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Bone, B D and Harris, R C and Smith, J W N and Boshoff, G A and Kalin, R M and Thurgood, R and Morgan, P.; Boshoff, G.A. and Bone, B.D., eds. (2005) The development and use of permeable reactive barrier technologies and potential future applications in the UK. In: Permeable reactive barriers. IAHS Publication . International Association of Hydrological Sciences, GBR, pp. 52-59. ISBN 1901502237
Kalin, R M and Myles, P. and McGeough, K; Boshoff, G.A. and Bone, B.D., eds. (2005) Carbon disulphide sources, risks and treatment : an emerging contaminant of environmental concern? In: Permeable reactive barriers. IAHS Publication . International Association of Hydrological Sciences, GBR, pp. 82-92. ISBN 1901502237