Exact quantum dynamics in structured environments

Gribben, Dominic and Strathearn, Aidan and Iles-Smith, Jake and Kilda, Dainius and Nazir, Ahsan and Lovett, Brendon W. and Kirton, Peter (2020) Exact quantum dynamics in structured environments. Physical Review Research, 2 (1). 013265. ISSN 2643-1564 (https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.013265)

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The dynamics of a wide range of technologically important quantum systems are dominated by their interaction with just a few environmental modes. Such highly structured environments give rise to long-lived bath correlations that induce complex dynamics which are very difficult to simulate. These difficulties are further aggravated when spatial correlations between different parts of the system are important. By modeling the dynamics of a pair of two-level quantum systems in a common, structured, environment we show that a recently developed general purpose numerical approach, the time-evolving matrix product operator, is capable of accurate simulation under exactly these conditions. We find that tuning the separation to match the wavelength of the dominant environmental modes can drastically modify the system dynamics. To further explore this behavior, we show that the full dynamics of the bath can be calculated directly from those of the system, thus allowing us to develop intuition for the complex dynamics observed.