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Jump to: 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019
Number of items: 10.


Li, Xiang and Xiao, Qing and Zhou, Yang and Ning, Dezhi and Incecik, Atilla and Nicoll, Ryan and McDonald, Anthony and Campbell, David (2022) Coupled CFD-MBD numerical modeling of a mechanically coupled WEC array. Ocean Engineering, 256. 111541. ISSN 0029-8018

Zhou, Yang and Xiao, Qing and Liu, Yuanchuan and Incecik, Atilla and Peyrard, Christophe and Wan, Decheng and Pan, Guang and Li, Sunwei (2022) Exploring inflow wind condition on floating offshore wind turbine aerodynamic characterisation and platform motion prediction using blade resolved CFD simulation. Renewable Energy, 182. pp. 1060-1079. ISSN 0960-1481


Wang, Lu and Robertson, Amy and Jonkman, Jason and Yu, Yi-Hisang and Kroop, Arjen and Nadal, Adrià Borràs and Li, Haoran and Bachynski-Polić, Erin and Pinguet, Romain and Shi, Wei and Zeng, Xinmeng and Zhou, Yang and Xiao, Qing and Kumar, Rupesh and Sarlak, Hamid and Ransley, Edward and Brown, Scott and Hann, Martyn and Netzband, Stefan and Wermbter, Malwin and Méndez López, Beatriz (2021) OC6 Phase Ib : validation of the CFD predictions of difference-frequency wave excitation on a FOWT semisubmersible. Ocean Engineering, 241. 110026. ISSN 0029-8018

Zhou, Yang and Xiao, Qing and Peyrard, Christophe and Pan, Guang (2021) Assessing focused wave applicability on a coupled aero-hydro-mooring FOWT system using CFD approach. Ocean Engineering, 240. 109987. ISSN 0029-8018

Zhou, Yang and Xiao, Qing and Liu, Yuanchuan and Incecik, Atilla and Peyrard, Christophe and Wan, Decheng and Li, Sunwei (2021) A CFD study for floating offshore wind turbine aerodynamics in turbulent wind field. In: ASME 2020 3nd International Offshore Wind Technical Conference, 2021-02-14 - 2021-02-17.

Wang, Lu and Robertson, Amy and Jonkman, Jason and Yu, Yi-Hsiang and Koop, Arjen and Nadal, Adrià Borràs and Li, Haoran and Shi, Wei and Pinguet, Romain and Zhou, Yang and Xiao, Qing and Kumar, Rupesh and Sarlak, Hamid; (2021) Investigation of nonlinear difference-frequency wave excitation on a semisubmersible offshore-wind platform with bichromatic-wave CFD simulations. In: Proceedings of the ASME 2021 3rd International Offshore Wind Technical Conference, IOWTC 2021. ASME, New York. ISBN 9780791884768


Zhou, Yang and Dai, Saishuai and Day, Sandy and Xiao, Qing and Coppini, Michael (2020) An experimental and CFD study of the extreme waves impact on OC3-Hywind Spar Floating offshore wind turbine. In: 7th PRIMaRE Conference, 2020-07-07 - 2020-07-08, University of Plymouth and Plymouth Marine Laboratory.

Li, Xiang and Xiao, Qing and Zhou, Yang and Incecik, Atilla and Ning, Dezhi (2020) A study on wave energy array with CFD combined with multibody dynamic method. In: 7th PRIMaRE Conference, 2020-07-07 - 2020-07-08, University of Plymouth and Plymouth Marine Laboratory.


Zhou, Yang and Xiao, Qing and Liu, Yuanchuan and Incecik, Atilla and Peyrard, Christophe and Li, Sunwei and Pan, Guang (2019) Numerical modelling of dynamic responses of a floating offshore wind turbine subject to focused waves. Energies, 12 (18). 3482. ISSN 1996-1073

Zhou, Yang and Xiao, Qing and Liu, Yuanchuan and Incecik, Atilla and Peyrard, Christophe (2019) Investigation of focused wave impact on floating platform for offshore floating wind turbine : a CFD study. In: 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, 2019-06-09 - 2019-06-14, Scottish Event Campus.

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