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Irons, A.D. and Stephens, P. and Ferguson, R.I. (2009) Digital Investigation as a distinct discipline: A pedagogic perspective. Digital Investigation, 6 (1-2). pp. 82-90. ISSN 1742-2876
Glassey, Richard and Stevenson, Graeme and Ferguson, Robert Ian (2007) Decentralised discovery of mobile objects. Information and Media Technologies, 2 (3). pp. 860-868. ISSN 1881-0896
Glassey, R. and Stevenson, G. and Ferguson, R.I. (2006) Mobile object location discovery in unpredictable environments. In: 3rd International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking, 2006-10-11 - 2006-10-13.
Shah, S.W. and Nixon, P. and Ferguson, R.I. (2004) On the use of IP multicast to facilitate group communication between mobile agents. In: IEEE/WIC/ACM International conference on Intelligent Agent Technology, 2004-09-20 - 2004-09-24.
Kirk, D.S. and Ferguson, R.I. (2004) moboNet: A Mobile Code System for .NET CF Devices. In: Workshop for recipients of the Microsoft Research Innovation Excellence Award for Embedded Systems, 2004-09-07 - 2004-09-08.
Glassey, Richard James and Ferguson, Robert Ian (2003) SpaceSemantics: an architecture for modeling environments. In: Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Location-aware Computing, Ubicomp 2003, 2003-10-12.
Stevenson, G. and Nixon, P. and Ferguson, R.I. (2003) A general purpose programming framework for ubiquitous computing environments. In: Ubisys: System Support for Ubiquitous Computing Workshop (UbiCom), 2003-10-12.
Glassey, Richard and Ferguson, Ian (2003) Modeling location for pervasive environments. In: 1st UK-UbiNet Workshop, 2003-09-25 - 2003-09-26.
Glassey, Richard and Stevenson, Graeme and Richmond, Matthew and Nixon, Paddy and Terzis, Sotitios and Wang, Feng and Ferguson, Ian (2003) Towards a middleware for generalised context management. In: First International Workshop on Middleware for Pervasive and Ad Hoc Computing, Middleware 2003, 2003-06-17.
Fongen, A. and Eliassen, F. and Ferguson, I. and Stobart, S. and Tait, J.; (2002) A scalable and fault-tolerant architecture for distributed web-resource discovery. In: Proceedings of the 14th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS 2002). ACTA Press, Cambridge, USA.
Fongen, A. and Eliassen, F. and Ferguson, I. and Stobart, S. and Tait, J.; (2001) Distributed resource discovery using a context sensitive infrastructure. In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services (IIWAS). IOS Press. ISBN 3854031505