Deaf and Disabled Children Talking about Child Protection [Research Summary]

Taylor, Julie and Cameron, Audrey and Jones, Christine and Franklin, Anita and Stalker, Kirsten and Fry, Deborah (2015) Deaf and Disabled Children Talking about Child Protection [Research Summary]. University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh.

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All children have a right to be safe. This study was commissioned by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) to address a significant gap in current understandings of deaf and disabled children and young people's experiences of the child protection system. Research shows that in addition to being at greater risk of experiencing child abuse, deaf and disabled children experience a range of barriers in accessing appropriate responses. The abuse of deaf and disabled children is underreported and often hidden and a range of myths and stereotypes surround the abuse they experience. These perpetuate the silence around such abuse and present barriers to help seeking, timely recognition and effective response.