Talent management motives and practices in an emerging market : a comparison between MNEs and local firms

Glaister, Alison and Tatoglu, Ekrem and Demirbag, Mehmet (2016) Talent management motives and practices in an emerging market : a comparison between MNEs and local firms. Journal of World Business, 51 (2). pp. 278-293. ISSN 1090-9516 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jwb.2015.11.001)

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This paper compares the differences in talent management motivations and practices between MNEs and local firms in the emerging market of Turkey. It uses institutional theory and the resource based view of the firm to explain these differences. Examining data from 201 firms the findings show significant differences between the talent management motives of MNEs and local firms, with MNEs having more tactical motivations for their talent management systems. The study also shows significant differences in the talent management practices between MNEs and local firms, with MNEs implementing more robust systems of talent management overall. The findings indicate that the motives for TM and the practices that are pursued by organizations are society-bound. The study of TM motives and practices has to be framed within the context of the institution as this shapes the way in which actors perceive and respond to environmental and organizational stimuli and the extent to which they seek to protect the rules that shape and structure their environments.

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