Informal settlements and international migrants : the city of Rome (Italy) as case study

Abbasi, Saira and Lauri, Cristiana; (2022) Informal settlements and international migrants : the city of Rome (Italy) as case study. In: Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 1044-1051. ISBN 9781914241161

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Today, urbanization is happening at an unprecedentedly rapid rate, owing heavily to the influx of migrants. Empirical evidence shows the development of informal settlements in cities as a result of migration, including Rome. Furthermore, information on informal settlements is either insufficient or inadequate, which makes it challenging for architects, urban planners, and policymakers to form viable solutions to deal with the situations of informality. The main focus of the research is to study the Authorized Nomadic Camps, illegal and tolerated squatter settlements of the Metropolitan City of Rome from 1990-2021, and the laws, regulations, and policies that have shaped them. Mixed research methodology and descriptive-analytical techniques are used to analyze the data collected via field research, site visit, interviews, and study of existing literature and maps. The analysis of morphological changes of the selected sites is done using images from Goggle Earth Time Lapse dating from 2001 – 2021. This research identifies that most of the settlements have been located by the Municipality in segregated and marginalized areas of the city with poor transport and mobility, and inadequate conditions of housing, access to services. Furthermore, the Gordiani Campo Nomadi need not be entirely evacuated and demolished, as it and the area around Via Gordiani have the potential to be developed in a way that meets the needs of all stakeholders, and most importantly the current dwellers of the camp. This will help alleviate the sense of trauma and loss experienced by uprooting and evicting them. Case studies and urban analysis reveals the involvement of the community, effective communication, and participation between all stakeholders are pertinent to design long-term sustainable solutions.