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Howieson, Stirling (2010) The numbers game - 55% lies, damned lies and statistics. Scotregen, Scottish Urban Regeneration Forum, 49. p. 12.
Howieson, Stirling (2010) The numbers game: Democracy... gone in 60 seconds! Scotregen, Scottish Urban Regeneration Forum, 50. p. 16.
Howieson, Stirling (2010) The numbers game : 206 GigaWatts – beam me up Scottie! Scotregen, Scottish Urban Regeneration Forum, 51. p. 14.
Howieson, Stirling (2010) The numbers game : 80- 200m2 Pigs, Pokes and Horses. Scotregen, Scottish Urban Regeneration Forum, 52. p. 14.
Howieson, Stirling (2009) The numbers game - 102333. Scotregen, Scottish Urban Regeneration Forum (45).
Howieson, Stirling (2009) The numbers game : 24 hours (to Tulsa?). Scotregen, Scottish Urban Regeneration Forum (46). p. 14.
Howieson, Stirling (2009) The numbers game - 13.... unlucky for some! Scotregen, Scottish Urban Regeneration Forum, 47. p. 14.
Howieson, Stirling (2009) The numbers game - 17.6% - Did Jesus have BUPA? Scotregen, Scottish Urban Regeneration Forum, 48. p. 14.
Howieson, Stirling (2008) The numbers game - 7:84 and 0.6:100. Scotregen, Scottish Urban Regeneration Forum (Issue ).
Howieson, Stirling (2008) The numbers game - 0.007 shaken not stirred. Scotregen, Scottish Urban Regeneration Forum (41). p. 12.
Howieson, Stirling (2008) The numbers game - 37 trillion. Scotregen, Scottish Urban Regeneration Forum (Issue ).
Howieson, Stirling (2008) The numbers game - 2 big bangs... one big mess. Scotregen, Scottish Urban Regeneration Forum (Issue ).
Howieson, Stirling (2007) The numbers game - %. Scotregen, Scottish Urban Regeneration Forum, 38 (Summer). p. 12.
Howieson, Stirling (2007) The numbers game - 3. Scotregen, Scottish Urban Regeneration Forum, 36 (winter). p. 12.
Howieson, Stirling (2007) The numbers game - 99. Scotregen, Scottish Urban Regeneration Forum, 40 (winter). p. 12.
Howieson, Stirling (2007) The numbers game - A certain ratio - 16:1. Scotregen, Scottish Urban Regeneration Forum, 39 (autumn).
Howieson, Stirling (2007) The numbers game - house prices. Scotregen, Scottish Urban Regeneration Forum, 37 (sprin ). p. 13.
Howieson, Stirling (2006) The numbers game - 50 - 5,000. Scotregen, Scottish Urban Regeneration Forum, 35. p. 12.
Howieson, Stirling (2006) The numbers game - 53.9. Scotregen, Scottish Urban Regeneration Forum, 34. p. 11.