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Borderías, Cristina and Harris, Bernard; Harris, Bernard and Gálvez, Lina and Machado, Helena, eds. (2009) Preface : Gender and wellbeing in Europe: historical and contemporary perspectives. In: Gender and Well-Being in Europe. Ashgate, Farnham, xvii-xix. ISBN 9780754672647
Harris, Bernard; Harris, Bernard and Gálvez, Lina and Machado, Helena, eds. (2009) Anthropometric history, gender and the measurement of wellbeing. In: Gender and wellbeing in Europe. Ashgate, Surrey, pp. 59-84. ISBN 9780754672647
Harris, Bernard and Gálvez, Lina and Machado, Helena; Harris, Bernard and Gálvez, Lina and Machado, Helena, eds. (2009) Gender and wellbeing from the historical and contemporary perspective. In: Gender and wellbeing in Europe. Ashgate, Farnham, pp. 1-20. ISBN 9780754672647
Harris, Bernard and Gálvez, Lina and Machado, Helena; Harris, Bernard and Gálvez, Lina and Machado, Helena, eds. (2009) Summary and Conclusions : Gender and Well-Being in Europe: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. In: Gender and Well-Being in Europe. Ashgate, Farnham, pp. 267-270. ISBN 9780754672647