Multi-GeV cascaded laser wakefield acceleration in a hybrid capillary discharge waveguide

Qin, Zhiyong and Li, Wentao and Liu, Jiaqi and Liu, Jiansheng and Wang, Wentao and Yu, Changhai and Zhang, Zhijun and Wang, Xinliang and Li, Jinfeng and Leng, Yuxin and Liang, Xiaoyan and Li, Ruxin and Xu, Zhizhan (2022) Multi-GeV cascaded laser wakefield acceleration in a hybrid capillary discharge waveguide. New Journal of Physics, 24 (7). 073048. ISSN 1367-2630 (

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Based on a 6 cm-long two-segment hybrid capillary discharge waveguide, a multi-GeV electron beam with energy up to 3.2 GeV and 9.7% rms energy spread was achieved in a cascaded laser wakefield acceleration scheme, powered by an on-target 210 TW laser pulse. The electron beam was trapped in the first segment via ionization-induced injection, and then seeded into the second segment for further acceleration. The long-distance stable guiding of the laser pulse and suppression of the dark current inside the second-segment capillary played an important role in the generation of high-energy electron beams, as demonstrated by quasi-three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations.