Draft genome sequence of the sexually transmitted pathogen Trichomonas vaginalis
Carlton, J.M. and Hirt, R.P. and Silva, J.C. and Delcher, A.L. and Schatz, M. and Zhao, Q. and Wortmam, J.R. and Bidwell, S.L. and Coombs, Graham H. (2007) Draft genome sequence of the sexually transmitted pathogen Trichomonas vaginalis. Science, 315 (5809). pp. 207-212. ISSN 0036-8075 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.1132894)
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We describe the genome sequence of the protist Trichomonas vaginalis, a sexually transmitted human pathogen. Repeats and transposable elements comprise about two-thirds of the 160-megabase genome, reflecting a recent massive expansion of genetic material. This expansion, in conjunction with the shaping of metabolic pathways that likely transpired through lateral gene transfer from bacteria, and amplification of specific gene families implicated in pathogenesis and phagocytosis of host proteins may exemplify adaptations of the parasite during its transition to a urogenital environment. The genome sequence predicts previously unknown functions for the hydrogenosome, which support a common evolutionary origin of this unusual organelle with mitochondria.
Item type: Article ID code: 17201 Dates: DateEvent12 January 2007PublishedNotes: Strathprints' policy is to record up to 8 authors per publication, plus any additional authors based at the University of Strathclyde. More authors may be listed on the official publication than appear in the Strathprints' record. Subjects: Science > Chemistry
Science > Natural history > BiologyDepartment: Faculty of Science > Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences Depositing user: Strathprints Administrator Date deposited: 31 Mar 2010 15:47 Last modified: 13 Feb 2025 08:46 URI: https://strathprints.strath.ac.uk/id/eprint/17201