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Carlu, M. and Chehab, O. and Dalla Porta, L. and Depannemaecker, D. and Héricé, C. and Jedynak, M. and Köksal Ersöz, E. and Muratore, P. and Souihel, S. and Capone, C. and Zerlaut, Y. and Destexhe, A. and di Volo, M. (2020) A mean-field approach to the dynamics of networks of complex neurons, from nonlinear Integrate-and-Fire to Hodgkin-Huxley models. Journal of Neurophysiology, 123 (3). pp. 1042-1051. ISSN 0022-3077
Ho, Elton and Smith, Richard and Goetz, Georges A and Lei, Xin and Galambos, Ludwig and Kamins, Theodore I and Harris, James and Mathieson, Keith and Palanker, Daniel and Sher, Alexander (2017) Spatio-temporal characteristics of retinal response to network-mediated photovoltaic stimulation. Journal of Neurophysiology. pp. 1-29. ISSN 0022-3077
Boinagrov, David and Pangratz-Fuehrer, Susanne and Suh, Bongsoo and Mathieson, Keith and Naik, Natasha and Palanker, Daniel (2012) Upper threshold of extracellular neural stimulation. Journal of Neurophysiology, 108 (12). pp. 3233-3238.
Barthélemy, D. and Willerslev-Olsen, M. and Lundell, Henrik and Conway, B.A. and Knudsen, H. and Biering-Sørensen, F. and Nielsen, J.B. (2010) Impaired transmission in the corticospinal tract and gait disability in spinal cord injured persons. Journal of Neurophysiology, 104 (2). pp. 1167-1176. ISSN 0022-3077
Hansen, N.L. and Conway, B.A. and Halliday, D.M. and Hansen, S. and Pyndt, H.S. and Biering-Sorensen, F. and Nielsen, J.B. (2005) Reduction of common synaptic drive to ankle dorsiflexor motoneurons during walking in patients with spinal cord lesion. Journal of Neurophysiology, 94 (2). pp. 934-942. ISSN 0022-3077
Halliday, D.M. and Conway, B.A. and Christensen, L.O.D. and Hansen, N.L. and Peterson, N.P. and Neilsen, J.B. (2003) Functional coupling of motor units is modulated during walking in human subjects. Journal of Neurophysiology, 89 (2). pp. 960-968. ISSN 0022-3077