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Pincik, E. and Kobayashi, H. and Gleskova, H. and Jergel, M. and Gmucova, K. and Brunner, R. and Falcony, C. and Zahoran, M. and Jurani, R. and Zeman, M. and Nadazdy, V. and van Swaaij, R. A. C. M. M. and Ortega, L.; Gmucova, K. and Brunner, R., eds. (2002) On structural properties of a-Si based semiconductors. In: Proceedings of 3rd SSSI - Solid State Surfaces and Intertfaces III. Solid state surfaces and interfaces III held in Smolenice Castle, Slovakia, November 2002 . Comenius University Press, SVK. ISBN 8022317926