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Neal, Mary; Smith, Stephen W and Coggon, John and Hobson, Clark and Huxtable, Richard and McGuinness, Sheelagh and Miola, Jose and Neal, Mary, eds. (2017) Judgment 1 - St George's Healthcare NHS Trust v S [1999] Fam 26. In: Ethical Judgments. Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 229-234. ISBN 9781509904143
Smith, Stephen W and Coggon, John and Hobson, Clark and Huxtable, Richard and McGuinness, Sheelagh and Miola, José and Neal, Mary; Smith, Stephen W. and Coggon, John and Hobson, Clark and Huxtable, Richard and McGuinness, Sheelagh and Miola, José and Neal, Mary, eds. (2017) Conclusion : medical law re-written? In: Ethical Judgments. Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 255-259. ISBN 9781509904143
Smith, Stephen W and Coggon, John and Hobson, Clark and Huxtable, Richard and McGuinness, Sheelagh and Miola, José and Neal, Mary; Smith, Stephen W. and Coggon, John and Clark Hobson and Richard Huxtable and McGuinness, Sheelagh and Miola, José and Neal, Mary, eds. (2017) Introduction - medicine in the courtroom : judges, ethics and the law. In: Ethical Judgments. Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 1-10. ISBN 9781509904143