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Number of items: 17.


Luz, Tatiana and Carvalho, Liliany and Alves, Jéssica and Passagli, Leila and Bueno, Angélica (2020) Neuropsychiatric drugs expenditure’ trends and drivers in Minas Gerais, Brazil, from 2010 to 2017. In: EuroDURG 2020, 2020-03-03 - 2020-03-07.

Carragher, Raymond Bernard and Mueller, Tanja and Bennie, Marion and Robertson, Chris (2020) Bayesian hierarchical approaches for multiple outcomes in routinely collected healthcare data. In: EuroDURG 2020, 2020-03-03 - 2020-03-07.

Luz, Tatiana and Passagli, Leila and Bueno, Maria Angélica and Alves, Jessica de Castro and Carvalho, Liliany Mara Silva (2020) Knowledge of prescribed drugs among primary care patients. In: EuroDURG 2020, 2020-03-03 - 2020-03-07.

Luz, Tatiana and Bueno, Maria Angélica and Passagli, Leila and Carvalho, Liliany and Alves, Jéssica (2020) Are medicines really available in the Brazilian public health system? In: EuroDURG 2020, 2020-03-03 - 2020-03-07.

Rampamba, Enos M and Meyer, Johanna C and Helberg, Elvera and Godman, Brian (2020) Medicines availability among hypertensive patients in primary healthcare facilities in a rural province in South Africa. In: EuroDURG 2020, 2020-03-03 - 2020-03-07.

Moorkens, Evelien and Godman, Brian and Huys, Isabelle and Vulto, Arnold G. (2020) The entry of adalimumab biosimilars in Europe : an overview of price evolution and country responses. In: EuroDURG 2020, 2020-03-03 - 2020-03-07.

Đermanović, Mirjana and Marković-Peković, Vanda and Bojanić, Ljubica and Godman, Brian and Zrnić, Kristina (2020) Eight-year study of antibiotic utilisation in the Republic of Srpska (2010-2017 years); findings and implications. In: EuroDURG 2020, 2020-03-03 - 2020-03-07.

Ali, Monadil and Alrasheedy, Alian A. and Kibuule, Dan and Godman, Brian and Hassali, Mohamed Azmi and Ali, Hamdan Mustafa Hamdan (2020) Assessment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) treatment outcomes in Sudan; findings and implications. In: EuroDURG 2020, 2020-03-03 - 2020-03-07.

Olaru, Ioana and Meierkord, Anne and Godman, Brian and Ngwenya, Crispen and Fitzgerald, Felicity and Dondo, Vogai and Ferrand, Rashida and Kranzer, Katharina (2020) Assessment of antimicrobial use and prescribing practices among paediatric inpatients in Zimbabwe. In: EuroDURG 2020, 2020-03-03 - 2020-03-07.

Alrasheedy, Alian A. and Alsalloum, Muath A. and Almuqbil, Feras A. and Almuzaini, Muaath A. and Alkhayl, Bandar S. and Albishri, Ahmed S. and Alharbi, Faisal F. and Alharbi, Saleh R. and Alodhayb, Abdullah K. and Alfadl, Abubakr A. and Godman, Brian and Anaam, Mohammed S. (2020) The impact of law enforcement on the dispensing antibiotics without prescription in Saudi Arabia : findings and implications. In: EuroDURG 2020, 2020-03-03 - 2020-03-07.

Chigome, Audrey K and Matlala, Moliehi and Godman, Brian and Meyer, Johanna C (2020) Availability and use of therapeutic interchange policies in managing antimicrobial shortages among South African public sector hospitals; findings and implications. In: EuroDURG 2020, 2020-03-03 - 2020-03-07.

Haines, Hester Michelle and Meyer, Johanna C and Summers, Robert S and Godman, B B (2020) Knowledge, attitudes and practices of healthcare professionals towards adverse drug reaction reporting among public sector primary healthcare facilities in a South African district. In: EuroDURG 2020, 2020-03-03 - 2020-03-07.

Sarmento, Túlio Tadeu and Godói, Isabella Piassi and Reis, Edna Afonso and Godman, Brian and Ruas, Cristina Mariano (2020) Consumer willingness to pay for a hypothetical Chikungunya vaccine in Brazil and the implications. In: EuroDURG 2020, 2020-03-03 - 2020-03-07.

Maponya, Mmaphehli Lauretta and Summers, Robert S and Meyer, Johanna C and Matlala, Moliehi and Godman, Brian and Bapela, Moshibudi P (2020) Adverse drug reactions in HIV-infected patients registered at four sentinel sites in South Africa. In: EuroDURG 2020, 2020-03-03 - 2020-03-07.

Modisakeng, Cynthia and Matlala, Moliehi and Godman, Brian and Meyer, Johanna C (2020) Medicine shortages and challenges with the procurement process among public sector hospitals in South Africa; findings and implications. In: EuroDURG 2020, 2020-03-03 - 2020-03-07.

Niaz, Qamar and Godman, Brian and Campbell, Stephen and Kibuule, Dan (2020) A qualitative evaluation of compliance to prescribing guidelines in public health care facilities in Namibia. In: EuroDURG 2020, 2020-03-03 - 2020-03-07.


Joseph, Ansu A. and Kurdi, Amanj and Bennie, Marion (2019) Development of a risk prediction tool for Clostridium difficile : a Scottish experience. In: EuroDURG 2020, 2020-03-03 - 2020-03-07. (In Press)

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