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Lepori, Luca and Trombettoni, Andrea and Giuliano, Domenico and Kombe, Johannes and Yago Malo, Jorge and Daley, Andrew J and Smerzi, Augusto and Luisa Chiofalo, Maria (2023) Can multipartite entanglement be characterized by two-point connected correlation functions? Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 56 (30). 305302. ISSN 1751-8113
Mikheev, Evgeny and Rosen, Ilan T. and Kombe, Johannes and Damanet, François and Kastner, Marc A. and Goldhaber-Gordon, David (2023) A clean ballistic quantum point contact in strontium titanate. Nature Electronics, 6 (6). 417–424. ISSN 2520-1131
Harrison, Timothy and Link, Martin and Behrle, Alexandra and Gao, Kuiyi and Kell, Andreas and Kombe, Johannes and Bernier, Jean-Sébastien and Kollath, Corinna and Köhl, Michael (2021) Decay and revival of a transient trapped Fermi condensate. Physical Review Research, 3 (2). 023205. ISSN 2643-1564