (2024) The Gender Index Overview for Scotland 2024. The Gender Index, [s.l].
Slater, Aaron and Ates, Aylin and Shaw, Eleanor and Lassalle, Paul and Mwaura, Samuel (2023) The Gender Index 2023. The Gender Index, [London].
Mwaura, Samuel and Levie, Jonathan and Lassalle, Paul and Drakopoulou Dodd, Sarah and Stoyanov, Stoyan (2019) Starting Over : Migrant Entrepreneurship in Scotland. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Mwaura, Samuel and Levie, Jonathan and Lassalle, Paul and Stoyanov, Stoyan and Carter, Sara (2018) Taking steps to combat barriers to ethnic minority enterprise in Scotland. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Yamamura, Sakura and Lassalle, Paul (2019) Approximating entrepreneurial superdiversity : reconceptualizing the superdiversity debate in ethnic minority entrepreneurship. Preprint / Working Paper. Max Planck Institute.