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Griffin, C. and Gu, E. and Choi, H.W. and Jeon, C.W. and Rolinski, O.J. and Birch, D.J.S. and Girkin, J.M. and Dawson, M.D. IEEE (2004) Fluorescence excitation and lifetime measurements using GaN/InGaN micro-LED arrays. In: Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, 2004. LEOS 2004. The 17th Annual Meeting of the IEEE. IEEE, pp. 896-897. ISBN 9780780385573
Gu, E. and Choi, H.W. and Liu, C. and Watson, I.M. and Girkin, J.M. and Dawson, M.D.; (2004) Bi-focal and negative microlens arrays in hard optical materials. In: Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, 2004. LEOS 2004. IEEE, pp. 360-361. ISBN 9780780385573
Laurand, N. and Calvez, S. and Dawson, M.D. and Bryce, A.C. and Jouhti, T. and Kontinnen, J. and Pessa, M.; (2004) Experimental comparison of multiple quantum well GaInNAs vertical-cavity SOAs. In: Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, 2004. LEOS 2004. IEEE, pp. 599-600. ISBN 9780780385573