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Mathematics & Statistics hosts the Marine Population Modelling group which is engaged in research into topics surrounding marine resource modelling and ecology. Recent work has included important developments in the population modelling of marine species.

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Number of items: 15.

Terziev, Momchil and Tezdogan, Tahsin and Incecik, Atilla (2019) Influence of mixed flows on ship hydrodynamics in dredged channels. In: 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, 2019-06-09 - 2019-06-14, Scottish Event Campus.

Gray-Stephens, Angus and Tezdogan, Tahsin and Day, Sandy (2019) Strategies to minimise numerical ventilation in CFD simulations of high-speed planing hulls. In: 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, 2019-06-09 - 2019-06-14, Scottish Event Campus.

Yang, Injun and Tezdogan, Tahsin and Incecik, Atilla (2019) A validation of a pivoted point absorber type wave energy converter using CFD. In: 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, 2019-06-09 - 2019-06-14, Scottish Event Campus.

Lin, Z. and Stetco, A. and Carmona-Sanchez, J. and Cevasco, D. and Collu, M. and Nenadic, G. and Marjanovic, O. and Barnes, M. (2019) Progress on the development of a holistic coupled model of dynamics for offshore wind farms : phase II - study on a data-driven based reduced-order model for a single wind turbine. In: 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, 2019-06-09 - 2019-06-14, Scottish Event Campus.

Song, Soonseok and Demirel, Yigit Kemal and Atlar, Mehmet (2019) An investigation into the effect of biofouling on full-scale propeller performance using CFD. In: 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, 2019-06-09 - 2019-06-14, Scottish Event Campus.

Zhou, Yang and Xiao, Qing and Liu, Yuanchuan and Incecik, Atilla and Peyrard, Christophe (2019) Investigation of focused wave impact on floating platform for offshore floating wind turbine : a CFD study. In: 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, 2019-06-09 - 2019-06-14, Scottish Event Campus.

Serret, Jordi and Tezdogan, Tahsin and Stratford, Tim and Thies, Philipp R. and Venugopal, Vengatesan (2019) Baseline design of the deep turbine installation-floating, a new floating wind concept. In: 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, 2019-06-09 - 2019-06-14, Scottish Event Campus.

Recalde, Luis and Yue, Hong and Leithead, William and Anaya-Lara, Olimpo and Liu, Hongda and You, Jiang (2019) Hybrid renewable energy systems sizing for offshore multi-purpose platforms. In: 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, 2019-06-09 - 2019-06-14, Scottish Event Campus.

Marino, Alessandro and Atlar, Mehmet and Demirel, Yigit K. (2019) An investigation of the effect of biomimetic tubercles on a flat plate. In: 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, 2019-06-09 - 2019-06-14, Scottish Event Campus.

Luo, Yang and Xiao, Qing and Shi, Guangyu and Yuan, Zhiming and Wen, Li (2019) A fluid-structure interaction study on a passively deformed fish fin. In: 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, 2019-06-09 - 2019-06-14, Scottish Event Campus.

Liang, Yibo and Tao, Longbin (2019) Hydrodynamics interactions on vortex-induced motions of a multi-body floating system. In: 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, 2019-06-09 - 2019-06-14, Scottish Event Campus.

Ren, Xiudi and Liang, Yibo and Tao, Longbin (2019) Nonlinear wave surface elevation characteristics analysis around a multi-body offshore platforms system. In: 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, 2019-06-09 - 2019-06-14, Scottish Event Campus.

Adcock, Thomas A.A. and Feng, Xingya and Tang, Tianning and Bremer, Ton S. Van den and Day, Sandy and Dai, Saishuai and Li, Ye and Lin, Zhiliang and Xu, Wentao and Taylor, Paul H. (2019) Application of phase decomposition to the analysis of random time series from wave basin tests. In: 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, 2019-06-09 - 2019-06-14, Scottish Event Campus.

Amirafshari, Peyman and Stacey, Alexander (2019) Review of available probabilistic models of the crack growth parameters in the Paris equation. In: 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, 2019-06-09 - 2019-06-14, Scottish Event Campus.

Ruzzo, Carlo and Failla, Giuseppe and Arena, Felice and Collu, Maurizio and Li, Liang and Mariotti, Alessandra (2019) Analysis of the coupled dynamics of an offshore floating multi-purpose platform, part B : hydro-elastic analysis with flexible support platform. In: 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, 2019-06-09 - 2019-06-14, Scottish Event Campus.

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